Monday Roundup

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From the FEHB Open Season front, OPM issued today its annual open season benefits administration letter identifying FEHB and FEDVIP contract changes for 2023 A/K/A, the Significant Changes letter and appendix. OPM also released its Federal Benefits Fast Facts for the upcoming Open Season.

The Federal Times offers an Open Season overview.

From the No Surprises Act front, Newfront, an insurance brokerage, issued an important reminder on the revised NSA consumer notice that health plans must post by January 1, 2023. Here are the current and future notices.

From the Covid vaccine mandate front, the Miller & Chevalier law firm tells us

On October 14, 2022, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force released a roadmap for federal contractors of anticipated guidance on how federal agencies would be handling the implementation and enforcement of the federal contractor vaccine mandate and workplace safety requirements of Executive Order 14042, “Ensuring Adequate Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors.”  The Task Force — created by President Biden to provide guidance to federal agencies on handling operational issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic — anticipates a “potential narrowing of the existing nationwide injunction on October 18, 2022.” As a result, the Task Force anticipates the release of three documents: (1) notice from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to federal agencies regarding compliance with injunctions and the inclusion of vaccine mandate clauses in future solicitations and contracts; (2) updates to Task Force guidance on safety protocols for covered contractor and subcontractor workplace locations, including a timeline for implementation; and (3) additional guidance from OMB on “timing and considerations for provision of written notice from agencies to contractors regarding enforcement of contract clauses” implementing vaccine and workplace safety mandates. Notably, until OMB issues the guidance above, agencies are directed not to take any steps to require compliance with the Task Force guidance or enforce any contract clauses implementing the requirements of Executive Order 14042.

This Task Force guidance stems from an August 26, 2022, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit opinion replacing the lower court’s nationwide injunction with an injunction applying to the plaintiffs. However, several other U.S. Courts of Appeals are hearing cases involving this mandate so we may be waiting a while for the OMB guidance.

Also, from the Omicron and siblings front, Beckers Hospital Review discusses the new Omicron variants BQ.1 and BQ1.1.

CDC estimates indicate a new omicron variant, BQ.1, and its descendent BQ.1.1 account for 11.4 percent of cases nationwide. The pair have been dubbed “escape variants” for their ability to escape immunity and are currently most prevalent in New York and New Jersey, where they account for nearly 20 percent of new infections. * * *

Experts are optimistic that the bivalent omicron boosters will offer protection against BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 since they’re descendants of BA.5. (Updated boosters are designed to target the original SARS-CoV-2 strain, BA.4 and BA.5.)

“The bad news is that there’s a new variant that’s emerging and that has qualities or characteristics that could evade some of the interventions we have. But, the somewhat encouraging news is that it’s a BA.5 sublineage, so there are almost certainly going to be some cross protection that you can boost up,” Dr. Fauci said. 

From the monkeypox front, the American Hospital Association reports

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today reported the first U.S. monkeypox case in a health care worker since the outbreak began in May. The report describes how an emergency department nurse in Florida was exposed to the virus through a needlestick, and recommends approaches to preventing infections in health care workers. CDC also released a report describing five patients who acquired ocular monkeypox, a rare but sight-threatening condition, including four who were hospitalized. The report recommends health care providers advise monkeypox patients to practice hand hygiene and avoid touching their eyes, and consider urgent ophthalmologic evaluation and monkeypox-directed treatment for patients with ocular signs and symptoms.

From the influenza front —

Beckers Hospital Review relates

The U.S. is seeing flu activity rise earlier than usual, with Southern states reporting the highest levels of activity, according to the CDC’s latest FluView report for the week ending Oct. 8. 

Overall, activity remains low, “but increasing in most of the country,” the CDC said. HHS region 4 (Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida) and region 6 (New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana) are reporting the highest levels of flu activity. 

Furthermore, STAT News “talked on Friday with Lynnette Brammer, a flu epidemiologist and team lead for domestic surveillance in the CDC’s influenza division, to get a sense of what the agency is seeing.”

Thinking about this flu season and what you’re seeing so far, what’s your best guess for what’s ahead?

Our syndromic surveillance methods are much trickier to try and interpret now, with Covid in the picture. It just muddies the water, basically.

We’ll have to see if the flu and Covid circulate at the same time. Right now, it looks like Covid is still trending down in a lot of the country, but flu’s going up in a lot of the country.

If individuals start to feel crappy this winter, how will they know if it’s a cold? Flu? Covid?

I think testing is going to be really important given that, for flu and Covid, there are treatments that — particularly for high-risk people — can make a huge difference in how well they are able to get through their illness. So it’s going to be really important to test so physicians can know the appropriate treatment for their patients.

In related news, the Government Accountability Office released a report on routine vaccination rates in our country.

U.S. school children generally have higher rates of vaccination to protect them from preventable illness compared with adults.

We found gaps in adult rates for flu, shingles, tetanus, and pneumococcal (prevents pneumonia and more) vaccines. Among other things:

Adults were about 40% more likely to get the tetanus and pneumococcal vaccines than the shingles vaccine

Vaccination rates for Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino adults were about 13% below that of White adults for each vaccine

Health and Human Services is using social media and its website to raise public awareness on the importance of being vaccinated.

From the ACA reporting front, the Internal Revenue Service issued its Forms 1095-B and 1095-C for 2022. The Service also released an employee fringe benefits guide for federal, state, and local government employers.

From the Rx coverage front, BioPharma Dive predicts “five questions facing drugmakers as third-quarter earnings begin. Alzheimer’s study results, drug pricing law, bring new questions for many of the industry’s top companies.”

Weekend update

Congress remains on the campaign trail this week.

From the public health front —

  • Fortune Well considers a change in the spread of Omicron. “COVID has splintered into multiple variants dominating different countries at the same time. Experts say these are some scenarios could play out.”
  • The American Medical Association answers patient FAQs about the upcoming winter in which Covid is not expected to eclipse the flu.
  • The FDA encourages Americans, including children, to get the flu vaccine.
  • Fortune Well provides advice on who is a candidate for the monkeypox vaccine now that this vaccine is more widely available.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it will commit $1.2 billion to the effort to end polio worldwide.

The money will be used to help implement the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s strategy through 2026. The initiative is trying to end the polio virus in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the last two endemic countries, the foundation said in a statement Sunday.

