Weekend update

Weekend update

The House of Representatives and the Senate will be in session this week for limited Committee business and floor voting.

The Wall Street Journal explains

Lawmakers will return to the Capitol this week with a singular focus of passing a sweeping bipartisan spending bill to avert a shutdown and fund the government through September, despite opposition from many House Republicans.

The massive bill is expected to total around $1.7 trillion and could be released as early as Monday. It would fund government agencies and programs and allow those agencies to distribute grants and contracts to the private sector. 

Because it is the last piece of legislation that Congress will pass in this session, lawmakers have spent weeks lobbying to attach other bills, including funding for Ukraine, changes to tax policy and a measure to update how Congress deals with disputes over certifying presidential-election results. * * *

The Senate is expected to vote on the bill first. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has been part of the negotiations and set a deadline of Thursday to reach a deal—a day before the money runs out—but he said his patience was limited and that he wouldn’t allow talks to stretch past Christmas. 

From the Omicron and siblings front, NPR Shots provides insights on Paxlovid.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends treatment for patients at risk of severe disease, hospitalization and death, which includes anyone who’s 50 and older (risk increases with age), people who are unvaccinated and people with certain medical conditions, such as obesity, chronic lung disease, heart disease or a weakened immune system.

But exceptions can be made. A colleague who is under 50 told her doctor she was feeling worse each day after her positive COVID test and had a history of pneumonia. The doctor wrote a Paxlovid prescription. * * *

[In addition to you doctor or pharmacist, t]he federal government has a “Test to Treat” locator to see where you can be tested for free and, if you test positive and are eligible, leave with the drug. Spots include community health centers and some pharmacies. 

Pharmacies may also send the pills to your home for prescriptions the doctor calls in. Walgreens just announced free Paxlovid delivery via Door Dash and UberEATS; CVS will send it the same day for a fee. * * *

Since Paxlovid has to be taken within five days of symptoms starting to work, you might contact your doctor’s office to find out what steps to take if you test positive and think you need the drug. * * *

Paxlovid is the best option for reducing the risk of severe disease. The last monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 lost its FDA authorization last month because it is ineffective against currently circulating variants. That leaves Paxlovid; remdesivir, which requires an outpatient infusion over three days at a hospital or treatment center; and molnupiravir [the other pill], which studies put at only 30% effective in treating the virus. In addition, some doctors are treating immunocompromised patients with convalescent plasma.

Bloomberg Prognosis discusses expiration dates on at-home Covid tests.

The Food and Drug Administration has extended the shelf-lives of 14 brands of tests. Consumers can look up their specific brand and even the lot number to see the correct expiration dates. Brands including iHealth, from a subsidiary of Andon Health in China, Abbott Laboratories’ BinaxNow and ACON Labs Inc.’s Flowfex now last up to 12  months, 15 months and 21 months, respectively. The FDA advises against using at-home Covid tests past their expiration date.

Health plans and Medicare continue to provide at-home Covid tests at no cost, and the federal government resumes mailing out free at-home Covid tests tomorrow.

From the telehealth front —

mHealth Intelligence tells us

Implementing a telehealth navigator program helped improve video visit attendance, providing clinics with a positive financial return, according to a new study published in JAMA Network Open.

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically drove up the use of telehealth. Like many other healthcare provider organizations, Boston-based Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center implemented and scaled telehealth visits. But they found that technical issues could hamper video visits, prompting some video visits to be converted into audio-only visits via the telephone, according to the study authors.

The medical center implemented a patient navigator pilot program to reduce barriers to video visit attendance. Through the program, a patient navigator contacted patients one day before their video visit appointment to provide technical support. The navigator went through the steps required for the patient to connect to their visit and addressed frequently asked questions.

The Wall Street Journal reports

Remote treatment of mental-health problems surged in the pandemic, as in-person treatment became difficult while pandemic-driven isolation increased anxiety and depression.

Digital mental-health companies plunged in, promising to provide millions with access to high-quality care by video, phone, and messaging.

Many of the businesses, however, put a premium on growth. Investor-backed, they deployed classic Silicon Valley tactics such as spending heavily on advertising and expansion while often using contractors instead of employees to control costs. A strategy designed for mundane businesses such as food delivery, the formula can be badly suited to the sensitive activity of treating mental-health problems.

No bueno. The article is focused on stand-alone telemental health services.

In the spirit of the Season, Bloomberg Prognosis tackles the question of “Eggnog Made With Raw Eggs Safe.”

“Eggnog may be safely made at home by using egg substitutes, whole, liquid or pasteurized eggs,” Darin Detwiler, a food-safety expert at Northeastern University, says. “These products need no further cooking to kill harmful bacteria.”

Pasteurized eggs are gently heated in their shells to a high-enough temperature to kill any bacteria without cooking the egg. They are pretty widely available, though the texture isn’t always exactly the same as an unpasteurized egg.  

If you are making eggnog the old-fashioned way, Detwiler has some advice for that, too.

“Cook the egg mixture to 160℉ and refrigerate it quickly in several small containers,” he says. “Then it will cool quickly.”

Jingle bells, all.

Thursday Miscellany

Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, the Wall Street Journal reports

The Senate passed an $858 billion defense-policy bill [National Defense Authorization Act] on Thursday that authorizes U.S. military leaders to purchase new weapons and would increase pay for service members, checking a major item off Congress’s year-end to-do list.

The House passed the legislation last week with 350 votes in favor and 80 votes against. It now goes to President Biden’s desk for his signature.

The Journal also provides information on the NDAA’s key provisions.

The Washington Post adds,

The Senate late Thursday approved a measure to fund the government through Dec. 23, securing a one-week deadline extension that gives Democrats and Republicans one final opportunity to work out a longer-term spending deal.

The 71-19 vote — coming a day after the House adopted it — sends the stopgap to President Biden and staves off a federal government shutdown that otherwise would have occurred after midnight this Friday.

From the Omicron and siblings front, the American Hospital Association informs us,

The Department of Health and Human Services today recommended governors take certain actions to prepare for a potential further increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations this winter, and has pre-positioned N-95 masks, gloves, gowns and ventilators at strategic locations should states need them, the Biden Administration announced.

The Administration also announced that all U.S. households can now order four more free at-home COVID-19 tests, which will begin shipping the week of Dec. 19.

From the public health front, AP reports

The number of U.S. deaths dropped this year, but there are still more than there were before the coronavirus hit.

Preliminary data — through the first 11 months of the year — indicates 2022 will see fewer deaths than the previous two COVID-19 pandemic years. Current reports suggest deaths may be down about 3% from 2020 and about 7% vs. 2021.

