Midweek update

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Roll Call informs us,
    • “Congress appears poised to leave town before Christmas without a topline spending agreement, which could doom the chances of getting full-fledged fiscal 2024 appropriations bills done in January.
    • “If there’s no deal on spending limits this week, lawmakers will essentially be out of time to work out the details of the 12 annual appropriations bills by Jan. 19, the first of two deadlines set in the last continuing resolution. The next deadline is Feb. 2, leaving little time to complete the last, larger batch of bills, particularly with the House scheduled to be in recess the week of Jan. 22.
    • “House Republicans remain far apart from both parties in the Senate and House Democrats on the total allocations appropriators have to parcel out to the dozen subcommittees so they can wrap up their bills.”
  • Health Affairs Forefront informs us,
    • Today, Micah Hartman and colleagues at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), including the National Health Expenditure Accounts Team, released their 2022 healthcare spending report.
    • The team finds that healthcare spending in the US grew 4.1 percent from 2021, reaching $4.5 trillion in 2022, which is a faster rate of growth than in 2021 but slower than in 2020.
    • They determine that the rate of growth has become more consistent with the prepandemic average annual growth rate of 4.4 percent.
    • Among other findings, they determine that the health share of GDP returned to a nearly prepandemic level in 2022, although this result was partly influenced by economywide inflation. 
    • In 2022, the insured share of the population reached 92.0 percent (a historic high), as private health insurance and Medicaid enrollment continued to experience strong growth.
  • Here’s a link to the CMS Fact Sheet on this report.
  • “The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) today finalized its Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing (HTI-1) rule. This follows the release of the HTI-1 proposed rule in April 2023. The HTI-1 final rule advances patient access, interoperability, and standards.”
    • Here’s a link to the Fierce Healthcare article on this action.
  • Health Affairs Forefront offers an article by two top government experts on what’s next with TEFCA.

From the U.S. public health and medical research front,

  • Beckers Hospital Review points out,
    • “JN.1 is now the fastest-growing COVID-19 variant in the U.S., accounting for around 21% of cases, data from the CDC shows.
    • “The strain is closely related to BA.2.86, which first caught experts’ attention over the summer because of its large number of mutations in the spike protein. JN.1 has a single additional change in its spike protein, the L455S mutation, which experts say has some immune-evasion properties worth keeping an eye on.
    • “The continued growth of JN.1 suggests that it is either more transmissible or better at evading our immune systems,” the CDC said in a recent update about the variant. “At this time, there is no evidence that JN.1 presents an increased risk to public health relative to other currently circulating variants.” 
  • The New York Times reports,
    • “The nausea and vomiting that often define the first trimester of pregnancy are primarily caused by a single hormone, according to a study published on Wednesday in the journal Nature. Researchers said that the discovery could lead to better treatments for morning sickness, including rare, life-threatening cases of it.
    • “The study confirms prior research that had pointed to the hormone, called GDF15. The researchers found that the amount of hormone circulating in a woman’s blood during pregnancy — as well as her exposure to it before pregnancy — drives the severity of her symptoms.”
  • The New York Times also offers an expert opinion on how to close the large addiction treatment gap.
    • “The single most important thing lawmakers and health officials could do to usher in such changes is to improve their oversight of the addiction treatment industry. Too many states have not updated their regulations for addiction treatment facilities since the 1960s or ’70s. Many rely instead on independent accrediting agencies to separate good programs from bad ones. That approach frequently fails, as secret shopper studies and innumerable investigative reports have shown. “Accrediting organizations should feel humiliated by what we’ve seen from facilities that have their stamp of approval,” said Keith Humphreys. “But their incentive is to accredit everyone, because that’s how they get paid.”
  • Medscape notes,
    • “New recommendations to screen for heart failureperipheral arterial disease (PAD), and type 1 diabetes risk, along with new obesity management guidance, are among many updates to the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) Standards of Care for 2024.
    • “The Standards of Care are essentially the global guidelines for the care of individuals with diabetes and those at risk,” ADA chief scientific and medical officer Robert Gabbay, MD, PhD, said during a briefing announcing the new Standards.”
  • Per MedPage Today,
    • “A high-dose recombinant influenza vaccine (Flublok Quadrivalent) was more protective than an egg-based standard-dose influenza vaccine in adults, according to results of a cluster-randomized, observational study.
    • Among adults ages 50 to 64, the high-dose vaccine was 15.3% more effective in preventing influenza than the standard-dose vaccine (95% CI 5.9-23.8, P=0.002) and 15.7% more effective against influenza A (95% CI 6.0-24.5, P=0.002), reported Nicola Klein, MD, PhD, from the Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center in Oakland, California, and colleagues in the New England Journal of Medicine.
    • “Although the relative benefit of the high-dose vaccine appears to be modest, “reducing breakthrough influenza cases by 15% would provide a substantial public health benefit, especially during more severe influenza seasons,” Klein told MedPage Today in an email.”
  • and
    • Moderna’s mRNA-based RSV vaccine was effective at preventing RSV-associated lower respiratory tract disease in adults ages 60 and older, according to results of the randomized ConquerRSV trial.
    • The mRNA-1345 vaccine was 83.7% effective (95.88% CI 66%-92.2%) in preventing RSV-associated lower respiratory tract disease with at least two signs or symptoms, and similarly effective (82.4%) against lower respiratory tract disease with at least three signs or symptoms (96.36% CI 34.8%-95.3%), Eleanor Wilson, MD, of Moderna in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and colleagues reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. * * *
    • “An important consideration will be how much protection an mRNA vaccine provides during subsequent RSV seasons and whether subsequent boosting will be appropriate,” Angela Cohn, MD, and Aron Hall, DVM, MSPH, from the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC in Atlanta, wrote in an accompanying editorial. “Such questions about duration of immunity, along with reactogenicity and cold-chain considerations, remain important areas for further evaluation in the implementation of mRNA vaccines.”
  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse announced,
    • The percentage of adolescents reporting they used any illicit substances in 2023 continued to hold steady below the pre-pandemic levels reported in 2020, with 10.9% of eighth graders, 19.8% of 10th graders, and 31.2% of 12th graders reporting any illicit drug use in the past year, according to the latest results from the Monitoring the Future survey. Reported use for almost all substances decreased dramatically between 2020 and 2021, after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and related changes like school closures and social distancing. In 2022, most reported substance use among adolescents held steady at these lowered levels, and these latest data show that this trend has continued into 2023.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • We have another report on healthcare spending trends.
    • “Greater use of diagnostic testing and advances in medical technology and treatments are among the factors pushing medical trends higher than the rate of inflation, according the 45th National Healthcare Trend Survey, published by Buck, a Gallagher company, an integrated HR, pensions, and benefits consulting, technology, and administration services firm. The company has been monitoring medical trend factors used by health insurers and third-party administrations to project employers’ future healthcare costs since 1999.
    • “The survey of nearly 100 health insurers and health plan administrators covering more than 100 million plan participants predicts even higher medical trend factors in the future due to providers renegotiating higher fees with insurers, as well as other changes occurring in the healthcare industry. Compared to the prior survey released in May 2023, the latest trends are up 50 to 100 basis points.”
  • Reuters reports,
    • “More than a quarter of 152 employers surveyed by the Business Group on Health said they would use virtual providers to oversee obesity drug prescriptions next year.
    • “Boeing (BA.N), Hilton (HLT.N), and Fortune Brands (FBIN.N) are among companies that have signed up for or expanded deals with virtual healthcare providers, according to sources familiar with the matter.
    • “Truist analyst Jailendra Singh forecasts the market for virtual obesity drug management could reach $700 million in 2024 and grow to as much as $9 billion longer term, assuming providers charge around $30 per member, per month, and $50 for physician appointments.”
  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • Pfizer PFE  shares tumbled to their lowest close in more than nine years, after the giant drugmaker overestimated Covid-19 vaccine use and the company was forced to warn about its prospects.
    • “Shares fell 6.7% on Wednesday because the company, which has lost $140 billion in market cap this year, said its revenue could fall next year and issued 2024 guidance below analyst expectations.”