The money also will be used to stop outbreaks of new variants of the virus. The announcement was made Sunday at the World Health Summit in Berlin. 

The foundation says in a statement on its website that it has contributed nearly $5 billion to the polio eradication initiative. The initiative is trying to integrate polio campaigns into broader health services, while it scales up use of the novel oral polio vaccine type 2. 

The group also is working to make national health systems stronger so countries are better prepared for future health threats, the statement said. 

From the price transparency front, two consultants from the Berkley Research Group advise in Healthcare Dive

Payers can use hospital transparency data to gain insights regarding the rates hospitals have negotiated with other payers, which potentially can be used during contract negotiations. For example, payers can evaluate the negotiated rates for specific hospitals compared to their competitor health plans to gauge alignment with their proposed rates and discounts. This is illustrated in Figure 2, which shows the average negotiated rates for a CT scan of the abdomen (CPT 74177) for each payer who contracts with Loyola University Medical Center near Chicago, compared to the hospital’s standard billed charge for the procedure. As shown in the graph, the average negotiated rate as a percentage of billed charges (list price) ranges from 3% to 24% (about $200 to $1,800).

The article offers other approaches to using hospital transparency data, e.g., geographic methods.

From the Rx coverage front

Beckers Hospital Review tells us

CVS Health wants to be in charge of the “entire spectrum of someone’s health journey,” the company’s chief executive said at an Oct. 12 event in Boston reported on by the Boston Business Journal.

CEO Karen Lynch pointed to how the company already delivers medication at the pharmacy, finances treatments through insurance company Aetna, provides low-cost urgent care at its MinuteClinics, and now intends to give care at home through its planned $8 billion acquisition of Signify Health, she reportedly said at the Boston College Chief Executives Club meeting.

Ms. Lynch said the company also plans to expand into primary care and expects to announce an acquisition later this year, the Business Journal reported Oct. 13. CVS is rumored to be in exclusive talksto buy Cano Health, a primary care firm focused on seniors.

Ms. Lynch told the crowd CVS has advantages over fellow healthcare disruptor Amazon, which recently agreed to acquire primary care chain One Medical for $3.9 billion, according to the story. “[Customers] really want to trust and engage with companies that have earned the right to be in healthcare,” she said. “I think about Amazon as sort of a transactional company today.”

The American Hospital Association informs us

President Biden today directed the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to consider new payment and delivery models to lower drug costs and promote access to innovative drug therapies for beneficiaries, and report within 90 days on its plan and timeline for testing selected models. AHA will update members as more information on the plan becomes available.

The White House also released a fact sheet on this executive order.

The American Medical Association issued a research report titled “Competition in Commercial PBM Markets and Vertical Integration of Health Insurers with PBMs.” The report is chock-a-block full of various PBM rankings.

Speaking of the CMS innovation center, the American Hospital Association reports

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will extend through 2025 the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced model, which was set to expire this year. CMS launched the alternative payment model in 2018 to test whether bundling Medicare payments for certain inpatient and outpatient care reduces spending and improves quality. The agency expects early next year to request applications from Medicare providers, suppliers and accountable care organizations to participate in the two-year extension, which will include changes to the pricing methodology.

Friday Stats and More

Based on the Centers for Disease Control’s Covid Data Tracker and Thursday as the first day of the week, the FEHBlog presents his weekly chart of new Covid cases for 2022.

The CDC’s weekly interpretation of its Covid statistics reports

As of October 12, 2022, the current 7-day moving average of daily new cases (38,949) decreased 11.9% compared with the previous 7-day moving average (44,233). 

CDC Nowcast projections* for the week ending October 1, 2022 estimate that the combined national proportion of lineages designated as Omicron will continue to be 100%. There are eight designated as Omicron: BA.5, BA.4.6, BQ.1.1, BQ.1, BF.7, BA2.75.2, BA.2.75, and BA.4. The predominant Omicron lineage is BA.5, projected to be 67.9% (95% PI 64.1-71.4%).

The Wall Street Journal points out

New offshoots of the Omicron Covid-19 variant that virus experts say appear to spread easily are on the rise in the U.S., the latest federal data show, underscoring how the virus is mutating and presenting new risks as it proliferates.

Two of the Omicron subvariants, both related to the BA.5 version that drove the most recent U.S. surge, are called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1. They were estimated to represent a combined 11.4% of U.S. Covid-19 cases by mid-October, according to estimates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Friday. * * *

Virus experts said that, because the newer subvariants remain in the Omicron family, updated Covid-19 vaccines in the U.S. should be an important shield against severe illness and death, though data is limited. The bivalent shots were designed to fight the original virus strain as well as the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants.

Here is the CDC’s “Daily Trends in Number of New COVID-19 Hospital Admissions in the United States” chart.

The CDC’s summary explains “The current 7-day daily average for October 5–11, 2022, was 3,268. This is a 4.4% decrease from the prior 7-day average (3,419) from September 28–October 4, 2022.”

The Wall Street Journal adds

Nationally, key metrics such as hospitalizations have largely been on a downward trajectory since late July, following a BA.5-fueled summertime surge, but with some recent signs of wavering. Wastewater virus readings have been choppy in recent weeks due to a climb in the Northeast, according to data from Biobot Analytics. The Northeast has also seen a recent rise in new Covid-19 hospital admissions, federal data show.

The FEHBlog presents his weekly chart of new Covid deaths for 2022

The CDC’s summary explains “The current 7-day moving average of new deaths (328) decreased 8.5% compared with the previous 7-day moving average (359).”

The Wall Street Journal adds

The country has recently averaged about 330 newly reported Covid-19 deaths each day, a continued burden falling heavily on the elderly and people with underlying health issues, including compromised immune systems. * * *

The interplay of a changing virus and fading immune protection from earlier infections and vaccine shots has left people vulnerable to repeated cases. These can lead in some cases to long-running symptoms. But virus experts say built-up protections from vaccines and prior infections still matter and can help limit hospitalizations and deaths.

The FEHBlog presents his weekly chart of Covid vaccinations distributed and administered from the beginning of the Covid vaccination era in December 2020 through the 41st week of 2022:

The CDC’s summary explains

As of October 12, 2022, 627.9 million vaccine doses have been administered in the United States. Overall, about 265.1 million people, or 79.9% of the total U.S. population, have received at least one dose of vaccine. About 226.2 million people, or 68.1% of the total U.S. population, have completed a primary series.

