Tuesday Report

From Washington, DC
- Today, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management released a list of its accomplishments during the Biden-Harris administration.
- Here is a link to Andreessen Horowitz bio of Scott Kupor who is President elect Trump’s designee for OPM Director.
- The Washington Post is maintaining a website outside its paywall providing comprehensive news on Mr. Trump’s nominations.
- The Wall Street Journal reports,
- “Two vaccine skeptics who had been advising Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as he prepares to become health secretary have been sidelined by Trump transition officials, people familiar with the matter said, underscoring a split over immunizations in the “Make America Healthy Again” movement.
- “Adviser Stefanie Spear and lawyer Aaron Siri had asked prospective administration hires about their beliefs around vaccines even if they were interviewing for posts that had little to do with immunizations, people familiar with the interviews said. Kennedy, whose hearings to lead the Department of Health and Human Services could start on Capitol Hill as early as next week, also lobbed questions related to inoculation, the people said.
- “The questions were different from those asked in separate meetings with President-elect Donald Trump’s staff, according to some of the people. Trump’s team asked about topics traditionally important to conservatives, such as the size of government and deregulation.
- “Siri is no longer advising the presidential transition, a transition spokeswoman confirmed, and people familiar with the matter said his vaccine stances played a role. Spear, who had told others she would be Kennedy’s chief of staff, was passed over for that post in favor of a veteran of the first Trump administration—in part because of her vaccine priorities and in part because of her lack of experience, according to people familiar with the matter.”
- The No Surprises Act regulators, which group includes OPM, released FAQ 69 which concerns an important opinion from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit handed down October 30, 2024. The Court has not issued its mandate in the case while it considers the Texas Medical Association’s motion for rehearing and rehearing en banc. The FAQ also includes compliance advice about the No Surprises Act anti-gag clause.
- Per a Federal Trade Commission news release,
- “The Federal Trade Commission today published a second interim staff report on the prescription drug middleman industry, which focuses on pharmacy benefit managers’ (PBMs) influence over specialty generic drugs, including significant price markups by PBMs for cancer, HIV, and a variety of other critical drugs.
- “Staff’s latest report found that the ‘Big 3 PBMs’—Caremark Rx, LLC (CVS), Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI), and OptumRx, Inc. (OptumRx)—marked up numerous specialty generic drugs dispensed at their affiliated pharmacies by thousands of percent, and many others by hundreds of percent. Such significant markups allowed the Big 3 PBMs and their affiliated specialty pharmacies to generate more than $7.3 billion in revenue from dispensing drugs in excess of the drugs’ estimated acquisition costs from 2017-2022. The Big 3 PBMs netted such significant revenues all while patient, employer, and other health care plan sponsor payments for drugs steadily increased annually, according to the staff report.”
- STAT News adds,
- “In response to the latest report, a CVS spokesperson wrote that “any proposed policy regulating PBMs should face a simple test: will this increase or decrease drug costs? Nearly all recently proposed ‘anti-PBM’ policies would ultimately increase U.S. drug costs and serve as a handout to the pharmaceutical industry. Instead of focusing on the impact to consumers and organizations that pay for prescription drugs, the FTC has prioritized comments from the conflicted pharmaceutical and pharmacy industries that would profit from a weakened PBM guardrail.”
- “The company also argued it is “inappropriate and misleading to draw broad conclusions from cherry-picked” generic drugs. Between 2017-2022, specialty generic products have represented less than 1.5% of total spending on medicines by health plans contracted with CVS. In contrast, branded specialty products represent more than 50% of total spending.
- “A spokeswoman for Cigna, which owns Express Scripts, wrote to say “this is another set of misleading conclusions based on a subset of medications that represent less than 2% of what our health plans spend on medications in a year — much like their first interim report that the FTC itself has already said is ‘limited’ and ‘tentative’. Nothing in the FTC’s report addresses the underlying cause of increasing drug prices, or helps employers, unions, and municipalities keep prescription benefits affordable for their members. We look forward to continuing to address the blatant inaccuracies in the Commission’s reports.”
- “One Wall Street analyst maintained the FCC report does not tell the complete PBM story. TD Cowen analyst Charles Rhyee wrote in an investor note that “the fundamental issue with the FTC’s claims… is that they use only data on specialty generics, a small subset of the overall drug market – 0.9% of total drug spending – and is not representative of the value that the PBM industry delivers as a whole.”
- Per a Food and Drug Administration press release,
- “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is announcing an important step to provide nutrition information to consumers by proposing to require a front-of-package (FOP) nutrition label for most packaged foods. This proposal plays a key role in the agency’s nutrition priorities, which are part of a government-wide effort in combatting the nation’s chronic disease crisis. If finalized, the proposal would give consumers readily visible information about a food’s saturated fat, sodium and added sugars content—three nutrients directly linked with chronic diseases when consumed in excess.