Tuesday Tidbits

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • The Hill reports,
    • “Congress is struggling to lock down a deal on government funding with just days until lawmakers are set to leave town for the rest of the year, as both chambers appear to have given up on passing their own spending bills.
    • “Lawmakers had been hopeful leadership would strike a deal last week on an overall top-line level for government funding in fiscal 2024 as part of the annual appropriations process. But as negotiations continue, lawmakers say leadership is cutting it close. Congress is staring down a shutdown deadline next month, with little legislative time on the calendar.” 
  • Healthcare Dive explains the features of the Lowers Costs, More Transparency bill passed last night by the House of Representatives. The wide bi-partisan margin supporting the bill gives it more likelihood of success in the Senate.
  • American Hospital Association News tells us,
    • “The House Dec. 12 voted 386-37 to pass AHA-supported legislation (H.R. 4531) that would reauthorize key SUPPORT Act programs for patients with substance use disorder and permanently extend required Medicaid coverage for medication-assisted treatments. The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee today advanced its own SUPPORT Act reauthorization bill (S. 3393).”
  • Healthcare Dive informs us,
    • “Nationwide health data exchange under TEFCA, the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement, is now operational, the HHS’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology announced on Tuesday.
    • “Five Qualified Health Information Networks, or QHINs, completed the onboarding process and are ready for data exchange: eHealth Exchange, Epic Nexus, Health Gorilla, KONZA and MedAllies.
    • “The go-live marks a significant milestone that’s been years in the making, HHS leaders said at a signing event. “I feel like we’re watching the Big Bang occur in 2023,” said Secretary Xavier Becerra.”
  • Yippee! Now, true interoperability begins. Bye, bye fax machines.
  • HHS also announced,
    • “release[ing] HHS’s National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease: 2023 Update – PDF. The National Plan is a roadmap of strategies and actions of how HHS and its partners can accelerate research, expand treatments, improve care, support people living with dementia and their caregivers, and encourage action to reduce risk factors. It highlights the progress made in 2023, which was an historic year for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) and care for people with this condition.”
  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is proposing to retain its Grade B recommendation that
    • “Clinicians provide or refer children and adolescents age six years or older with a high body mass index (BMI) (≥95th percentile for age and sex) to comprehensive, intensive behavioral interventions.”
    • The public comment period is open until January 16, 2024.
  • MedPage adds that
    • “To reap the “moderate net benefit,” kids should have 26 or more contact hours with the behavioral interventions for up to a year, [the USPSTF] advised.
    • “USPSTF fell short of recommending pharmacologic therapy, citing a lack of evidence. This did not mean the group recommended against this type of treatment; however, behavioral interventions should be the primary effective intervention for kids’ weight loss, the task force said.”
  • The CDC offers five healthy eating tips for the holidays.
  • The GAO issued a report on the rocky implementation of the No Surprises Act’s independent dispute resolution process.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • Beckers Hospital Review points out the fifteen states (and New York City), up from ten the previous week, with the highest rates of respiratory disease.
    • “Two states — Louisiana and South Carolina — reported “very high” respiratory virus activity levels. Thirteen states — Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming — and New York City reported “high” activity levels, which are a measure of the weekly percentage of visits to an outpatient healthcare provider or emergency department for fever and cough or sore throat.” 
  • Per STAT News,
    • “The sickle cell community has for the past few days been buzzing with news of the first-ever approved gene therapies for the devastating disease. Meanwhile, researchers at the American Society of Hematology meeting on Tuesday are reporting advances in a less expensive and more established strategy proven to cure patients: bone marrow transplant.
    • “This approach has been around for decades but required patients to have a well-matched donor and endure a hefty dose of chemotherapy, ruling out transplant as an option for the vast majority of patients. In a mid-stage trial, however, researchers said sickle cell patients who were given a gentler course of chemo and an infusion of half-matched cells fared well: They had less pain, and 95% of participants were alive two years after transplant and only 7% of recipients experienced a severe reaction caused by transplanted immune cells attacking their new home.”
  • and
    • “One of the toughest subtypes of acute leukemia involves a genetic alteration in the KMT2A gene. Many cancers with this genetic alteration end up relapsing or don’t respond to treatment, but new data presented at the annual American Society of Hematology meeting offer hope of a new targeted therapy for these patients.
    • “The study, called the Phase 2 Augment-101 trial, tested Syndax’s revumenib in patients with relapsed or refractory leukemia with these KMT2A genetic rearrangements. Overall, about 63% of the patients responded to the treatment, with many able to receive a potentially curative stem cell transplant later on, which is often the ultimate goal for patients with relapsed or refractory patients, said Ibrahim Aldoss, a hematologist-oncologist at City of Hope and the study’s presenter, in an interview.”