It strikes the FEHBlog as odd that the CDC’s Covid daily reporting does not include dispensing of oral antiviral drugs for Covid treatment, a vital component of the Covid suppression strategy.

Yesterday, the Secretary of Health and Human Services renewed the Covid public health emergency for another 90 days. The American Hospital Association comments

The AHA had urged HHS to renew the public health emergency to continue critical flexibilities hospitals depend on to deliver needed care, and minimize additional disruptions to an “increasingly fragile” health care delivery system.

From the U.S. healthcare business front, Healthcare Dive reports

UnitedHealth beat Wall Street expectations on both earnings and revenue in the third quarter with revenue of $80.9 billion, up 12% year over year. The healthcare giant increased its 2022 earnings expectations as a result.

Minnetonka, Minnesota-based UnitedHealth chalked the rise up to an increase in members served by payer UnitedHealthcare and growth in value-based care arrangements and care delivery platforms at Optum. Both businesses reported double-digit growth.

On a call with investors Friday morning, CFO John Rex said that UnitedHealth expects Change Healthcare — the data analytics business UnitedHealth acquired earlier this month despite a challenge from regulators — to be accretive to Optum’s earnings next year, not in 2022 as previously expected.

From the FEHB front

  • Kaiser Health News reports on a “New Generation of Weight Loss Medications Offer Promise — But at a Price.” FEHB plan enrollees will find expanded coverage of the drugs for 2023 due to a sensible OPM requirement in the 2023 call letter.

In other open season news, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a press release on the Medicare Open Enrollment period, which begins on Saturday, October 15.

Mid-week Update

Following up on this week’s posts

Forbes unpacks the colonoscopy study that the FEHBlog discussed in Monday’s post. The critical consideration is that “while colonoscopy may not be the gold standard it’s been made out to be, one or more colorectal cancer screening tools are essential to detect cancer and lower mortality rates.” Check it out.

Prof. Katie Keith writing in Health Affairs Forefront explores the final family glitch rule that the FEHBP mentioned in yesterday’s post. Two points suggest to the FEHBlog that the final rule will not materially impact the FEHB Program.

This situation—where employee-only coverage is affordable, but family coverage is not—is not uncommon. Most employers offer family coverage, but many do not subsidize it for family members which keeps the cost high for workers and their families.

That’s not the case in the FEHB Program. Moreover,

The final rule will not affect liability under the employer mandate, a fact confirmed by the IRS. Why not? The employer mandate requires certain large employers to offer coverage to employees and dependents. But penalties for violating the mandate are triggered only when an employee receives premium tax credits through the marketplace. The final rule extends premium tax credits to only the family members of workers who are not offered affordable job-based family coverage. It does not affect the eligibility of employees and thus does not implicate the employer mandate.

That’s an important consideration. Implementing the final rule is OPM’s responsibility as the FEHB Program’s regulator.

From the Omicron and siblings’ front —

The Associated Press reports

The White House on Tuesday said eligible Americans should get the updated COVID-19 boosters by Halloween to have maximum protection against the coronavirus by Thanksgiving and the holidays, as it warned of a “challenging” virus season ahead.

Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House COVID-19 coordinator, said the U.S. has the tools, both from vaccines and treatments, to largely eliminate serious illness and death from the virus, but stressed that’s only the case if people do their part. * * *

So far the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says only about 11.5 million Americans have received the updated shots, which are meant to provide a boost of protection against both the original strain of COVID-19 and the BA.5 variant that is dominant around the world. Jha said studies suggest that if more Americans get the updated vaccines, “we could save hundreds of lives each day this winter.”

The American Hospital Association informs us

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today recommended Moderna’s bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster for children aged 6-17 and Pfizer’s bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster for children aged 5-11 after the Food and Drug Administration authorized them for these ages. CDC previously recommended the Pfizer bivalent booster for Americans 12 and older and the Moderna bivalent booster for adults. The boosters protect against the most recently circulating omicron variants as well as the original virus strain.

MedPage Today offers more information on this FDA decision and a modeling study of 1.2 million global Covid patients showing (1) “Long COVID — defined as one or more clusters of symptoms lasting three months or longer — occurred in about 6% of people with symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection” and (2) “at one year, 15% of long COVID patients had ongoing cognitive or respiratory problems or fatigue.”

In other public health news, NPR offers a transcript of a monkeypox discussion among NPR healthcare reports. The upshot is

Just a few months ago, it looked like the U.S. had lost its chance to get monkeypox under control. Cases were soaring, and vaccines were in short supply. But now the story has taken a turn and this time in a good direction. In fact, some disease experts are even raising the idea that the U.S. could nearly eliminate the virus. 

From the medical research front —

Healthcare Dive reports

Walmart is getting into clinical trials with the launch of the Walmart Healthcare Research Institute, as the retail giant focuses on high-margin businesses in healthcare.

Walmart said the venture is meant to improve diversity in clinical trials, focusing on interventions and medications that can make an impact in underrepresented communities. That includes older adults, rural residents, women and minority populations, the company said in a release.

It could also become a valuable stream of revenue for Walmart from drug companies looking for participants for potential trials and studies.

The NIH Directors’ Blog tells us about two NIH-supported chemists, Carolyn R. Bertozzi and K. Barry Sharpless, who won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work in click chemistry.

This form of chemistry has made it possible for researchers to snap together, like LEGO pieces, molecular building blocks to form hybrid biomolecules, often with easy-to-track imaging agents attached. Not only has click chemistry expanded our ability to explore the molecular underpinnings of a wide range of biological processes, but it has provided us with new tools for developing drugs, diagnostics, and a wide array of “smart” materials.

Kudos to the winners.

STAT News reports

Merck on Wednesday agreed to extend an ongoing collaboration with Moderna to develop a personalized vaccine for the treatment of patients with skin cancer.

Moderna is getting $250 million from Merck to secure opt-in rights to the cancer vaccine candidate, called mRNA-4157. The two companies are jointly conducting a mid-stage clinical trial that combines the customized, mRNA-based vaccine with Merck’s checkpoint inhibitor Keytruda.

Results from this randomized study will be announced before the end of the year, but the timing of Wednesday’s deal suggests Merck and Moderna have seen enough encouraging data to advance mRNA-4157 into larger studies.