- “The proposed FOP nutrition label, also referred to as the “Nutrition Info box,” provides information on saturated fat, sodium and added sugars content in a simple format showing whether the food has “Low,” “Med” or “High” levels of these nutrients. It complements the FDA’s iconic Nutrition Facts label, which gives consumers more detailed information about the nutrients in their food.” * * *
- “Comments on the proposed rule can be submitted electronically to http://www.regulations.gov by May 16, 2025.”
- The Wall Street Journal adds,
- “It is unclear how the incoming Trump administration will view the rule. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the prospective next head of U.S. health policy, is a critic of processed foods and has been outspoken about his view that U.S. food companies are partly to blame for sickening Americans.
- “Consumer advocacy groups and public health organizations cheered the rule, though some said they hoped the Trump administration would consider labels similar to those adopted in other countries that bear more pointed warnings.
- “Industry groups have warned the FDA that they could sue to challenge mandatory front-of-package labels. Such labels, they said, could threaten First Amendment rights—because companies could consider them a form of forced speech—and only Congress has the authority to require them.”
- The New York Times reports,
- “Among both men and women, drinking just one alcoholic beverage a day increases the risk of liver cirrhosis, esophageal cancer, oral cancer and various types of injuries, according to a federal analysis of alcohol’s health effects issued on Tuesday.
- “Women face a higher risk of developing liver cancer at this level of drinking, but a lower risk of diabetes. And while one alcoholic drink daily also reduces the likelihood of strokes caused by blood clots among both men and women, the report found, even occasional heavy drinking negates the benefits.
- “The report, prepared by an outside scientific review panel under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services, is one of two competing assessments that will be used to shape the influential U.S. Dietary Guidelines, which are to be updated this year.”
- Monica M. Bertagnolli, M.D., issued a statement on ending her tenure as NIH director January 17, 2025. The FEHBlog has enjoyed her Director’s blog entries.
From the public health and medical research front,
- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force today gave B grades to the following recommended preventive services:
- “The USPSTF recommends screening for osteoporosis to prevent osteoporotic fractures in women 65 years or older.”
- “The USPSTF recommends screening for osteoporosis to prevent osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women younger than 65 years who are at increased risk for an osteoporotic fracture as estimated by clinical risk assessment.”
- and an inconclusive grade to the following preventive service
- “The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for osteoporosis to prevent osteoporotic fractures in men.”
- The USPSTF notes,
- “This recommendation updates the 2018 USPSTF recommendation on screening for osteoporosis. In 2018, the USPSTF recommended screening for osteoporosis with bone measurement testing to prevent osteoporotic fractures in women 65 years or older and in postmenopausal women younger than 65 years who are at increased risk of osteoporosis, as determined by a formal clinical risk assessment tool.45 For the current recommendation, the USPSTF has noted that screening can include DXA BMD, with or without fracture risk assessment. The current recommendation is otherwise generally consistent with the 2018 recommendation.”
- The Journal of the American Medical Association expands on this USPSTF note in an editorial comment.
- “At first glance, the updated US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendation Statement on osteoporosis screening1 appears nearly identical to the previous 2018 statement, especially regarding the recommendation for universal screening in women 65 years or older and insufficient evidence to support a recommendation for or against screening in men. However, subtle revisions to the 2018 recommendation2 may result in substantive changes in screening of younger postmenopausal women in clinical practice. While a B recommendation for higher-risk postmenopausal women younger than 65 years is common to both statements, the 2018 statement recommended assessing risk of osteoporosis in these women using a formal clinical risk assessment tool, whereas the 2024 Recommendation Statement1 recommends screening those at increased risk for an osteoporotic fracture as estimated by clinical risk assessment. Additionally, the screening test for both younger and older postmenopausal women in the 2018 recommendation is specified broadly as bone measurement testing. By contrast, the 2024 statement is more specific and defines screening as central (hip or lumbar spine) dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) bone mineral density (BMD) testing with or without fracture risk assessment.
- “In postmenopausal women younger than 65 years, osteoporosis screening presents several challenges. While time is often limited and resources scarce in the overstretched primary care practice environment, the USPSTF recommends a 2-step process to identify women in this age group who warrant screening. The clinician first determines whether traditional osteoporosis risk factors such as low body weight or tobacco use are present. For women with 1 or more risk factors, the USPSTF then advises risk assessment with a clinical risk assessment tool (eg, the Osteoporosis Self-Assessment Tool [OST], the Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Instrument [ORAI], or the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool [FRAX]) calculated without BMD information to further select women who warrant BMD testing. Primary care clinicians should be aware that the OST and ORAI were designed to identify osteoporosis (BMD T score ≤−2.5), while FRAX was developed to estimate 10-year absolute probabilities of hip and major osteoporotic fracture. Use of the OST or ORAI entails a simple calculation with few inputs (e.g., the OST is based on age and weight alone), whereas use of FRAX requires entering information on 11 clinical risk factors into a web-based algorithm. Table 2 in the Recommendation Statement1 provides “frequently used thresholds for increased osteoporosis risk” for OST (score <2) and ORAI (score ≥9), indicating that these thresholds identify women for whom central DXA BMD testing is suggested. In contrast to the 2011 and 2018 recommendations, the 2024 USPSTF Recommendation Statement1 does not suggest a specific FRAX threshold to define increased osteoporosis risk.
