Midweek update
NBC News reports that Wednesday evening, the Senate passed by unanimous consent a House passed bill to improve the Payment Protection Program that the CARES Act created to help small businesses with liquidity issues created by the great hunkering down.
UPI provides helpful context around the new Medicare program to control Medicare beneficiary out of pocket costs for insulin.
“Among commercially insured patients, high insulin prices do not necessarily translate to high out-of-pocket costs,” study co-author Dr. Amir Meiri, a research fellow with the Harvard Medical School Department of Population Medicine and a practicing internist, told UPI.
For these patients, “insulin out-of-pocket costs are generally lower than expected and declining, except among patients in high-deductible health plans with health savings accounts, who must pay for the full cost of medications — including insulin — until they reach their deductible,” Meiri said.
The time period for the study was 2007-16. Last year, the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to an executive order issued a ruling permitting coverage of insulin before the high deductible.
A friend of the FEHBlog called to his attention this 21st century, FDA approved digital stethoscope that could revolutionize care at home. Fierce Healthcare quotes Cambia Health’s chief medical officer who notes ““Telehealth as always been a benefit,” she said. “I think physicians now know that their patients want to use telehealth.”