  • The New York Times asks why since 2009 pedestrian deaths at night continue climb?
    • “[P]ut together, it’s clear that there’s been a particularly American mix of technological and social changes over the past decade and a half. And they have all come on top of a road system and an ingrained culture that prioritizes speed over safety. Whatever has happened over this time has reversed years of progress on daytime pedestrian fatalities, too, leading to a modest increase in deaths. Nighttime, however, has the potential to amplify so many of these new risks.
    • “A transportation system that’s safer by design — as in many European countries — might better absorb any one of these dangers. Distracted drivers are safer at lower speeds. People out at night are safer with well-lit crosswalks.”
  • The New York Times furthermore reports,
    • Zepbound, the newly approved weight loss drug, hit the market this month. People seeking out the medication may have to stay on it for the foreseeable future — potentially, for the rest of their lives — if they want to keep the weight off, new research confirms.
    • “A study published Monday followed 670 people who had taken tirzepatide, the compound in Zepbound and the diabetes drug Mounjaro, for 36 weeks. Eli Lilly, the company that makes both drugs, funded the study. Tirzepatide regulates insulin levels and slows down the emptying of the stomach. It also acts on areas of the brain that control hunger and appetite. As a result, people can lose significant weight: On average, the study participants lost around 20 percent of their body weight during that time.
    • “After that, half of the participants continued to take a high dose of tirzepatide for a year while the other half received a placebo shot. Those in the study also underwent lifestyle counseling, ensuring that they were eating fewer calories and exercising regularly.
    • “People who continued taking tirzepatide for an additional year lost, on average, another 5.5 percent of their body weight. Those who were switched to the placebo, however, gained 14 percent of their body weight on average. Those on the placebo also tended to have higher cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure than they did while taking tirzepatide, said Dr. Louis Aronne, the lead author on the study and the director for the Comprehensive Weight Control Center at Weill Cornell Medicine.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Per Fierce Healthcare,
    • “Optum Rx is launching a new weight management program aimed at improving outcomes and addressing affordability.
    • “The cost of GLP-1 drugs amid continued high demand is a key focus for pharmacy benefit managers and plan sponsors, especially as individual therapies can top $10,000 per year. Through the Optum Rx Weight Engage program, the PBM is aiming to support employers and other clients in designing benefits for their membership.
    • “The team will review the client’s goals to build a tailored program that will deploy clinical solutions as well as patient monitoring and motivation and support tools, the company said. Members can connect to an obesity management specialist who will direct them to the appropriate clinical services.”
  • Healthcare Dive reports,
    • “Healthcare prices typically rise faster than inflation, but 2023 may have bucked that trend.
    • “The cost of shoppable medical services at hospitals increased 2% in the first three quarters of the year, according to new data from Turquoise Health released Tuesday. That’s in line with the 1.9% overall growth of the economy.
    • “The findings — some of the first from new price transparency data disclosing the once-secret negotiated rates between health insurers and providers — illustrate how overall economic inflation could be catching up to faster health cost growth.”
  • STAT News notes,
    • “In its latest bid to police the pharmaceutical industry, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission sought to block Sanofi from licensing a Pompe disease treatment made by another drug company. And in response, Sanofi is ending the deal.
    • “Sanofi sought the rights to the medication from Maze Therapeutics, but the regulator argued the deal — valued at $775 million — would eliminate a “nascent competitor” that could, otherwise, challenge the monopoly Sanofi has in the market for Pompe disease treatments, according to an FTC statement. The agency had filed a complaint in a federal court in Boston and also planned to seek a preliminary injunction.”
  • BioPharma Dive adds,
    • “The scuttled deal came on the same day that the regulator gave final clearance to Pfizer’s $43 billion acquisition of Seagen, which had faced close scrutiny from the antitrust regulator. To ease the FTC’s concerns, Pfizer has agreed to donate royalties from sales of the cancer drug Bavencio to the American Association for Cancer Research.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review points out six innovative hospitals.
  • According to BioPharma Dive,
    • “AstraZeneca on Tuesday reached a deal to acquire vaccine developer Icosavax in a deal worth up to $1.1 billion. 
    • “Per deal terms, AstraZeneca will acquire Icosavax’s shares at $15 apiece, and could add another $5 per share to the buyout if certain milestones and sales targets are met. The upfront payment from AstraZeneca represents an equity value of about $838 million and a premium of about 43% to Icosavax’s closing price on Monday. The acquisition would reach $1.1 billion if AstraZeneca eventually makes the future payouts, which are known as “contingent value rights.”  
    • “Icosavax has been developing an experimental shot that simultaneously targets respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus, another lung infection. The biotech released Phase 2 study results on Tuesday showing the vaccine spurred an immune response against both viruses without causing any serious adverse events. AstraZeneca will now take over late-stage development, and, if successful, commercialization.”  