From the Rx coverage front, the HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality updated its consumer tool “How To Create a My Medicines List,” previously known as “My Pills List.”

From the healthcare quality front, NCQA released a slide deck and recording of last week’s Future of HEDIS webinar focused on health equity.

From the maternity care front, Health Day reports on a March of Dimes report on maternity care deserts and related matters. Here’s the federal government’s maternity care map:

Maternity care deserts [red]: low access [orange]; moderate access [yellow]; full access [light purple] Source: U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Area Health Resources Files, 2021

Holiday weekend update

Congress remains on the campaign trail this coming.

The Medicare Open Enrollment period begins on Saturday, October 15. The New York Times adds

Social Security will soon announce the largest inflation adjustment to benefits in four decades — a welcome development for millions of older Americans struggling to keep up with fast-rising living costs.

The cost-of-living adjustment for 2023 is likely to be around 8.7 percent, based on the latest government inflation figures. The final COLA, as the adjustment is known, will be released Thursday, when the federal government announces inflation figures for September. Medicare enrollees can anticipate some additional good news: The standard Part B premium, which is typically deducted from Social Security benefits, will decline next year.

The COLA, one of Social Security’s most valuable features, will give a significant boost to more than 70 million Americans next year. While retirement comes to mind when most people think about Social Security‌, the program plays a much broader role in providing economic security.

In August, the program paid benefits to 52.5 million people over age 65, but younger beneficiaries — survivors of insured workers and recipients of disability benefits‌ and Supplemental Security Income, the program for very low income people — added 17.9 million people to the total, according to Social Security Administration data.

The Federal Times discusses the upcoming open enrollment for the Federal Employee Dental and Vision Programs.

Twelve dental carriers provide 23 dental plan options available across the program. Seven dental carriers offer fourteen nationwide dental plan options available to all potential enrollees. Five vision carriers provide 10 nationwide vision plan options available to all potential enrollees.

The FEHB, FEDVIP, and FSAFeds Programs share the same open enrollment season, which this year will run from November 14 to December 12.

The health insurance marketplace open enrollment period begins on November 1, 2022, and ends on January 23, 2023.

From the public health front —

  • The New York Times discusses why Americans need a flu shot. As to timing

Immunity against the flu tends to wane over the course of a season. You have higher protection a couple of weeks after receiving the shot, compared with four or five months later, so it is a good idea to schedule your vaccine appointment close to the beginning of flu season, and not too early, Dr. Martin said. “I tend to get vaccinated in October so my antibodies are ramped up by the time holiday travel begins,” she said.

Some people wait longer, until November or December, especially if they are keeping a close eye on cases. But experts agree that it is important to receive the vaccine before cases start to surge. Your body needs at least two weeks after the shot to ramp up its defenses against the flu. People who are more susceptible to severe flu — especially older adults, pregnant women and very young children — should not delay their shots.

  • MedPage Today reports “Long COVID Persists in People With Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection — At one year, 15% of long COVID patients had ongoing cognitive or respiratory problems or fatigue.” Fierce Healthcare delves into health plan coverage of this tricky disease.
  • The New York Times offers expert opinions about various aspects of monkeypox.

From the healthcare personnel front, Healthcare Dive reports

Effective Oct. 17, [Amar] Desai who [currently is President and Chief Executive Officer, Optum Pacific West] will lead CVS’ newly created health care delivery division, overseeing implementation of CVS’ health services and care delivery strategy, according to a release from the Woonsocket, Rhode Island-based company. That includes CVS’ clinical delivery strategy in retail health, chronic disease management and behavioral health.

The division will work to link different aspects of CVS’ portfolio to develop payer-agnostic products and services, according to CEO Karen Lynch.

Good luck, Mr. Desai.

From the medical research front —

  • STAT News tells us about a large “gold-standard” European study concluding that colonoscopies are not all they have been cracked up to be in the U.S.

The trial’s primary analysis found that colonoscopy only cut colon cancer risk by roughly a fifth, far below past estimates of the test’s efficacy, and didn’t provide any significant reduction in colon cancer mortality. Gastroenterologists, including Bretthauer, reacted to the trial’s results with a mixture of shock, disappointment, and even some mild disbelief.

It’s the first randomized trial showing outcomes of exposing people to colonoscopy screening versus no colonoscopy. And I think we were all expecting colonoscopy to do better,” said Samir Gupta, a gastroenterologist at the University of California, San Diego and the VA who didn’t work on the trial. And, he said, it raises an uncomfortable question for doctors. “Maybe colonoscopy isn’t as good as we always thought it is.”

He stressed that the study does not invalidate colonoscopies as a useful screening tool. Colonoscopies are still a good test, Gupta said, but it may be time to reevaluate their standing as the gold standard of colon cancer screens. “This study provides clear data,” he said, “that it’s not as simple as saying, ‘Colonoscopy is the most sensitive test, and therefore it is the best.’ It still prevented cancers.”

The study has not shattered the FEHBlog’s confidence in the procedure, but it’s worth discussing the study with your physician down the line.

  • Bloomberg prognosis reports, “AstraZeneca Plc’s nasal spray vaccine failed to elicit a strong immune response to Covid-19 in a [small] early trial, a blow to the U.K. drU.K. giant’s ambitions for developing an alternative approach to preventing the disease.”

Friday Stats and More

Based on the Centers for Disease Control’s Covid Data Tracker and using Thursday as the first day of the week, here is the FEHBlog’s latest weekly chart of new Covid cases.

The CDC’s Covid Data Tracker Weekly Review was not issued today because Monday is a federal holiday.

The Covid Weekly Tracker tells us that the daily average of new Covid hospital admissions is 3,35.

Here is the FEHBlog’s latest weekly chart of new Covid deaths.

New York Times columnist David Leonhardt, who is going on a book tour that ends in late January 2023, reports

“A large chunk of deaths are preventable right now with Paxlovid alone,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House Covid response coordinator, told me. He predicted that if every American 50 and above with Covid received a course of either Paxlovid or a treatment known as monoclonal antibodies, daily deaths might fall to about 50 per day, from about 400 per day in recent months. * * *

recent analysis of about 568,000 patients by Epic Research found that 0.016 percent of Covid patients over 50 who received Paxlovid died. The death rate for patients who did not get the drug was more than four times higher, or 0.070 percent. And yet the Epic data showed that only about 25 percent of patients eligible to receive Paxlovid actually did, even though the drug is widely available and free for patients.