- Per a National Cancer Institute news release,
- “Feeding fructose to lab animals with cancer made their tumors grow faster, a new study has shown. But the tumors didn’t directly consume fructose, the researchers found. Instead, the liver converted it into a type of fat that cancer cells gobbled up.
- “Studies have suggested that diets containing excess fructose—which is found in high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar—can help tumors grow. But how this common dietary sweetener might do so has been a bit of a mystery. The researchers believe their study provides some important answers.
- “The NIH-funded study, published December 4 in Nature, showed that several types of cancer cells lacked the enzyme needed to use fructose directly. However, liver cells have the necessary enzyme, called KHK, and used it to convert fructose into fats called lipids.
- “The findings could open up a new avenue for potential cancer treatments, said the study’s senior researcher, Gary Patti, Ph.D., of Washington University in St. Louis. A drug that blocks the KHK enzyme slowed fructose-fueled tumor growth in mice, the scientists showed.”
- The National Institutes of Health released an NIH research matters bulletin concerning “Cancer prevention and screening | Improving flu vaccines | LDL structure.”
- AP reports,
- “A group of global experts is proposing a new way to define and diagnose obesity, reducing the emphasis on the controversial body mass index and hoping to better identify people who need treatment for the disease caused by excess body fat.
- “Under recommendations released Tuesday night, obesity would no longer be defined solely by BMI, a calculation of height and weight, but combined with other measurements, such as waist circumference, plus evidence of health problems tied to extra pounds.
- “Obesity is estimated to affect more than 1 billion people worldwide. In the U.S., about 40% of adults have obesity, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- “The whole goal of this is to get a more precise definition so that we are targeting the people who actually need the help most,” said Dr. David Cummings, an obesity expert at the University of Washington and one of the 58 authors of the report published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal.”
- Per MedPage Today,
- “Integrating smoking cessation into a lung cancer screening program had the biggest benefit for patients who wanted to quit, a randomized trial showed.
- “Self-reported tobacco abstinence was greater at both 3 and 6 months with higher levels of integration of smoking cessation assistance in the lung cancer screening program, reported Paul Cinciripini, PhD, of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and colleagues in JAMA Internal Medicine.”
- and
- “Antiviral drugs commonly used to treat non-severe influenza appeared to have little or no effect on key clinical outcomes, except for baloxavir (Xofluza), according to a systematic review and meta-analysis of 73 randomized trials.”
From the U.S. public health front,
- Fierce Healthcare, Fierce Pharma, and BioPharma Dive each report on the second day of the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference being held in San Francisco, California.
- STAT News adds,
- “Since society rebounded from the pandemic, Teladoc Health has gone from a soaring rocket ship considered an emblem of the potential of health tech to a cautionary tale about overblown hype. Its telehealth services are now viewed by many as an interchangeable commodity in a crowded market.
- “In his first prominent public appearance as CEO of the virtual care giant, Chuck Divita showed up [at the JPM Conference] and played the part — promising growth and stability and reminding investors of the company’s strong foundation.”
- Beckers Hospital Review points out,
- Eli Lilly is leading a push with other pharmaceutical companies to request a pause in the Biden administration’s drug pricing negotiations, even as officials prepare to release a new list of medications to be targeted for price reductions, Bloomberg reported Jan. 13.
- Speaking at the JPMorgan HealthCare Conference in San Francisco, Eli Lilly CEO Dave Ricks emphasized the need for changes to the Inflation Reduction Act before additional drugs are included in the program.
- MedCity News relates, “Nvidia announced four new partnerships focused on scaling AI models across the healthcare industry. The company is teaming up with Mayo Clinic, Illumina, IQVIA and Arc Institute” at JPM Conference.
- BioPharma Dive lets us know,
- “Eli Lilly on Tuesday said the company’s revenue in 2024 totaled about $45 billion, a 32% jump on 2023’s total but less than what it had estimated in October.
- “Third quarter sales of Mounjaro and Zepbound, its GLP-1 drugs for diabetes and obesity, were below Wall Street analysts’ expectations at $3.5 billion and $1.9 billion, respectively. CEO David Ricks said GLP-1 market growth was slower than the company anticipated.
- “Shares of the Indianapolis-based company fell by as much as 8% in morning trading, shaving tens of billions of dollars from its market valuation. Since hitting a high of $960 apiece in late August, shares have tumbled in value by about one-fifth as Zepbound sales have fallen short of forecasts.”
- McKinsey & Company explains “How healthcare entities can use M&A to build and scale new businesses.”