The National Institutes of Health announced

The percentage of adolescents reporting substance use in 2022 largely held steady after significantly declining in 2021, according to the latest results(link is external) from the Monitoring the Future survey(link is external) of substance use behaviors and related attitudes among eighth, 10th, and 12th graders in the United States. Reported use for almost all substances decreased dramatically from 2020 to 2021 after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and related changes like school closures and social distancing. In 2022, reported use of any illicit drug within the past year remained at or significantly below pre-pandemic levels for all grades, with 11% of eighth graders, 21.5% of 10th graders, and 32.6% of 12th graders reporting any illicit drug use in the past year.

The Monitoring the Future survey is conducted each year by researchers at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health.

From the Rx coverage front –

BioPharma Dive takes a “deep dive” reporting on a recently approved drug called to treat ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. “Amylyx Pharmaceuticals’ Relyvrio is in high demand in clinics across the U.S. Though some patients are already getting it, insurance and out-of-pocket costs remain a source of anxiety. * * * In the clinical trial that led to its approval, Relyvrio appeared to slow the functional decline associated with ALS. The trial also found patients treated with the drug lived a median of five months longer than those given a placebo. While Relyvrio’s benefits have been called modest, the drug has become a vital source of hope for many ALS patients.”

BioPharma Dive also lets us know that

  • Yet another competitor for the top-selling inflammatory disease drug Humira will be waiting in the wings after Fresenius Kabi won U.S. approval of its copycat version called Idacio.
  • The Food and Drug Administration cleared the medicine for all the eligible indications of Humira, Fresenius Kabi said Wednesday. Due to a previous patent settlement with AbbVie, the company won’t launch Idacio in the U.S. until July.
  • Idacio, developed by Fresenius Kabi SwissBioSim, is currently available in 37 countries after initially launching in 2019. Fresenius Kabi said it has made selling biosimilars worldwide a priority.

Health Affairs Forefront offers Parts 1 and 2 of its insights on drug pricing reform enacted this past summer’s federal budget reconciliation act.

From the regulatory front

  • The FEHBlog noticed that the HHS press release concerning the 2024 Medicare Part D proposed rule (posted yesterday) lacked links to the proposed rule and the fact sheets. So here are the missing links:

The proposed rule can be accessed at the Federal Register at https://www.federalregister.gov/public-inspection/2022-26956/medicare-program-contract-year-2024-policy-and-technical-changes-to-the-medicare-advantage-program. Comments on the proposed rule are due by February 13, 2023.

View the fact sheet on the proposed rule here.

  • Health Affair’s Forefront’s second article on Monday’s proposed 2024 ACA benefit and payments parameter rule is here. This article concerns risk adjustment.

From the telehealth front, Health Payer Intelligence relates that

  • Most patients who had a telehealth visit didn’t need an in-person follow-up appointment in the next three months, according to new research from Epic. The trend was reflected in almost every specialty included in the study.
  • For specialties that required follow-ups, the additional visits were likely due to patients needing additional, not duplicative, care, Epic researchers said. That’s because high follow-up rates were only present in specialties that require regular hands-on care, such as obstetrics and surgery.
  • The study is the latest addressing whether telehealth results in duplicative care, instead of replacing an in-person encounter. The question is being debated by lawmakers as they consider how much telehealth flexibility should be allowed once the COVID-19 public health emergency expires.

In innovation news, Fierce Healthcare discusses

ElliQ, [which is] a voice-operated care companion for the elderly, is getting an update with 2.0 hardware and software including a companion app for family members and caregivers.

The robot, called the first proactive AI care companion and a Time Best Invention of 2022, was developed to address the loneliness epidemic in older adults and has shown the ability to decrease loneliness by 80%, according to the company. * * *

Interventions like the ones ElliQ performs are shown to improve the quality of life for seniors living alone by 80% through increasing fitness and facilitating social connections, according to a recent McKinsey report.

The first ElliQ impact studies have shown that 80% of users report a reduction in loneliness, 82% experienced better mental health and 90% feel overall better since using the robot.

Midweek Update

From Capitol Hill, the Wall Street Journal reports

The House on Wednesday passed a one-week government funding measure to give congressional negotiators time to complete and pass a full-year omnibus spending bill, overcoming opposition from Republicans who urged postponing any deal until next year, when the GOP will take control of the chamber. * * *

The Senate is expected to next approve the one-week extension [on Thursday December 15]. 

The vote on a one-week continuing resolution, which keeps the government funded at fiscal 2022 spending levels, follows the announcement Tuesday that Democratic and Republican negotiators had reached agreement on a framework and would turn to completing the details. 

From the public health front, Healthcare Dive tells us

  • National health spending grew almost 3% in 2021, reaching $4.3 trillion as big increases in healthcare use and insurance coverage were offset by lower government spending on COVID-19.
  • The year’s growth rate was smaller than the 10% notched in 2020. CMS actuaries chalked the deceleration up to lower federal health spending, which fell 3.5% in 2021 compared to a 37% increase in 2020 as funding to combat the pandemic skyrocketed.
  • Health spending grew at a much slower clip than the nation’s gross domestic product, which increased 11% in 2021 — the largest growth rate since 1984.

Here’s the report which is posted on Health Affairs.

Medscape relates

New more aggressive targets for blood pressure and lipids are among the changes to the annual American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Care in Diabetes — 2023.

The document, long considered the gold standard for care of the more than 100 million Americans living with diabetes and prediabetes, was published December 12 as a supplement in Diabetes Care. The guidelines are also accessible to doctors via an app; last year’s standards were accessed more than 4 million times.

The Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research’s Director is posting a series of four reports concerning the agency’s effort to rethink healthcare quality in view of the fact

In seven years, the United States is expected to reach a demographic tipping point that will redraw the picture of healthcare delivery in America.  

In 2030, all baby boomers [birth dates from 1946 to 1964] will be older than 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Just four years later—in 2034—older adults will outnumber children for the first time in history. The scope of this and future demographic shifts—including our population’s growing racial and ethnic diversity—will profoundly impact how healthcare is accessed, delivered, paid for, and evaluated.

The National Institutes of Health reports “Two randomized, placebo-controlled trials evaluating three Ebola vaccine administration strategies in adults and children found that all the regimens were safe in both age groups, according to results published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.”

Health Payer Intelligence informs us

Privately-insured Americans experienced higher rates of heat-related illness diagnoses in 2021 compared to 2016, in some cases a more than 37 percent increase, according to a report from FAIR Health.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified projected increases in extreme summer heat as one source of adverse health impacts from climate change. However, systematic, national data on trends in heat-related illnesses in the United States have been lacking,” the report began.