Perhaps the most shocking statistic about Paxlovid’s underuse — and Jha used the word “shocking” when describing it to me — is that a smaller share of 80-year-olds with Covid in the U.S. is now receiving the drug than 45-year-olds with Covid, according to data he has seen. Many doctors are evidently worried about side effects or rebound cases among their more vulnerable patients.

Even in rebound cases, however, symptoms tend to be milder than they would have been without Paxlovid. After Dr. Anthony Fauci, another White House adviser, who’s 81, contracted Covid in June and then took Paxlovid, he experienced a rebound — and also believed that the drug kept him out of the hospital.

“Medicine is about weighing costs and benefits,” Wachter said. “The recommendation should be clear and unambiguous for people at high risk: The benefits of the drug outweigh the downsides.”

In contrast, STAT News reports

A Merck pill used to combat Covid-19 failed to demonstrate it can lower the risk of hospitalization compared with a placebo among adults at a higher risk from the disease, according to the results of a large study conducted in the U.K.

The preliminary results of the randomized trial, which involved more than 25,000 participants, showed that taking molnupiravir did speed time to recovery by about six days, which means that patients did get some relief. Otherwise, though, the study failed to reach an outcome that had been used late last year by regulators — such as those in the U.S. and U.K. — to authorize the medicine to thwart the pandemic.

The findings also contradict the results of a much smaller study conducted by Merck and its partner, Ridgeback Therapeutics, which found a lower risk of hospitalization or death in high-risk patients by roughly 30%, after initially showing a 50% lower risk. Unlike the latest trial, which is called Panoramic, the Merck trial called Move-Out excluded patients who had been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Here is the FEHBlog’s chart of Covid vaccinations distributed and administered from the beginning of the Covid vaccination era in December 2020 through the 40th week of 2022:

In addition, here are two related CDC charts.

The American Hospital Association adds

COVID-19 vaccinations are associated with over 650,000 fewer hospitalizations and 300,000 fewer deaths in the Medicare population through December 2021, saving an estimated $16 billion in direct medical costs, the Department of Health and Human Services reported today. 

“This report reaffirms what we have said all along: COVID-19 vaccines save lives and prevent hospitalizations,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “We now have updated COVID vaccines designed to protect you against the Omicron strain of COVID that makes up almost all COVID cases in the U.S. … Over 90 percent of Americans live within 5 miles of where they can access these vaccines for free. I urge everyone eligible to get an updated COVID vaccine to protect yourself ahead of the fall and winter.”

Govexec tells us The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday announced that it authorized paid leave for federal workers to obtain the latest round of boosters for the COVID-19 vaccine.

From the FEHB front, Health Payer Intelligence reviews 2023 Blue Cross FEP benefit changes and makes other Open Season observations.

In OPM news, the GSA announced that its Technology Modernization Fund will be investing in OPM’s website. Modernization

It can be challenging for federal employees, job seekers, and HR professionals to navigate’s 20,000 pages to find what they need. With a $6 million TMF investment, OPM will update both the technology behind and the content on the website. This will allow OPM to implement an updated and more secure Content Management System (CMS) hosted on OPM’s cloud environment, ensuring that users have intuitive and accessible web tools.

“A user-friendly website plays a critical role in OPM’s mission to communicate the federal government’s policies, services, and benefits more clearly and effectively,” said OPM Director Kiran Ahuja. “This investment will improve the government’s ability to recruit job seekers, supply the federal workforce with relevant career-related information, and make it easier for public servants to manage their benefits.”

Hope springs eternal.

From the mental healthcare front, Fierce Healthcare informs us

A mental health crisis besets young adults in the United States to such an extent that more than a third (35%) of individuals ages 18 through 29 years old said that they could not work nor engage in other activities of daily living, according to a new survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and CNN.

Meanwhile, 90% of all Americans believe that the country faces a mental health crisis.

Age 30 seems to be the cutoff separating severe crisis caused by mental health problems, and conditions not as dire. For instance, 34% of those 18 through 29 consider their mental health to be “only fair” or “poor”; 19% of those 30 and over feel that way. Fifty-two percent of young adults said that they’d always or often felt anxious in the last year, while 28% of older adults felt that way.

A third of young adults felt depressed (33%) or lonely (32%) in the last year; for older adults it was 18% for both depressed and lonely. 

These survey figures, particularly the first one, are hard to believe, but undoubtedly our country needs more mental health therapists and better treatments.

From the Rx coverage front, the Food and Drug Administration announced that the agency has

approved Boostrix (Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, Adsorbed [Tdap]) for immunization during the third trimester of pregnancy to prevent pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, in infants younger than two months of age. 

“Pertussis disease is a highly contagious respiratory illness affecting all age groups. However, babies are at highest risk for getting pertussis and having serious complications from it,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “While vaccination is the best method for providing protection, infants younger than two months of age are too young to be protected by the childhood pertussis vaccine series. This is the first vaccine approved specifically for use during pregnancy to prevent a disease in young infants whose mothers are vaccinated during pregnancy.” 

Pertussis is a common respiratory disease in the United States, resulting in frequent outbreaks. It is also called whooping cough because of the “whooping” sound that someone makes when gasping for air after a fit of coughing. Most serious pertussis cases, hospitalizations and deaths occur in infants younger than two months of age who are too young to be protected by the childhood pertussis vaccine series. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4.2% of the total cases of pertussis reported in the United States in 2021 were in infants younger than 6 months of age and approximately 31% required hospitalization. When the Boostrix vaccine is given during pregnancy, it  boosts antibodies in the mother, which are transferred to the developing baby. 

Good news.

From the healthcare business front, Fierce Healthcare reports

Yale New Haven Health has signed an agreement to acquire two Connecticut health systems, Waterbury HEALTH and Eastern Connecticut Health Network), from Prospect Medical Holdings.

The deal would give Connecticut’s largest health system the businesses, real estate, physician clinic operations and outpatient services of three hospitals: 357-bed Waterbury Hospital, 249-bed Manchester Memorial Hospital and 102-bed Rockville General Hospital. Also included are Prospect Provider Group of Connecticut and Visiting Nurse and Health Services of Connecticut, according to a release.

