Tuesday Tidbits
The FEHBlog listened to the federal government’s COVID 19 press conference on the drive home from work. The Surgeon General urged listeners to visit coronavirus.gov. When the FEHBlog arrived home, he checked out the website and it turns out to be another url for the Centers for Disease Control’s COVID-19 website that he takes a peak at daily. At least the FEHBlog hasn’t been misdirecting readers. Here is today’s COVID-19 scorecard:
Travel-related | 83 |
Person-to-person spread | 36 |
Under Investigation | 528 |
Total cases | 647 |
The FEHBlog learned late this afternoon that COVID-19 concerns have caused OPM and AHIP to cancel the annual FEHBP carrier conference which was scheduled to run from April 1 to April 3 in lovely Crystal City Virginia. The FEHBlog while disappointed understands the decision because the event jams hundreds of people together in one hotel ballroom.
Yesterday’s Health and Human Services rules on electronic health record (“EHR”) interoperability and data blocking gave a big boost to HL7’s FHIR specification. “FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) Specification is a standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically.” The FEHBlog was excited to hear about the FHIR specification early last year because it appeared to be a solution to the nagging EHR interoperability problem. HHS appears to have jumped into the FHIR specification pool with both feet.
This morning the FEHBlog listened to a HIMSS webinar on FHIR accelerators. The four HL7-designated FHIR accelerators are leading the FHIR charge to solve interoperability problems in different spheres:
- The DaVinci Project is focused using FHIR to fix healthcare business to business exchange issues.
- The Carin Alliance is focused on using FHIR to fix healthcare business to consumer exchange issues.
- CodeX is focused on using FHIR to share clinical trial appropriate data found in EHRs with researchers in an effort to find cancer cures.
- The Gravity Project is focused on sharing social determinant of health data found in EHRs with healthcare businesses for care coordination and SDOH benefit purposes.
Good luck to them all.