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • The U.S. Supreme Court granted the federal government’s request to direct three U.S. Courts of Appeals to vacate decisions they made in cases involving the federal government employee Covid vaccine mandate on the ground that the President had withdrawn the mandate. In short, the Court held that the cases are moot.
  • Bloomberg reports,
    • “Employer groups are lining up behind legislation headed to the House floor that would prevent medical groups owned by hospitals from charging more for services than private providers. 
    • “The Lower Costs, More Transparency Act (H.R. 5378) includes provisions that would require “site-neutral” payments for drug administration in off-campus hospital outpatient departments. The measure, which has bipartisan support, could come to a vote in the House as early as Monday. 
    • “Although the measure only applies to Medicare, employers say site-neutral payments could spill over to reduce costs for commercial plans. They argue the additional fees hospital-owned practices are charging aren’t necessary for services that can be safely performed in a doctor’s office, while hospitals counter that the legislation will lead to reduced oversight and lower quality of care.” * * *
    • The American Hospital Association blasted site neutral proposals.
  • P.S. The House of Representatives passed H.R. 5378 by a bipartisan 320-71 vote.
  • According to a press release, “AHIP is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Tuffin as its next President and CEO, effective January 8, 2024. Tuffin returns to AHIP having served as its Executive Vice President for Public Affairs from 2003 to 2012. He succeeds Julie Simon Miller, AHIP’s General Counsel, who has served as Interim CEO since September 2023.” Good luck.
  • The Sequoia Project is releasing five new TEFCA resources. TEFCA will be the long-overdue backbone for connecting the country’s various electronic health record networks.
  • Mercer Consulting discusses Rx legislative activity to watch in 2024.