From the omicron and siblings front, a subset of public health —

  • The New York Times explores the question — who are the never Coviders? Even if you have never had Covid, you certainly have been impacted mightily by Covid. Nevertheless, it is an interesting article.
  • MedPage Today notes “Long COVID played a role in more than 3,500 deaths in the U.S. since the start of the pandemic, according to data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).” The NCHS report may be overestimating because the first death occurred in April 2020 just after Covid got rolling and the most commonly mentioned term on death certificates with long COVID was “post COVID,” which was mentioned in 89.6% of long COVID-related deaths.” This may be a rare case in which the “retrospectoscope” is cloudy. See Dr. Martin Markary’s opinion piece on long Covid in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal.

From the regulatory front —

  • CMS issued a proposed rule on Medicare Part D changes for 2024.
  • Health Affairs began a series of three informative articles on the proposed 2024 notice of benefit payments and parameters released on Monday.
  • STAT News discusses a feature of the parameters notice that is drawing industry attention. To wit, “The Biden administration signaled Monday that it will require health plans on federal exchanges to cover more of the costs of generic drugs, a small tweak that nevertheless has industry groups divided on how best to manage drug costs.”
  • Health Leaders Media examines the gap that must be bridged to achieve a recent HHS proposed rule’s goal of implementing electronic prior authorization.

In agency event news —

  • OPM issued a press release about its “first government-wide summit for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) on December 6-8, 2022.”

Tuesday’s Tidbits

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, Politico reports tonight

Top appropriators struck a deal Tuesday night on a government funding framework critical to finalizing a mammoth year-end spending package.

In a statement, retiring Senate Appropriations Chair Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said appropriators have “reached a bipartisan, bicameral framework that should allow us to finish an omnibus appropriations bill that can pass the House and Senate and be signed into law by the President.”

Leading negotiators didn’t release those government funding totals in announcing the deal, but appropriators have largely settled on an $858 billion defense budget in recent weeks.

That’s good news. Presumably, Congress still plans to extend the continuing resolution from December 16 to December 23 this week in order to allow time to write and pass the omnibus bill.

From the Omicron and siblings front, Healthcare Dive reports that

In the two years since the COVID-19 vaccine became available for U.S. patients, the country’s vaccination program prevented more than 18.5 million hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths, according to new research from the Commonwealth Fund and Yale School of Public Health.

Many millions of infections were prevented, preserving hospital resources for patients who otherwise would not have received timely care, the researchers said. The vaccine also saved the country $1.15 trillion in medical costs, kept children in school and allowed businesses to reopen, the study said. 

To arrive at its findings, the study used a computer model of disease transmission, comparing the pandemic trajectory to a simulated scenario without a vaccination program. The results can be used to inform future evidence-based decisions on vaccine use to reduce disease burden, the researchers said.

The FEHBlog has no doubt that the rapidly developed mRNA vaccines pulled us out of a jam in winter 2020 while Paxlovid and other anti-virals saved us from the monstrous Omicron surge in winter 2021.

From the CMS front —

  • CMS has activated the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing Advisory Committee required by the No Surprises Act. The Committee’s report likely will be released in the second quarter of 2023.
  • CMS released a readout from “We Can Do Better: Advancing Maternity Care Together – the first CMS convening on maternal health since the agency launched its Maternity Care Action plan in July 2022 as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis. Attendees discussed key actions to improve the health of pregnant and postpartum individuals – including the need for a robust and diverse maternity care workforce and the ability for consumers to easily identify health systems engaged in improving maternal care.”
  • CMS also called attention to the “recently released proposed rule that, if finalized, would modify the current National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) retail pharmacy standards for electronic transactions and expand the applicability of the Medicaid pharmacy subrogation transaction to all health plans.”
  • In related news, EHR Intelligence tells us, “In a recent letter, Health Level Seven International (HL7) called on the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) to include FHIR as a data standard for electronic clinical attachments. NSG encourages the public to submit comments on the proposed rule by January 9th, 2023.” The original version of HIPAA enacted over 25 years ago called for this attachments standard, which has been a thorn in CMS’s side.

In other HHS news —

  • HHS’s Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research informs us that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has proposed to keep in place the grade A recommendation “that clinicians prescribe pre-exposure prophylaxis with effective antiretroviral therapy to persons who are at increased risk of HIV acquisition to decrease the risk of acquiring HIV infection.” The original PREP recommendation was made in 2018.
  • The American Hospital Association relates “The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration today proposed updating opioid treatment program standards and admission criteria to expand access to treatment. According to the agency, the rule would expand the definition of OTP practitioner to include any provider appropriately licensed to dispense and/or prescribe approved medications; no longer require one year of opioid addiction for admission; add evidence-based delivery models such as telehealth; expand patient access to take-home methadone doses, and no longer require annual reports from practitioners with a waiver to prescribe buprenorphine to up to 275 patients. The agency will accept comments on the proposed rule through Feb. 14.” That makes sense to the FEHBlog.

From the drug development front —

The Wall Street Journal reports

A customized Moderna Inc. MRNA 19.63%increase; green up pointing triangle vaccine helped ward off the recurrence of melanoma in a mid-stage trial, a milestone in long-running efforts to use the shots as treatments and a big step in the biotech’s ascent.

The combination of Moderna’s personalized cancer vaccine and MerckMRK 1.78%increase; green up pointing triangle & Co.’s Keytruda cancer immunotherapy reduced patients’ risk of relapse or death by about 44%, versus Keytruda alone, in the 150-volunteer study, the companies said Tuesday.

The results, which the companies said were statistically significant but haven’t been reviewed by independent scientists, suggest promise for an emerging but unproven class of vaccines that aim to treat diseases rather than prevent infections like typical shots.

MedCity News reports

Multiple myeloma can be treated by several drugs but relapse in this type of blood cancer is common and when that happens, patients need other treatment options. Johnson & Johnson is looking to fill that need with a drug that addresses a novel target. The pharmaceutical company is seeking regulatory approval for this molecule and the most up to date clinical data supporting the application were presented during the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH).

Patients in the Phase 1/2 clinical trial had some of the toughest cases that progressed after treatment with at least three different therapies, according to Ajai Chari, director of clinical research in the multiple myeloma program at Mount Sinai and an investigator in the study. Despite that, treatment with the J&J drug, talquetamab, led to response rates of up to 74%.

From the healthcare business front, Fierce Healthcare tells us

Operating margins for the three largest for-profit hospital chains exceeded pre-pandemic levels in the third quarter, according to a new analysis that comes as hospital lobbies are pushing for financial relief from Congress. 