Thursday Miscellany

From the FEHB front, the Federal Times discusses one of OPM’s 2023 FEHB initiatives, coverage of gender-affirming care.

OPM announced

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) migrated from the legacy application responsible for the financial management activities of over $1.1+ trillion-dollar trust fund assets to a modernized financial system platform that is managed and maintained by the Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s Administrative Resource Center (ARC).

The partnership between OPM and ARC will result in millions of taxpayer dollars saved, and enable a modernized, secure financial management solution and re-engineered processes to support the administration of the earned benefits program which includes retirement, health, and life insurance. As a result, millions of federal employees, retirees, and their families should have increased confidence in the programs that ensure they can meet their retirement and healthcare and life insurance needs.

Here’s the related ARC press release. ARC is a federal government center of excellence. The FEHBlog is interested in reading more details on the benefits of this new system.

From the public policy front, here are links to AHIP’s press releases from this week on the ACA individual non-discrimination rule, Section 1557, and its favorable reaction to CMS’s idea to create a national provider directory.

Healthcare Dive tells us

A regulatory deadline kicked in Thursday requiring providers and other healthcare entities to be able to share a significantly larger scope of data with patients, despite major provider groups arguing they’re not ready to comply.

As of Thursday, information blocking regulations apply to all electronic health information in a record that qualifies as protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Previously, providers only had to make available data elements in a specific dataset called United States Core Data for Interoperability.

Time will tell us about the rule’s effect.

From the Medicare front, Forbes offers a deep dive into 2023 adjustments to the Medicare Parts B and D beneficiary income premium adjustments known as IRMMA. IRMAA impacts many federal annuitants, which causes an ongoing material reduction in new federal annuitants signing in for Part B. The kick in the pants is that when an annuitant’s income declines below that IRMMA level which typically happens over time, the Part B premium is unaffordable due to the late enrollment penalty.

From the public health front —

The Centers for Disease Control is calling attention to its patient and provider education materials on sepsis.

The American Hospital Association informs us

More than 2.5 million students in grades 6-12 reported using electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days when surveyed this year, including 14% of high school students and 3% of middle school students, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported today. One in four students who used e-cigarettes used them daily, 8 in 10 used flavored e-cigarettes and over half used disposable e-cigarettes. Since 2014, U.S. youth have used e-cigarettes more than any other tobacco product.

“It’s critical that we work together to prevent youth from starting to use any tobacco product — including e-cigarettes — and help all youth who do use them, to quit,” said Deirdre Lawrence Kittner, director of CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health. 

For more information, see the CDC fact sheet for health care providers and tools to help teens quit.

From the Rx coverage front,

The New York Times informs us

A new medication for A.L.S., the devastating neurological disorder that causes paralysis and death, will have a list price of $158,000 a year, its manufacturer disclosed Friday.

The treatment, to be marketed as Relyvrio, is a combination of two existing drugs and will be available to patients in the United States in about four to six weeks, according to officials of the company, Amylyx Pharmaceuticals.

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Research has observed

Last week, the FDA approved Relyvrio, Amylyx Pharma’s therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Even in the absence of definitive proof of efficacy, there are clear benefits to ensuring patients with a rapidly fatal disease have early access to a safe therapy. In a situation like this, we believe the manufacturer has an obligation to price responsibly. ICER concluded that an annual price of $9,100 to $30,700 would be reasonable if the therapy actually works. While awaiting proof, we believe that patients would benefit from a price closer to the price of production of Relyvrio.

Ruh roh.

Fierce Health reports

Beginning this month, the Pennsylvania-based plan and Mark Cuban’s drug company (MCCPDC) will begin to let members and community organizations know about their collaboration and how they can access low-cost drugs, according to a press release. In 2023, Capital Blue Cross members will be able to use their insurance cards at the company’s online pharmacy. 

The online pharmacy launched earlier this year, aiming to disrupt skyrocketing prescription drug prices in the U.S. It currently offers nearly 1,000 generic prescription drugs that it says reflect manufacturer prices plus a 15% fee.  * * *

While initially, MCCPDC was planning to launch its own pharmacy benefit manager, it then scrapped those plans, announcing its first PBM partnership last week. The PBM has no rebates and no spread pricing. Some experts have cautioned that while the company’s effort is effective, it isn’t tackling a more pressing problem—brand-name drug prices, given generic drugs are up to 85% less expensive. The company is hoping to offer brand-name drugs down the line, CNBC reports.

Midweek update

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

From the OPM front, Federal News Network reports on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs September 29, 2022, confirmation hearing for Robert Shriver, whom the President has nominated to serve as OPM Deputy Director.

From the Fourth Quarter 2022 front

  • STAT News provides “The Q4 health tech tracker: 17 key industry events and milestones to watch.”
  • The Society for Human Resource Management offers “4th Quarter 2022 ‘Quick Hits’ for Plan Sponsors.” This quick hit grabbed the FEHBlog’s attention:

Making a splash across the headlines was the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022(IRA), which President Biden signed on Aug. 16, 2022. The 273 pages of text make sweeping changes. However, few will affect employer-sponsored benefit plans, and most of those will have only indirect effects. 

One change that does directly affect a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) is the exception added to Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code effective for plan years beginning after Dec. 31, 2022, to enable HDHPs to cover the cost of insulin without first meeting the deductible. This first dollar coverage for insulin will protect Health Savings Account (HSA) eligibility for those who require an insulin regimen. Employers should determine if their plan requires an amendment to implement this change.

On a related note, TRI-AD calls to our attention the “2022 FSA relief provisions will no longer apply in 2023.”

From the public health front —

  • The American Hospital Association informs us that “Increasing bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccinations this year to 2020-2021 flu vaccination rates could prevent an additional 75,000 deaths and 745,000 hospitalizations and avert $44 billion in medical costs over the next six months, researchers estimate in a Commonwealth Fund blog post. Increasing COVID-19 booster coverage to 80% of eligible Americans aged five and older this year could prevent about 90,000 deaths and over 936,000 hospitalizations and avert $56 billion in medical costs, they add.”
  • CNBC reports

* The CDC, in a report, said monkeypox could spread indefinitely at a low level in the U.S.

* Monkeypox is unlikely to be eliminated from the U.S. in the near future, according to the CDC. 