From the public health front,

  • Beckers Hospital Review tells us,
    • “Data from the CDC and anecdotal reports form hospital officials suggest respiratory syncytial virus infections have peaked in the U.S., allaying concerns that the nation could see simultaneous surges of COVID-19, flu and RSV.
    • “We think we’re near the peak of RSV season or will be in the next week or so,” CDC Director Mandy Cohen, MD, told NBC News in a Dec. 1 report. 
    • “National data aligns with that forecast. Weekly emergency department visits for RSV had been on the rise since September. Now, they may be coming down again, CDC data indicates. There were 22,321 ED visits for RSV for the week ending Dec. 2, the latest for which data are available. That’s down from 23,500 in the previous week. PCR test positivity rates also fell slightly to 11.7 from 12.7 in the previous week.” 
  • The Washington Post adds,
    • “Up to 5.4 million people in the United States already have been sick with the flu this fall, according to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency also estimates that flu has caused as many as 55,000 hospitalizations and 4,600 deaths from Oct. 1 through Dec. 2.
    • “As flu season progresses, usually peaking between December and February, the CDC plans to update its tally of flu-related cases weekly. The flu, or influenza, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by viruses that spread from person to person, often via droplets expelled through coughing or sneezing.
    • “The flu, like colds and other respiratory illnesses, is more common in cold weather as people tend to spend more time indoors, where viruses can pass more easily from person to person. Also, health experts believe the flu virus survives better in cold weather and cold, dry air weakens people’s resistance.”
  • The CDC has posted the latest COVID statistics.
  • The AP reports,
    • “Health officials on Friday released the first nationally representative estimate of how many U.S. adults have chronic fatigue syndrome: 3.3 million.
    • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s number is larger than previous studies have suggested, and is likely boosted by some of the patients with long COVID. The condition clearly “is not a rare illness,” said the CDC’s Dr. Elizabeth Unger, one of the report’s co-authors. 
    • “Chronic fatigue is characterized by at least six months of severe exhaustion not helped by bed rest. Patients also report pain, brain fog and other symptoms that can get worse after exercise, work or other activity. There is no cure, and no blood test or scan to enable a quick diagnosis.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review informs us,
    • “Patients taking Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug Wegovy in 2021 and 2022 were three times more likely to continue taking the medication a year later compared to older weight loss therapies, according to a study published Dec. 6 in Obesity
    • “Researchers from Cleveland Clinic evaluated about 1,000 EHRs between January 2015 and July 2023 among patients who were taking anti-obesity medications. The EHRs were collected from a large health system in Ohio and Florida. 
    • “The weight loss drug with the highest adherence was Wegovy (semaglutide), with 40% of Wegovy patients still filling prescriptions after a year. In comparison, the adherence of orlistat, liraglutide, naltrexone-bupropion and phentermine-topiramate after 12 months ranged between 0% and 19%.” 
  • The American Medical Association lets us know what doctors wish their patients knew about pickleball injuries.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • MedCity News identifies five trends shaping healthcare business strategies for 2024.
    • M&A
    • Generative AI
    • Workforce Challenges
    • Outsourcing
    • Affordability
  • Per Fierce Healthcare and because many FEHB plans offer global coverage
    • “More than half of global health insurers are expecting significant increases in healthcare costs over the next several years, according to a new report.
    • “Analysts at advisory firm WTW surveyed 266 insurers across 66 countries and found that 58% are bracing for “higher or significantly higher” cost increases in the three upcoming years. The report found that global medical costs increased by 10.7% in 2023, a record high and up from a 7.4% increase in 2022.
    • “The average cost trend insurers expect is 9.9% next year, which accounts for variations in rates between regions. For example, the estimated rate of cost increases decreased from 10.9% in 2023 to 9.3% in 2024, while it’s projected to rise from 11.3% in 2023 to 12.1% in 2024 in the Middle East and Africa, according to the report.”
  • Fierce Healthcare also reports,
    • “Healthcare technology giant Epic is leveraging its massive clinical research database, with data on 226 million patients, to develop a next-generation decision support tool for clinicians.
    • “Elevance Health, formerly Anthem and the nation’s second-largest insurer, leverages its clinical data platform, called Health OS, and artificial intelligence to help providers close gaps in care and reduce burdensome paperwork, according to CEO Gail Boudreaux.
    • “The insurer’s goal is to break down data silos and integrate data on patients’ physical, mental and social health into a longitudinal patient record within electronic health record (EHR) systems, Boudreaux said during the Forbes Healthcare Summit this week in New York City.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review identifies the eight most influential drugs approved by the FDA this year, according to GoodRx, while the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER)
    • published its latest report on Unsupported Price Increases (UPI) of prescription drugs in the United States. Among the top 10 drugs with net price increases in 2022 that had substantial effects on US spending, ICER determined that eight lacked adequate new evidence to support any price increase. The analysis also found that one of three Medicare Part B drugs with high list price increases in 2021 lacked adequate supporting new evidence, directly raising annual out-of-pocket expenses for Medicare patients by up to $680 per year.”
  • Beckers Payer Issues offers seven prior authorization updates.
  • Beckers Hospital Review identifies nine hospitals already cleared to administer the new CRISPR treatment for sickle cell anemia that FDA approved last week. Also, “[re]ad more about the treatment and experts’ reactions here.” 

Weekend update

From Washington, DC,

  • The American Medical Association reports,
    • “As of today, patients and physicians have a clear-eyed view on how to protect Medicare from injurious cuts. A bipartisan group of House members— led by Reps. Greg Murphy, M.D., (R-N.C), Danny Davis, (D-Ill.), Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M. (R-Ohio), Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.), Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-Ind.) and Michael Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas)—introduced HR 6683 that would eliminate the pending 3.37 percent cuts to Medicare payments. These cuts threaten healthcare access for seniors as well as the viability of physician practices, including many in rural and underserved areas. Canceling the cut is a good new year’s resolution.”
  • The Federal Benefits Open Season ends tomorrow, December 11.
    • OPM explains that “The Federal Benefits Open Season ends at 11:59 pm Eastern Time on Monday, December 11, 2023, for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) and the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS). Open Season for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) ends at 11:59 pm, in the location of your electronic enrollment system, on Monday, December 11, 2023.”