The analysis, released Monday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, looked at the latest financial performance for large hospital chains HCA Healthcare, Tenet Healthcare and Community Health Systems. * * *

Kaiser’s analysis comes a day after The Wall Street Journal published a report that showed hospitals received billions of dollars in aid, with some going to profitable systems that didn’t need it. Part of the problem was a mismatch in the federal government’s allocation of the $175 billion Provider Relief Fund passed by Congress at the onset of the pandemic in early 2020, the report said. 

From the tidbits department, the FEHBlog learned at the ABA Washington Health Law Summit today

  • The third Texas Medical Association case filed November 30 and pending before District Judge Kernodle concerns the manner in which the qualifying payment amount is calculated – a new issue which nevertheless could have been joined to the second lawsuit. Go figure.
  • In 2018, Congress passed a law called the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act (“EKRA”), 18 U.S.C. § 220. The Epstein, Becker and Green law firm explains, “EKRA initially targeted patient brokering and kickback schemes within the addiction treatment and recovery spaces. However, since EKRA was expansively drafted to also apply to clinical laboratories (it applies to improper referrals for any “service”, regardless of the payor), public as well as private insurance plans and even self-pay patients fall within the reach of the statute.”

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, Govexec reports

Congress will vote this week on a seven-day stopgap funding bill to avoid a shutdown Friday evening and buy negotiators more time to reach a deal on full-year appropriations. 

Top lawmakers voiced optimism on Monday for the first time in weeks as they inched toward an agreement on setting line-by-line funding levels across the government. The current continuing resolution is set to expire late Friday, while the new measure would push that back by one week and set the new deadline just two days before Christmas.

“Over the weekend, appropriators held positive and productive conversations, enough that both sides are moving forward in good faith to reach a deal,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Monday. He advised his colleagues to prepare to take “quick action” on a one-week CR “so we can give appropriators more time to finish a full funding bill before the holidays.” * * *

“We’re trading serious suggestions back and forth,” said Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., who serves as ranking member on the Senate Appropriations Committee. “The main thing is, fund the government. Don’t shut it down.” 

WisPolitics tells us

On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and U.S. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) sent a letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), requesting an audit of health care providers under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. Following reports on similar programs, GAO uncovered potential fraud through improper payments causing an increase in the cost of the FEHB Program.

“GAO’s previous work on similar issues in the Medicare program and the Veterans Community Care program has uncovered a number of potentially ineligible providers, flagged weaknesses in provider vetting controls, and made valuable recommendations for improving program integrity and managing the potential risk to the care of Medicare enrollees and veterans, respectively, from ineligible providers,” explained the senators.

FEHB is an employer-sponsored health benefits program with strong controls. The FEHBlog does not expect the GAO to find similar problems in FEHB.

Govexec reports that the incoming Republican Chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee says that his Committee will return “to its primary duty to root out waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in the federal government.”

From the regulatory front —

  • The Department of Health and Human Services issued its proposed 2024 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires. Here’s the Fact Sheet.
  • The Internal Revenue Service finalized the rule that it first issued in December 2021 to modify Form 1095-B and 1095-C following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sunsetting the ACA’s individual penalty for failure to maintain essential coverage during the tax year. The final rule makes some helpful tweaks to the 2021 modifications.

Today the FEHBlog attended the first day of the American Bar Association’s Washington Health Law Summit. Of note, there was a talk about the looming end of the Covid public health emergency, which, according to Politico reporters, is likely to occur in the first half of 2023. A “soft landing” is predicted, which is the outcome the FEHBlog also expects.

Others spoke about healthcare worker burnout / the workforce problem. Two speakers noted that a noticeable increase in hospital code calls for security assistance compounds the problem. The FEHBlog had not heard of that factor.

Following up on yesterday’s healthcare business post, Healthcare Dive tells us

Amgen on Monday said it has agreed to acquire Ireland-based drugmaker Horizon Therapeutics, outlasting rival suitors Sanofi and Johnson & Johnson in takeover negotiations that were first disclosed last month.

The deal values Horizon at $27.8 billion on a fully diluted basis. In dollar terms, it’s the largest in Amgen’s four-decade history, eclipsing a 2002 acquisition of Immunex that gave the California biotechnology company rights to Enbrel, its top-selling drug and for years one of the most lucrative pharmaceutical products.

While buying Horizon is not likely to give Amgen its next Enbrel, it does hand the company a portfolio of rare and immune disease drugs that are projected to bring in sales of $3.6 billion this year.

Enbrel will lose market exclusivity at the end of this decade and Amgen, like other pharmas facing looming patent cliffs, has turned to dealmaking to hunt for new products. In August, it spent $4 billion to acquire ChemoCentryx and its inflammatory disease drug Tavneos.

Per terms of the acquisition, Amgen will pay $116.50 per Horizon share, a roughly 20% premium to their closing price Friday and 48% higher than what they were worth before Horizon disclosed it was in deal talks. 

Weekend update

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

The House of Representatives and the Senate are in session this week for Committee business and floor voting.

The Wall Street Journal adds

Congressional leaders are set to return to the Capitol on Monday under pressure to negotiate a spending bill that would fund the federal government’s operations beyond Friday.

Negotiators have days to reach a deal on a full-year spending bill or pass a short-term measure delaying the deadline to avoid a partial government shutdown. To reach a longer-term deal, they will have to break the partisan deadlock between Republicans and Democrats, who are split over $26 billion in nondefense spending in talks to craft an omnibus bill. * * *

Senate lawmakers are expected this week to pass a defense policy bill that authorizes U.S. military leaders to purchase new weapons and increase pay for troops, and lifts a requirement for members of the military to get vaccinated against Covid-19. 

Tomorrow is the last day of the Federal Employee Benefits Open Season. According to OPM, the official end is 11:59 pm “in the location of your electronic enrollment system”

The FEHBlog noticed on Linked In that OPM Director Kiran Ahuja spoke last week at the Milken Institute’s Future of Health Summit.

Director Ahuja spoke about eradicating stigmas surrounding mental health treatment and creating a welcoming work environment for all. 

As the largest employer in the nation, the Federal government must continue to invest in policies, tools, and resources that gives every employee the high quality and accessible mental health supports they need

Hey OPM, why don’t you post the Director’s remarks on opm.gov?

From the infectious disease front, the Secretary of the Treasury has written a letter to the state governors on resources available to combat the tripledemic. The FEHBlog has read articles recommending that we must return to masking and social distancing. The FEHBlog, who is a lawyer, not a health professional, thinks that if we accept this mistaken guidance, we will be tied to masking and social distancing in the winter forever. N.B. This is not a criticism of people who choose to mask social distance. The FEHBlog’s point is that the tripledemic was unavoidable.

From the No Surprises Act (NSA) front, the FEHBlog checked out the docket sheet for the second Texas Medical Association versus the federal NSA regulators challenging the revised final rule implementing the NSA’s independent dispute resolution process without giving the revised rule a chance.