* The outbreak is slowing as the availability of vaccines have increased and people have become more aware of how to avoid infection.

  • The New York Times gives us a briefing and advice on the upcoming flu season.
  • Beckers Hospital Review discusses patient safety wins obtained this year by five health systems.

From the innovations front, the American Hospital Association tells us

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services seeks comments through Dec. 6 on creating a National Directory of Healthcare Providers and Services to help patients locate providers and compare health plan networks, and reduce directory maintenance burden on providers and payers.

CMS seeks feedback on the concept and potential benefits; provider types and data elements to include; the technical framework for a national directory; priorities for a possible phased implementation; and prerequisites and actions CMS should consider to address potential challenges and risks.

Tuesday Tidbits

From the Federal Employee Benefits Open Season front, OPM released its Open Season press announcement today. Its lede is

Thousands of Enrollees Are Leaving Valuable Savings on the Table During Open Season
Enrollees should use Open Season as a period to conduct a wellness or financial check-up and reassess their health needs and coverage

Among other guidance, OPM recommends

Below we’ve provided sample questions to help you assess how you can utilize Open Season to review your benefits and needs to make an informed decision on coverage:

What are my and/or my family’s expected health care needs for 2023? 

* Questions while reviewing your FEHB plan: Am I expecting a new baby? Do I need surgery? Will my medication need change? Does my plan provide a pharmacy mail order option for prescriptions?

* Questions while reviewing FEDVIP: Do I want coverage for my routine dental care? Will I need a crown or root canal? Does my child need braces? Do I need glasses and/or contact lenses? Am I considering laser vision correction surgery?

* Questions while reviewing FSAFEDS: Do I have out-of-pocket expenses I need to consider, such as deductibles, copays, day care, elder care, or over-the-counter drugs and medicines? Do I have medical expenses that may not be covered by my FEHB plan? Do I plan to send my children (under 13) to in-home care or summer camp? 

OPM does not mention the availability of the FEHB plan’s summary of benefits and coverage (“SBC”), an Affordable Care Act requirement. The FEHBlog recalls visiting friends in Denver who were preparing for their employers’ open season by comparing these short but comprehensive SBCs. For example, the SBCs include a broken-out estimate of the plan’s cost-sharing for having a baby, receiving diabetes treatment for a year, and fixing a broken bone. In addition, the federal government consumer tested the SBCs.

FEHB plans update their SBCs annually in advance of Open Season and post them on their websites, usually on the page with forms and brochures.

The Washington Post has an article on the 2023 Open Season, and Federal News Network offers “a few” other expert views on the 2023 Open Season. Fierce Healthcare adds

Open enrollment is coming soon, and foremost on everybody’s mind as these windows draw nearer is just how much health insurance will cost, according to a survey by Gravie and Wakefield Research.

“Consumers are concerned about the high costs of health coverage impacting their access to healthcare, increasing medical debt and the lack of mental health coverage,” according to a press release from the two companies.

From the Omicron and siblings’ front —

  • Beckers Hospital Review tells us

The CDC revised its “up to date” COVID-19 vaccination term Sept. 30 to include the primary series and the recently authorized omicron-targeting booster.  * * *

The CDC’s website still deems people who are not immunocompromised as “fully vaccinated” two weeks after their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer’s series or two weeks after receiving J&J’s COVID-19 vaccine. 

[However, last Friday’s] decision could update the “fully vaccinated” term that experts have urged regulators to update.

  • HealthLeaders Media reports “Treating COVID-19 patients with Paxlovid significantly reduces hospitalizations and deaths, according to a recent large-scale study by Epic Research.”

AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 pre-exposure prophylactic Evusheld has managed to remain relevant for immunocompromised and other patients when many of its therapeutic peers haven’t with each new Omicron subvariant.

But that win streak may slowly come to a close as the FDA told healthcare providers on Monday that one of the emerging subvariants, BA.4.6, renders Evusheld almost completely useless.

Nationally, BA.4.6 currently makes up about 13% of new cases, compared to just 1% of cases at the beginning of July, according to the CDC. But in some regions, like in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, the BA.4.6 subvariant makes up more than 20% of all Covid-19 cases.

  • David Leonhardt writing in the New York Times Morning column discusses “A Public Health Success Story; We revisit the subject of Covid and racial inequities”. Check it out.
  • The NIH Directors Blog considers “Understanding Long-Term COVID-19 Symptoms and Enhancing Recovery.”

From the mental healthcare front, MedPage Today reports

Suicide risk was higher in people recently diagnosed with dementia, especially younger patients, a case-control study in England showed.

Compared with people who didn’t have dementia, suicides rose in people who received a dementia diagnosis in the past 3 months (adjusted OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.49-4.09), according to Danah Alothman, BMBCh, MPH, of the University of Nottingham in England, and colleagues.

For people under age 65, suicide risk within 3 months of diagnosis was 6.69 times (95% CI 1.49-30.12) higher than in patients without dementia, the researchers reported in JAMA Neurology

From the U.S. healthcare business front, Bloomberg reports on giant drug manufacturer Pfizer’s future

Pfizer Inc. emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic as the world’s most visible drugmaker, but its success has left investors impatient for an encore.

The windfall from the pharmaceutical giant’s Covid vaccine almost doubled its revenue in just one year. And now the shot, coupled with Pfizer’s Covid antiviral pill, is poised to make up more than half of its expected $100 billion of sales in 2022. That’s left Pfizer flush with cash — $28 billion it could spend on the kinds of deals that for decades fueled its growth into an American colossus.

The pressure is clearly on for Pfizer to show that the muscle it built during the pandemic won’t atrophy. Big Pharma companies don’t normally double revenue so quickly, and nobody expects that kind of growth to continue. But one thing’s clear: Pfizer can’t go back to the sluggish path it was on for years.

The American Hospital Association informs us

Operating margins for U.S. hospitals and health systems were down 24% in August compared to a year ago, driven in large part by a 7.2% increase in labor expenses, according to data from over 900 hospitals reported yesterday by Kaufman Hall.

“Nine months into a challenging year, margins have fluctuated wildly,” the report notes. “Although most metrics improved from July to August, organizations are still operating with negative margins and well below pre-pandemic levels.”