From the public health front,

  • Fortune Well provides background on pneumonia, the lung disease that is the number one cause of hospital admission in children and adults.
  • Bloomberg Prognosis delves into the old saying, “Feed a cold and starve a fever,” which dates back to the 16th century. Well, it turns out that your best bet is to feed colds and fevers according to Bloomberg.
  • The Washington Post reports,
    • “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday warned clinicians and the public about an outbreak of a rare but deadly tick-borne disease that hospitalized five patients in Southern California, killing three of them, after they traveled to or lived in a Mexican border city in recent months.
    • “Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is transmitted by the bite of infected ticks that live primarily on dogs. It’s rare in the United States but it has emerged at epidemic levels in northern Mexico, where more than 2,000 cases, resulting in hundreds of deaths, have been reported in the past five years.
    • “In a health advisory issued late Friday, the CDC said the five patients had been diagnosed since late July. All had traveled to or lived in the city of Tecate, in the northern Mexican state of Baja California, within two weeks of getting sick. All five sought care in hospitals in Southern California, including four pediatric patients. CDC officials declined to provide more details about the individuals to protect their privacy. Three of the patients were U.S. residents, and two were siblings who lived in Mexico. Two deaths were pediatric patients and one was an adult, CDC officials said.”
  • The Post also discusses nitazenes, a street opioid more potent than fentanyl.
    • “Naloxone, the commonly used overdose reversal drug, can revive nitazene users. But nitazenes may complicate rescue efforts if users or medical personnel do not know the drugs have been consumed. In a study published in August, researchers found that a small group of emergency room patients who had taken nitazenes needed more naloxone than people overdosing on fentanyl. Two patients who ingested a compound known as metonitazene suffered heart attacks. One died, according to the study in JAMA Network Open.
    • “The concerns about nitazenes being more potent than fentanyl were confirmed by the study,” said Alex F. Manini, a study co-author and a professor of emergency medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.”

We have big news from the U.S. healthcare business front.

  • The Wall Street Journal reported this afternoon,
    • Cigna abandoned its pursuit of a tie-up with  Humana that would have created a roughly $140 billion giant in the health-insurance industry.
    • “The companies couldn’t come to an agreement on price and other financial terms, according to people familiar with the matter. In the near term, Cigna is turning its focus toward smaller, so-called bolt-on acquisitions. * * *
    • “Instead, Bloomfield, Conn.-based Cigna plans an additional $10 billion of stock buybacks, bringing its total planned repurchases to $11.3 billion. * * *
    • “Humana, the No. 2 Medicare insurer, remains in the midst of its own succession handoff. Humana said in October that Jim Rechtin—previously chief executive of Envision Healthcare—would take over as president and chief operating officer, effective Jan. 8. Rechtin is then to take over as chief executive officer from Bruce Broussard in the back half of 2024.” 

Cybersecurity Saturday

From the cybersecurity policy front,

  • Healthcare Dive reports,
    • “The HHS released [on December 6] a working paper this week that outlines its strategy to support cybersecurity in healthcare, including proposing hospital cybersecurity requirements through Medicare and Medicaid and beginning to update the HIPAA rule.
    • “The paper details steps to improve resilience among healthcare organizations, like establishing voluntary cybersecurity goals for the sector, working with Congress to receive new authority and funding, and adding goals into existing regulations and programs.
    • “The strategy comes as healthcare organizations face growing threats of cyberattacks that jeopardize patient safety and privacy. The HHS’ Office for Civil Rights found a 93% increase in large breaches reported from 2018 to 2022, and a 278% increase in large breaches involving ransomware.  * * *
    • “Money and voluntary goals alone won’t drive enough change, the department said. The HHS’ third step focuses on proposing to add healthcare-specific cybersecurity goals into existing regulations, which will inform future standards.
    • “The CMS will propose new cybersecurity requirements for hospitals through Medicare and Medicaid and the HHS’ OCR will begin to update the HIPAA Security Rule in the spring to include new standards. [Reginfo.gov tells us the proposed rule is expected to be released in September 2024.]
    • “The American Hospital Association CEO Rick Pollack said the trade and lobbying group welcomes more federal expertise and funding to protect the sector from cyberattacks, but it can’t support mandatory requirements.
    • “Many recent cyberattacks against hospitals have originated from third-party technology and other vendors. No organization, including federal agencies, is or can be immune from cyberattacks,” Pollack said in a statement. “Imposing fines or cutting Medicare payments would diminish hospital resources needed to combat cyber crime and would be counterproductive to our shared goal of preventing cyberattacks.”
  • Cyberscoop tells us,
    • “Addressing computer security vulnerabilities by quickly finding and patching flaws is a fundamentally broken model in need of being overhauled, Eric Goldstein, a top cybersecurity official at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said Friday.
    • “To say that our solution to cybersecurity is at least in part, patch faster, fix faster, that is a failed model,” Goldstein said at an event held by the nonprofit International Information System Security Certification Consortium. “It is a model that does not account for the capability and the acceleration of the adversaries who we’re up against.”
    • “Goldstein, the executive assistant director for cybersecurity at CISA, argued that delivering broad gains in computer security requires a “philosophical shift” that puts a smaller burden on school districts, water utilities, and small businesses to maintain secure systems, and asks more of the large companies to provide secure software and hardware.
    • “If you’re a school district, a water utility, a small business, you’re fundamentally not going to repeatedly succeed over time against the malicious actors that we are trying to manage every day,” Goldstein said.”
  • The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights announced,
    • “a settlement with Lafourche Medical Group, a Louisiana medical group specializing in emergency medicine, occupational medicine, and laboratory testing. The settlement resolves an investigation following a phishing attack that affected the electronic protected health information of approximately 34,862 individuals. Phishing is a type of cybersecurity attack used to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive information via electronic communication, such as email, by impersonating a trustworthy source. This marks the first settlement OCR has resolved involving a phishing attack under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Rules. HIPAA is the federal law that protects the privacy and security of health information. 
    • “Phishing is the most common way that hackers gain access to health care systems to steal sensitive data and health information,” said OCR Director Melanie Fontes Rainer. “It is imperative that the health care industry be vigilant in protecting its systems and sensitive medical records, which includes regular training of staff and consistently monitoring and managing system risk to prevent these attacks. We all have a role to play in keeping our health care system safe and taking preventive steps against phishing attacks. * * *
    • “The resolution agreement and corrective action plan may be found at: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/compliance-enforcement/agreements/lafourche-medical-group/index.html
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced,
    • “The Securities and Exchange Commission’s new requirements for companies to disclose material cybersecurity incidents take effect on December 18, 2023. The FBI, in coordination with the Department of Justice, is providing guidance on how victims can request disclosure delays for national security or public safety reasons.
    • “You can click on the buttons at the bottom of this page to read guidance on requesting a delay and providing necessary information to the FBI, to view the SEC Rule, and to read the FBI’s Policy Notice about how victim requests are processed.  
    • “The FBI recommends all publicly traded companies establish a relationship with the cyber squad at their local FBI field office. The FBI also strongly encourages companies to contact the FBI soon after a cyber incident is discovered. This early outreach allows the FBI to familiarize itself with the facts and circumstances of an incident before the company makes a materiality determination. If the victim of a cyber intrusion engages with the FBI, that doesn’t trigger materiality. However, it could assist with the FBI’s review if the company determines that a cyber incident is material and seeks a disclosure delay. 
    • Please note that delay requests won’t be processed unless they are made immediately upon a company’s determination of materiality.”
  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology released an updated
    • The NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Reference Tool (CPRT) [which] provides a way to browse, view mappings, and download reference data from select NIST cybersecurity and privacy standards, guidelines, and Frameworks– all in standardized data formats (you can currently pick from XLSX or JSON). These tabular datasets will make it easier for users of NIST guidance to identify, locate, compare, and customize content without needing to review hundreds of pages of narrative within publications.