The case is at the cross-summary judgment stage. A summary judgment motion asks the Court to decide the case without a trial because the issues presented are entirely legal.

The federal government filed its motion in early November. The FEHBlog knew the AHIP and employee benefit associations subsequently had filed friends of the court/amici briefs supporting the NSA regulators. The FEHBlog was delighted to read that a group of patient/consumer organizations, including “ALS Association, CancerCare, Epilepsy Foundation, Families USA Action, Hemophilia Federation of America, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, United States Public Interest Research Group, Inc., and Cancer Support Community” also filed an amicus brief supporting the NSA regulators. That is an uplifting amici lineup.

From the U.S. healthcare business front, the Wall Street Journal reports

Amgen Inc. is in advanced talks to buy drug company Horizon Therapeutics PLC. according to people familiar with the matter, in a takeover likely to be valued at well over $20 billion and mark the largest healthcare merger of the year.

The U.S. biotechnology company was the last of three suitors standing in an auction for Horizon, the people said, after French drugmaker Sanofi SA said Sunday it was out of the running.

A deal could be finalized by Monday assuming the talks with Amgen don’t fall apart, the people said.

Horizon develops medicines to treat rare autoimmune and severe inflammatory diseases that are currently sold mostly in the U.S. Its biggest drug, Tepezza, is used to treat thyroid eye disease, an affliction characterized by progressive inflammation and damage to tissues around the eyes.

The company is Nasdaq-listed, but based in Ireland and has operations in Dublin, Deerfield, Ill., and a new facility in Rockville, Md.


Thursday Miscellany

Photo by Josh Mills on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, the Wall Street Journal reports

A top Senate Democrat said that his party planned to introduce an omnibus spending bill Monday, aiming to pressure Republicans to accept a deal or risk an alternative that would freeze government spending at current levels for the full year and cut off the ability to reallocate money in military and other programs.

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) said that the measure would provide military funding at the level Congress is authorizing in its separate defense policy bill—some $858 billion, or roughly a 10% increase—while also paying for what he called a needed increase to nondefense programs.

“This is a reasonable path forward, and I suggest my Republican friends take it,” Mr. Leahy said. * * *

If no deal is reached as the end of the year approaches, lawmakers have said they might need to fall back to a so-called continuing resolution, which funds the government at current levels. Various lawmakers have floated stretching funding into early 2023 or for the full fiscal year, which ends in September. 

The path forward was unclear, as neither House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) nor Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) announced votes on an omnibus bill for next week.

The Journal adds,

House lawmakers on Thursday passed a defense policy bill [discussed in yesterday’s FEHBlog post] that authorizes U.S. military leaders to purchase new weapons and increase pay for troops, and lifts a requirement for members of the military to get vaccinated against Covid-19. * * * The legislation is expected to pass the Senate by the end of next week before heading to President Biden’s desk for his signature.

STAT News tells us

Key decision makers in Congress are closer than they’ve been in years to revamping the way the government regulates some of the diagnostic tests that patients use to make crucial decisions about their health care [due to the Theranos fiasco].

If the VALID act passes, the FDA wouldn’t regulate every single clinical test, but only tests considered “high risk” to patients, where the risk to patients of an inaccurate result could cause serious or irreversible harm.

One example would be a test for breast cancer that could lead a patient to have a mastectomy, Boiani said. Another would be a genetic test that could determine which cancer treatment patients receive, said Jeff Allen, the president and CEO of Friends of Cancer Research.

From the Federal Employee Benefits Open Season front, Tammy Flanagan writing in Govexec and Drew Friedman writing in Federal News Network offer last minute decision-making tips.

Investment News provides advice on income adjusted Medicare premium issues.

Most Medicare beneficiaries will pay the standard Part B premium of $164.90 per month in 2023, down slightly from this year’s monthly premium of $170.10. Medicare Part B covers doctors’ fees and out-patient services. Coupled with a huge 8.7% cost-of-living adjustment in Social Security benefits next year, most retirees will enjoy larger monthly net Social Security benefits after automatic deductions for their Part B premiums in 2023.

But about 8%, or about 5 million, of the nearly 63 million Medicare beneficiaries will pay more than the standard monthly premium for both Part B and Part D prescription drug plans based on their income. My husband and I are among them.

For 2023, single beneficiaries with incomes of $97,000 or more and married couples with joint incomes of $194,000 or more pay a Medicare premium surcharge, officially known as an income-related monthly adjustment amount, or IRMAA. The thresholds increased from $91,000 and $182,000, respectively, in 2022, meaning some beneficiaries may avoid IRMAA surcharges altogether in 2023 or pay less than this year due to the inflation adjustments of the income tiers that trigger those surcharges.

In other health benefits news, Insurance News Net informs us

The average per-employee cost of employer-sponsored health insurance rose by 3.2% in 2022, according to Mercer’s 2022 National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, released today.

US employers expect a sharper increase of 5.4% in 2023 — and faster cost growth in the years ahead seems likely

 For now, most employers are prioritizing enhancing benefits to attract and retain workers over cost-cutting; enhancements range from adding perks to improving healthcare affordability

 Mental health remains a top concern of employers and employees – and virtual mental healthcare is proving key to improving access to services

From the Rx development and coverage front, we have three reports from STAT News —

  • Well, this government action didn’t take long. STAT News relates “The Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday it had amended the emergency use authorizations for the updated Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 boosters, to allow their use in children aged 6 months and older.”
  • Also according to STAT News, “A year ago, the [Purchaser Business Group on Health] coalition created Emsana Health that, in turn, hatched the EmsanaRx pharmacy benefit manager. [Beginning March 1, 2023,] EmsanaRx will run the technology to ensure prescriptions handled by Cuban Cost Plus Drugs are paid and fulfilled, and report all this information back to the [self-funded] employer. In exchange, EmsanaRx will take a flat 1.5% fee for legal, administrative, and data sharing services, but not charge more than $3 for each insurance claim and will pass along any rebates collected.”
  • Finally from STAT News, “Medicare is willing to reevaluate its coverage of Alzheimer’s drugs in light of a new therapy, called lecanemab, that has shown potentially more promising patient data than its controversial predecessor, Aduhelm, according to the official who oversees the program. “I can’t speak to any specifics, but just to say that our door is really open,” Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said Thursday at the Milken Institute Future of Health Summit when asked about how the agency will approach lecanemab. “We will look at it as new data comes.”

From the public health front —

An outside group [the Reagan Udall Foundation] that was asked to examine problems at the Food and Drug Administration in the wake of an infant formula crisis this year offered a scathing indictment of the agency’s structure and culture and recommended major restructuring, including possibly breaking up the agency so that oversight of the food system gets more attention. * * *

In a statement, FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf said he will review the report and make decisions about the future of the agency with input from experts inside and outside the FDA.