From the Medicare front, the American Hospital Association adds

Effective Oct. 1 for five years, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will pay average sales price plus 8%, rather than ASP plus 6%, for biosimilars whose average sales price does not exceed the price of the reference biological product. The payment increase was included in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. For new biosimilars that qualify, the five-year period will begin on the first day of the calendar quarter for which ASP payment for that biosimilar begins under Medicare Part B.

From the electronic health records front, STAT News reports

Epic Systems has revamped its widely criticized sepsis prediction model in a bid to improve its accuracy and make its alerts more meaningful to clinicians trying to snuff out the deadly condition.

Corporate documents obtained by STAT show that Epic is now recommending that its model be trained on a hospital’s own data before clinical use, a major shift aimed at ensuring its predictions are relevant to the actual patient population a hospital treats. The documents also indicate Epic is changing its definition of sepsis onset to a more commonly accepted standard and reducing its reliance on clinician orders for antibiotics as a way to flag the condition.

The changes follow the publication of a series of investigations by STAT that found an earlier version of Epic’s tool resulted in high rates of false alarms at some hospitals and failed to reliably flag sepsis in advance. One of the investigations found that the model’s use of antibiotics as a prediction variable was particularly problematic, resulting in late alarms to physicians who had already recognized the condition and taken action to treat it.

Fierce Healthcare looks into “How Google, Mayo Clinic and Kaiser Permanente tackle AI bias and thorny data privacy problems.”

From the telehealth front, Healthcare Dive reports

Telehealth utilization varied by region from June to July of 2022 and rose 1.9% nationally, according to Fair Health’s monthly tracker data out Monday. 

In the West, Midwest and South, telehealth utilization rose 5.7%, 2.5% and 4.9%, respectively, from June to July. In the Northeast, telehealth use fell 3.3% during that period.

Mental health conditions remained the top diagnoses nationally, and psychiatrists also delivered more virtual care in some regions.

Weekend update

Congress has left Capitol Hill after the Congressional election on November 8. The Wall Street Journal reports from the Congressional campaign trail.

Tomorrow, the Supreme Court opens its October 2023 Term. The Journal discusses the legal issues that the Court will be considering this term.

Amy Howe adds

When the justices return to the bench next week to begin the 2022-23 term, members of the public will be able to attend oral arguments for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020. The court also announced on Wednesday that it will continue to provide a live audio feed of oral arguments, a practice that it began during the pandemic.

Masking will be optional at oral arguments, the court said in a press release, and the court’s building will otherwise remain closed to the public.

From the Omicron and siblings front, Forbes reports

As COVID-19 regulations continue to ease across the U.S., some Americans want more protection. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of adults familiar with the recently updated booster shot, which specifically targets the virus’ Omicron variant, say they are likely to get one.

That’s according to the latest Forbes Health-Ipsos Monthly Health Tracker, which polled 1,120 adults between Sept. 27 and 28, 2022. Of those in favor of the new shot, 25% say they are “somewhat likely” to get it, while 38% indicate they are “very likely” to get the booster.

Additionally, about 9% of polled individuals have already received the latest booster, and 28% say they aren’t likely to get this particular booster at all.

Perhaps it’s time for health plans to reach out to members on the bivalent booster.

From the healthcare costs front, the Congressional Budget Office offers “Policy Approaches to Reduce What Commercial Insurers Pay for Hospital and Physician Services.” How timely!

From the Rx coverage front —

Fierce Healthcare tells us

A new report finds that 1,216 pharmaceuticals increased their prices past the inflation rate of 8.5% from July 2021 to July 2022, with an average hike of 31.6%. 

The report and a second report on price trends released Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) underline how a new provision in the Inflation Reduction Act—an inflationary cap on Part D costs—will affect prices right as the cap is implemented Oct. 1. 

NPR shots provides patient and expert reaction to the FDA’s decision to approve a new drug to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (“ALS”).

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a controversial new drug for the fatal condition known as ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. 

The decision is being hailed by patients and their advocates, but questioned by some scientists.

Relyvrio, made by Amylyx Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Mass., was approved based on a single study of just 137 patients. Results suggested the drug might extend patients’ lives by five to six months, or more. * * *

A much larger study of Relyvrio, the Phoenix Trial, is under way. But results are more than a year off.

The Institute for Clinical and Economic (ICER) review adds

Yesterday, the FDA approved Relyvrio, Amylyx Pharma’s therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). According to ICER’s analysis, the therapy would only achieve traditional thresholds of cost-effectiveness if priced between $9,100 to $30,700 per year.

We also recommended that manufacturers should seek to set prices of new medications that will foster affordability and access for all patients by aligning prices with the patient-centered therapeutic value of their treatments, and not based on the price of existing ALS medications. This is especially important for ALS since new drugs are anticipated to be used in combination with other very expensive drugs, creating the highest risk for financial toxicity due to health care costs.

From the telehealth front, mHealth Intelligence informs us

While researching the effects of telehealth and in-person care within a large integrated health system, a study published in JAMA Network Open found that virtual care methods can expand healthcare capabilities, performing on par or better than in-person care on most quality measures evaluated.

Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study that included 526,874 patients, 409,732 of whom received only in-person care, and 117,142 participated in telehealth visits. Of those who received only in-person care, 49.7 percent were women, 85 percent were non-Hispanic, and 82 percent were White. Of those who received care via telehealth, 63.9 percent were women, 90 percent were non-Hispanic, and 86 percent were White.

Researchers noted that patients in the in-person-only group performed better on medication-based measures. But only three of the five measures had significant differences: patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) receiving antiplatelets, those with CVD receiving statins, and those with upper respiratory infections avoiding antibiotics.

Researchers also noted that patients participating in telehealth performed better than those in the -person-only group on four testing-based measures. These four measures included patients with CVD with lipid panels, patients with diabetes with hemoglobin A1c testing, patients with diabetes with nephropathy testing, and blood pressure control.

Further, those participating in telehealth performed better than their counterparts on seven counseling-based measures, including cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, colon cancer screening, tobacco counseling and intervention, influenza vaccination, pneumococcal vaccination, and depression screening.

Based on these study findings, researchers concluded that telehealth could augment care for various conditions, especially chronic diseases. The study also supplies information that could assist providers in determining an ideal ratio of in-person and telehealth visits.

But researchers also noted several limitations associated with the study. These included their inability to control for the number of in-person and telehealth visits, potential inaccuracies associated with the EMR data used, and sampling limitations.