From the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and breaches front,

  • The HHS health sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) issued its November report on vulnerabilities of interest to the health sector.
    • “In November 2023, vulnerabilities to the health sector have been released that require attention. This includes the monthly Patch Tuesday vulnerabilities released by several vendors on the second Tuesday of each month, along with mitigation steps and patches. Vulnerabilities for November are from Microsoft, Google/Android, Apple, Mozilla, Cisco, SAP, VMWare, Adobe, Fortinet, Atlassian, Becton, Dickinson (BD) and Company, and ownCloud. A vulnerability is given the classification of a zero-day when it is actively exploited with no fix available, or if it is publicly disclosed. HC3 recommends patching all vulnerabilities, with special consideration to the risk management posture of the organization.”
  • The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency added two known exploited vulnerabilities to its catalog on December 4, four more on December 5 and another two on December 7.
  • HC3 posted a white paper on ownCloud vulnerability.
    • “The ownCloud platform allows organizations to store, synchronize, and share files and other content, as well as collaborate and consolidate work processes. This platform is known to be deployed across the U.S. health sector, among other industries. The nature of this platform provides cyber-attackers with a target that can potentially provide access to sensitive health information, as well as a staging point for further attacks. Three vulnerabilities were recently identified in certain versions of ownCloud, the most egregious of which is known to be under active attack. HC3 recommends healthcare organizations running ownCloud identify vulnerable instances and prioritize implementation of the mitigation steps in this document.”
  • HC3 also posted a PowerPoint about Open Source Software risks in the health sector.
  • Federal News Network informs us,
    • “The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is reminding agencies and the public to patch known cyber vulnerabilities after a federal agency was hacked earlier this year by threat actors leveraging a bug in outdated software.
    • “In a cyber advisory issued this week, CISA said unidentified threat actors exploited a vulnerability in older versions of Adobe ColdFusion software to gain access to the network of a federal civilian executive branch agency. The specific agency was not identifie
    • “Analysis of the agency’s network logs confirmed the compromise of “at least two public-facing servers” within the agency’s environment between June and July of this year.
    • “Both servers were running outdated versions of software which are vulnerable to various [Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures],” CISA said in the advisory.”
  • Per Cybersecurity Dive,
    • “Cyberattacks and data breaches are exposing personal data at an ever-growing rate, according to an Apple-commissioned study conducted by Stuart Madnick, professor of IT at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published Thursday.
    • “More than 2.6 billion personal records were compromised in 2021 and 2022, and the number of records breached jumped 36% in 2022 to 1.5 billion, the report said.
    • “Data breaches at U.S. organizations are at an all-time high, up 20% in the first nine months of 2023 compared to all of last year, the study found.”
  • and
    • “Two years after the historic disclosure of a critical zero-day vulnerability in the Apache Log4j library sent organizations racing to contain the damage, nearly 2 in 5 applications are still using vulnerable versions, according to a report released Thursday from Veracode
    • “The report found nearly one-third of applications are running Log4j2 1.2.x, which reached end-of-life status in August 2015 and no longer receives patch updates. Another 2.8% of applications are still using versions vulnerable to the actual Log4Shell vulnerability.
    • “Veracode found 3.8% of applications are using Log4j2 2.17.0, which was patched against Log4Shell, but contains CVE-2021-44832, another high severity, remote code execution vulnerability.”
  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “The recent breach of  23andMe user accounts shows a simple yet powerful truth about data security: Don’t reuse passwords, people.
    • “The DNA test-kit company on Monday reported a hacker accessed 14,000 accounts because of password reuse, exposing information belonging to approximately 6.9 million people. The 23andMe computer network wasn’t breached and wasn’t the source of these compromised credentials, a company spokesman said in a statement. The company first disclosed the incident in October and has been investigating since then.
    • “The passwords used to break into these accounts had most likely been stolen from other websites. Because they were reused, they also worked on 23andMe, security experts say. The type of attack is known as credential stuffing, and it puts 23andMe in the company of other major businesses who have fallen victim to the cybercrime trend, including NetflixNintendoZoom and PayPal
    • “It isn’t uncommon to see credential stuffing used to compromise thousands of accounts, but with 23andMe, the data in question is unusual, said Ryan McGeehan, owner of R10N Security, a cybersecurity consulting firm. 
    • “The issue here is that 23andMe is a social site that also has healthcare information,” he said. “And both of these increase the risk of exposure of the data, and the value of the data itself.” 