  • The Congressional Research Service issued an “In Focus” report on “Regulating Reproductive Health Services After Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.”
  • Health Payer Intelligence tells us

Overall, major health outcomes measures are trending in a negative direction, according to America’s Health Rankings Annual Report for 2022.

The Annual Report examines 23 measures to assess health outcomes trends nationwide, including measures for eight chronic conditions. The data for these measures primarily represented 2021 outcomes, but some measures drew from 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2022.

A Morning Consult online survey conducted in October 2022 informed the results as well as racial and ethnic subpopulation data and a total of 80 national and state measures to assess the state of healthcare in the US.

Based on the findings, the coronavirus pandemic has continued to have ripple effects on healthcare. The top three major trends in health outcomes are:

  • Increased drug deaths
  • Increased non-medical drug use
  • Increased premature death

Midweek update

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, the Wall Street Journal reports

Senate Democrats celebrated their win in Georgia giving them 51 seats next year, a result that enhances their power by allowing them to more easily advance President Biden’s nominees while also providing slightly more flexibility on legislation.

Sen. Raphael Warnock’s win in a runoff election over GOP challenger Herschel Walker comes after two years in which Vice President Kamala Harris provided a tiebreaking vote in the 50-50 Senate. * * *

Since early 2021, the two parties have been operating under a power-sharing agreement with evenly divided committees, which has prevented Democrats from issuing subpoenas to witnesses without GOP support. When nominees have tied in a committee vote, Democrats have been forced to hold an extra procedural vote to finalize their nomination. The Warnock victory will give Democrats a narrow majority on each panel.

“It’ll be easier for Democrats to move forward with some of their nominees, particularly in the judiciary, and that makes it more difficult for us,” said Sen. Mitt Romney (R., Utah). 

Roll Call informs us

The newly minted defense authorization bill for fiscal 2023 [NDAA], made public Tuesday night, provides a shot in the arm to the U.S. defense budget but bars the military from discharging any more troops who refuse COVID-19 vaccine shots in their arms. * * *

[This bill has been approved by a House-Senate conference committee.] The House is expected to vote on the NDAA as soon as Thursday and the Senate to soon follow suit, perhaps next week.  

The bill would authorize a 4.6 percent across the board pay increase for military personnel and civilians. However, House and Senate negotiators removed a House-passed “inflation bonus” of an additional 2.4 percent for troops and Defense Department civilians making less than $45,000 a year. * * *

Also of note, the bill would ban contractors across the government from using Chinese-made semiconductors, after a lengthy phase-in period, an aide with knowledge of the provision said Tuesday. Many federal contractors and other businesses say they are unclear how they will comply.

 Govexec offers two more insights on the NDAA

Congressional negotiators on Tuesday night finally revealed a compromise version of the annual defense policy bill with the aim of passing it through both the House and Senate this week. But to some lawmakers, federal employee groups and good government experts’ chagrin, the measure did not include [Insight link] a provision aimed at blocking Republican-led efforts to strip potentially tens of thousands of federal employees of their civil service protections.


The authorization bill compromise text contains provisions [Insight link] that seek to increase transparency and accountability of investigations into Inspectors Generals [IG] and operations of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity Efficiency (and its integrity committee, specifically); ensure IGs are only removed for justiciable and compelling reasons (and Congress is notified); and limit who can serve as acting IGs. There are also stipulations for notifying Congress when an agency doesn’t provide requested information or assistance to an IG and providing more training opportunities for IGs. 

In an effort to address persistent watchdog job vacancies, the bill’s text states: “If the president fails to make a formal nomination for a vacant inspector general position that requires a formal nomination by the president to be filled within the period beginning on the later of the date on which the vacancy occurred or on which a nomination is rejected, withdrawn, or returned, and ending on the day that is 210 days after that date, the president shall communicate, within 30 days after the end of such period and not later than June 1 of each year thereafter, to the appropriate congressional committees.” 

From the federal employee benefits front —

FedWeek gives us last minute guidance on the Federal Employee Benefits Open Season that ends next Monday December 12.

The Wall Street Journal offers ideas for use of flexible spending account dollars. The article make a point that was not on the FEHBlog’s radar screen:

This year’s December FSA spending crunch could be worse than usual. While you’re meant to empty your FSA every year, during the pandemic the government relented on this rule, allowing FSA savers to roll over what they saved in 2020 and 2021, with some accounts swelling to more than $7,000

That special treatment is set to end in 2022, meaning if you have been accumulating money in your FSA, you may need to empty our account by Dec. 31 or you risk losing it all. “Some people might be in for a rude surprise,” says Spiegel.

Employers are permitted to give workers a little wiggle room—but not much. Some plans include a rollover provision that allows account holders to carry forward a small portion of their savings, although this amount is limited to $570 for 2022. Other plans may allow a spending grace period of up to 10 weeks.  

From the infectious disease front —

  • The Wall Street Journal brings us up to date on Omicron treatments.
  • The Hill reports on the state of the flu and RSV surges. “Dr. Andrew Pekosz, a virologist and professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, believes the U.S. is still in the “early stages” of a surge in influenza cases, he told Nexstar. * * * “With RSV we seem to be hitting a plateau,” said Pekosz. “Case numbers have not increased significantly for a couple of weeks, but they’re still at a very high level. So the burden of RSV is still great, but we may be closer to the peak there than we are with flu.”
  • Forbes relates, “A newly discovered immune response inside the nose could explain why respiratory illnesses like RSV, Covid, the common cold and flu thrive in winter, according to research published Tuesday in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, a finding that challenges the conventional wisdom that infections spread because people are stuck indoors and signposts ways to develop new treatments.”

From the Rx development and coverage front

  • MPR informs us “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation to PH10 for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). * * * Results showed that treatment with PH10 significantly reduced depressive symptoms as early as 1 week based on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D-17) scores compared with placebo (P =.022). The intranasal spray was found to be well tolerated, with no serious adverse events reported.”

Touted by celebrities, raved about by TikTok users, and advertised by med spas, a new class of drugs for treating diabetes and obesity has exploded in popularity for its weight-loss effects, leading to rippling shortages across several of the medications.

Amid the surge in demand, Eli Lilly and pharmacies have started to tighten access to the latest of this type of drug, tirzepatide, focusing on giving it to people with type 2 diabetes, the only population it’s authorized for so far. But that’s left another set of patients scrambling — people with clinical obesity who turned to the medication as one of their few options for treatment. * *

There’s much overlap between the two conditions, said Beverly Tchang, an endocrinologist and assistant professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine. “Obesity can lead to diabetes, diabetes can lead to obesity,” she said. “They’re very much intertwined, and to treat one but not the other seems inequitable.” Tchang treats both types of patients and feels the drug shouldn’t be conserved for one group at the expense of the other.

From the telehealth front, mHealth Intelligence explains

FAIR Health’s Monthly Telehealth Regional tracker reported no change in telehealth usage in September compared with August and noted that COVID-19 fell in its rankings on top telehealth diagnoses lists in all regions and at the national level.

The FAIR Health Monthly Telehealth Regional tracker is a complimentary service that analyzes how telehealth activity and use change monthly by tracking various factors such as claim lines, procedure codes, and diagnostic categories. It represents the privately insured population, including Medicare Advantage but excluding Medicare Fee-for-Service and Medicaid beneficiaries.

From the public health front —

  • MedPage Today informs us “Drug overdose deaths in pregnancy or the postpartum period increased sharply in the U.S. in recent years, with the rise most pronounced at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, researchers reported. * * * Jacob S. Ballon, MD, MPH, of Stanford University in California, noted that the study authors did not provide explanations for why the overdose-related death rate rose sharper among the pregnant and postpartum group during the study period, but said it will likely be the basis for further research. “[It’s] an interesting signal,” said Ballon, who was not involved with the study. “But now what do we do with that to explain it or make some sense of it?”
  • Healthcare Dive tells us
  • Increased delays in discharging patients who require additional care after a hospital stay could slow their recovery, potentially harming health outcomes and quality of life, the American Hospital Association cautioned in a report released Tuesday.
  • The inability to discharge patients is putting additional strain on hospitals operating with thin workforces, and health systems are bearing the cost of care for patients who stay excess days without appropriate reimbursement, the AHA said.
  • The association has urged Congress to help offset the costs of care for patients’ additional days in the hospital by creating a temporary per diem Medicare payment targeted to acute, long-term care, rehabilitation and psychiatric facilities.

From the U.S. healthcare business front —

Imagine going into your doctor’s office and facing not a staff of overworked doctors and nurses, but an inviting conversation. A talk with a healthcare professional who has plenty of time, isn’t in a hurry and is ready to listen to a recital of the different aches and pains of your life. Someone with expertise in medications dedicated to making your life easier and healthier. A professional who makes and then hands you a cup of coffee before you even start talking.

With that conversation–easy, low stress–you can begin a level of trust with your doctor’s office that you might not have had before. And the person listening may, in conjunction with the doctors and nurses, find some better paths to helping you get healthier, even if you suffer from a chronic disease.

That’s the vision that Fergus Hoban has for the American healthcare system. His company, UpStream, provides integrated services for primary care physicians, both independently and as part of networks or bigger healthcare systems. Centered around a prescribing pharmacist, a team of nurses and other professionals work with doctors to provide better care for Medicare patients while at the same time lowering costs.

LHC Group and UnitedHealth Group have extended their merger agreement as the feds take a deeper look at the deal.

The agreement was extended until March 28, 2023, and the two companies now expect the merger to close in the first quarter of 2023, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

That the insurance giant intended to acquire LHC, a home health provider, was announced in March, and the deal is valued at about $5.4 billion. UnitedHealth said it plans to fold LHC into its Optum subsidiary as part of its provider arm, Optum Health, which is one of the country’s largest employers of physicians.

LHC Group would add 30,000 employees who provide more than 12 million home health services annually.

  • Health Payer Intelligence also tells us about positive provider and payer reactions to the CMS proposed rule to promote widespread use of electronic prior authorizations. As noted here yesterday, “[t]he proposed rule would require the implementation of Health Level 7 (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard Application Programming Interface (API) and mandates that payers have to explain the specific reason behind a prior authorization denial. Expedited prior authorizations will have to occur within 72 hours and non-urgent prior authorizations will have to be turned around in seven calendar days.”

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From Capitol Hill, Roll Call reports the FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act is expected to rescind the Defense Secretary’s 2021 Covid vaccine mandate for U.S. service members. “Congressional leaders are aiming to introduce the final compromise NDAA version as soon as Tuesday, with House floor action possible later in the week.”

From the infectious disease front —

  • Bloomberg Prognosis tells about a study confirming the Paxlovid rebounds have been blown out of proportion.
  • Pfizer has asked the Food and Drug Administration for an emergency use authorization applicable to its bivalent Omicron vaccine designed for children at least six months old and not over four years old.
  • The Health and Human Services Secretary has confirmed reported plans to end the mpox public health emergency when the current declaration expires at the end of January 2023. “But we won’t take our foot off the gas – we will continue to monitor the case trends closely and encourage all at-risk individuals to get a free vaccine.”
  • MedPage Today interviews Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH, the deputy coordinator of the White House Monkeypox Response Team, about the course of the illness since it erupted in the summer

Influenza hospitalizations this early in the season are higher than they have been in a decade, according to the CDC, with 14 pediatric deaths reported so far.

“Since October 1, there have already been at least 8.7 million illnesses, 78,000 hospitalizations, and 4,500 deaths from flu,” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, on a call with reporters on Monday, held in part to kick off National Influenza Vaccination Week. * * *

This year, influenza vaccines are “well matched to the viruses currently circulating,” she added. The flu shots contain protection for two influenza A and two influenza B virus strains. Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped this season, 79% have been A(H3N2) and 21% have been A(H1N1).

The CDC recommends influenza vaccination particularly for children, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, and people 65 and over.

It was not clear if the pediatric deaths reported so far this season involved unvaccinated children, but Fryhofer noted that previous data showed about 80% of influenza deaths occur in unvaccinated persons.

Pregnant women who get the flu shot also protect their newborns, who are not eligible for vaccination before they are 6 months of age, Fryhofer said. “If you’re not doing it for you, do it for your baby.”

  • For context, here are the flu case and death statistics from the last flu season before Covid struck, October 2019 through March 2020.
2019 – 2020 Winter CDC Fluview  3/28/20
Flu Deaths                  24,000 
Flu Cases             39,000,000 

The flu is a highly contagious, dangerous disease.

  • NPR Shots offers consumer advice should they counter pharmacy shelves with a low or no supply of anti-fever drugs.

From the telehealth front, Health Leaders Media tells us

According to a survey commissioned by America’s Health Insurance Plans, almost 70% used telehealth in the past year because it’s more convenient than in-person care, and almost 80% say telehealth makes it easier to seek out care.

Almost 50% used telehealth because they were unable to make an in-person appointment, while 24% said they wanted to save money.

Some 36% used telehealth just once over the past year, while 53% used it between two and five times.

From the mental healthcare front, Health Payer Intelligence reports

 CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst) is providing community-based organizations with nearly $8 million in grants to help improve behavioral healthcare access and quality for underserved youth.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the mental and behavioral health crisis among children, adolescents, and families. In response, CareFirst is investing in 19 community-based organizations in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Northern Virginia.

“CareFirst recognizes that behavioral health is an essential part of overall health, which includes a continuum of conditions ranging from severe mental health disorders to the emotional, psychological, and social factors that affect a person’s overall wellbeing,” Destiny-Simone Ramjohn, PhD, vice president of community health and social impact at CareFirst, said in the press release.


From the Rx coverage front, Fierce Healthcare informs us

Express Scripts, which is part of Cigna’s Evernorth subsidiary, said Monday that it will add biosimilars for Humira to its largest formularies as preferred products available for patients with inflammatory conditions. Like other major PBMs, Express Scripts sees significant potential in biosimilars to help address the massive costs associated with specialty drugs.

Specialty drugs account for just 2% of prescriptions but drive half of drug spending.

In October 2021, Express Scripts announced that it would put Semglee, the first Food and Drug Administration-approved interchangeable insulin biosimilar, on its National Preferred Formulary for 2022. The company estimates that this move generated $20 million in savings in the first year.

From the federal government employee benefits front, Federal News Network relates

The Office of Personnel Management plans to suspend applications for the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program for two years beginning Dec. 19, in anticipation of a sizeable rate hike.

OPM announced the unusual measure last month in the Federal Register, and noted that federal workers who submit their applications by the deadline will still be considered for enrollment. FLTCIP was created in 2002 and assists with health care costs for participants who need help with daily personal functions, or who have a severe cognitive illness, and covers home care, nursing home or assisted living benefits.

“OPM is suspending applications for coverage in FLTCIP to allow OPM and the FLTCIP carrier to assess the benefit offerings and establish sustainable premium rates that reasonably and equitably reflect the cost of the benefits provided,” the agency wrote.

The program will continue to operate normally for current enrollees, although they will not be able to apply to increase their coverage. There are currently around 267,000 federal workers and retirees participating in the insurance plan, and OPM typically receives only a few thousand applications to enroll per year.

The decision to suspend applications for the program came after John Hancock Life and Health Insurance Co., the contractor that administers the program, informed OPM that it is likely that there will a premium increase sometime next year.

Finally, the Wall Street Journal offers an interesting article about medical research that is “uncovering links between your ‘subjective age’ [as opposed to your chronological age] and your future health and longevity.”

Weekend update

Thanks to ACK15 for sharing their work on Unsplash.

The House of Representatives and the Senate are in session this week for Committee business and floor voting.

The continuing resolution funding the federal government expires at 11:59 pm on Friday December 16.

The Federal Employee Benefits Open Season ends at 11:59 pm, in the location of the enrollee’s electronic enrollment system, on Monday, December 12, 2022.

The Medicare Open Enrollment period ends this Wednesday, December 7.

From the Rx coverage front, the Wall Street Journal reports on

  • A shortage in the weight loss drug Wegovy, “missing out on hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and squandering a head start before a rival could begin selling a competing product. * * * [Wegovy manufacturer’ Novo lists Wegovy at $1,349 a month. Some commercial insurers cover the drug.” OPM has encouraged FEHB carriers to offer coverage of this drug.
  • A CVS Health effort to improve pharmacy efficiency with “a system [currently being tested] that allows pharmacists to process prescriptions in part remotely, a move it said could improve store working conditions and the experience for customers as the company grapples with a shortage of pharmacists.”

From the mental healthcare front, Health Payer Intelligence tells us

Mental healthcare services utilization and network size have grown significantly since 2019 among Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (“Blue Cross”) members, according to data from Blue Cross.

Mental healthcare services utilization grew by 100 percent in the timeframe that Blue Cross examined. At the same time, Blue Cross’s mental healthcare network grew by 46 percent.

“As the need for mental health services continues to grow, access to convenient and affordable care is critical,” said Andrew Dreyfus, president and chief executive officer of Blue Cross. “By expanding and diversifying our mental health network, we’re ensuring that our members are able to find and receive the high-quality care they need, when they need it.”

The mental healthcare provider network swelled to a total of 18,000 clinicians. With the growth in utilization, Blue Cross plans to expand its network further. The payer will do this by working with national mental healthcare provider groups as well as expanding its virtual care mental health groups in 2023. * * *

Blue Cross also shared that the health plan’s reimbursement for telehealth and virtual care services is at parity with in-person services. Receiving reimbursement at parity is not only a controversial issue for telehealth providers but also for mental and behavioral healthcare providers, who do not always receive reimbursement at parity with physical care providers.


Also worth reading is this Journal article about a 24-year-old military wife who went through drug addiction hell and came out a new person with help from her family, the Missouri prison where she was housed, and a fellow inmate. The article illustrates the importance of Blue Cross of Massachusett’s efforts to expand mental health coverage and various efforts to reduce drug addiction and overdose deaths.

From the medical research front, the Wall Street Journal offers an essay about breast cancer written by a medical historian and breast cancer patient Dr. Lindsey Fitzharris. What grabbed the FEHBlog’s eye is the article’s conclusion:

The cofounders of BioNTech recently announced that vaccines targeting cancer may be available before the end of the decade. Researchers at Duke University are already developing a vaccine that targets mutations commonly arising in people with certain types of advanced breast cancer. Using the same mRNA technology deployed against Covid-19, these types of vaccines would not be administered prophylactically but, rather, used as a treatment to trigger a stronger immune response in patients with locally recurrent or metastatic disease. When it comes to conquering breast cancer, future medical historians will have plenty to write about.

From the innovation front, Senior Living explains how to use Apple AirPods as hearing aids. MedTech Dive adds

  • Apple AirPods Pro earbuds have the potential to be a hearing aid for adults with mild to moderate hearing loss, according to a paper published in iScience. 
  • Researchers found the earbuds meet four of the five standards for personal sound amplification products and perform comparably to hearing aids in terms of speech perception in quiet environments.
  • The study suggests that some consumer earbuds can function as hearing aids to potentially further lower the cost and address the stigma associated with the technology.

It’s also worth calling attention to the HHS Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research’s Effective Health Care Program’s website.

The Effective Health Care (EHC) Program improves the quality of health care by providing the best available evidence on the outcomes, benefits and harms, and appropriateness of drugs, devices, and health care services and by helping health care professionals, patients, policymakers, and health care systems make informed health care decisions. The EHC Program achieves this goal by partnering with research centers, academic institutions, health professional societies, consumer organizations, and other stakeholders to conduct research, evidence synthesis, evidence translation, dissemination, and implementation of research findings.