From the ransomware front,

  • The Hacker News explains ransomware as a service. (Note: The Week in Ransomware was not published this week.)

From the cybersecurity defenses front,

  • Security Boulevard offers 2024 predictions for cybersecurity.
  • An ISACA experts explains how to create a health security culture.
  • Medriva discusses the cybersecurity steps that the Cleveland Clinic has taken.

Friday Factoids

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • Endpoints informs us,
    • “In a landmark moment for genetic medicine and sickle cell disease patients, the FDA on Friday approved not just one but two gene therapies for the disease: Vertex Pharmaceuticals’ and CRISPR Therapeutics’ Casgevy, marking the first-ever approval of a CRISPR-based medicine in the US, and Lyfgenia, bluebird bio’s lentiviral gene therapy.
    • “The treatments are approved for sickle cell disease patients 12 years of age and older who experience painful attacks associated with the disease. Vertex will charge $2.2 million in the US for Casgevy, while bluebird will charge $3.1 million for Lyfgenia.
    • “This is the very first time that some patients have ever imagined that they might not have to live their entire lifespan with the consequences of sickle cell disease,” Alexis Thompson, the chief of the division of hematology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and investigator on the clinical trials that led to the therapies’ approvals, told Endpoints News ahead of the announcement.” * * *
    • “ICER, a drug pricing watchdog, has suggested the therapies could be cost-effective at $2 million in the US. Bluebird bio markets a gene therapy as Zynteglo for transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia as well in the US, for which it charges $2.8 million.”
  • Per Fierce Healthcare,
    • “New polling suggests voters would rather work to improve the current U.S. healthcare system and keep the Affordable Care Act in place, rather than drastically overhaul the system in favor of a national public option or Medicare for All.
    • “Three-quarters of survey respondents said they prefer fixing the current health insurance system versus starting fresh with a Medicare for All system, while 64% said Medicare should begin at the age of 60 instead of 65 and 58% believe people should be allowed to purchase health insurance beginning at the age of 50.
    • “Repealing the ACA struck a chord with respondents as just 32% of voters and only 44% of GOP voters said they support repealing the ACA. When asked if ACA subsidies should be extended, 60% said they should while only 41% of Republicans agreed.
    • “Notably, the survey was conducted on behalf of the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, an industry group created in 2018 comprised of America’s Health Insurance Plan, the American Hospital Association, BlueCross BlueShield Association, the Federation of American Hospitals, PhRMA and other major hospital systems, payers and healthcare advocacy groups that seek to quell support and prevent passage of Medicare for All.” 
  • Healthcare Dive tells us,
    • “Hospitals are up in arms over a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would equalize payments for drugs administered in outpatient clinics, regardless of ownership.
    • The American Hospital Association and the Federation of American Hospitals sent separate letters to Congress this week urging legislators to vote against the bill over the site-neutral provision, arguing it would threaten access to care by cutting hospitals’ Medicare payments.
    • “The bipartisan Lower Costs, More Transparency Act is scheduled to come up for a House vote the week of Dec. 11.”
  • Fierce Healthcare offers more information on this bill (HR 5378).
    • [T]he legislation would ban spread pricing in Medicaid, force PBMs and providers to adopt President Trump-era transparency rules, push closer toward site-neutral payment reform, extend a federal program due to expire and approve funding increases for community health centers.
  • The American Hospital Association News points out,
    • The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Dec. 8 discussed draft payment update recommendations for 2025, which the commission will vote on in January. The draft recommendations call for Congress to update Medicare payment rates for hospital inpatient and outpatient services by the current law amount plus 1.5%, and transition to a safety-net index policy that would distribute an additional $4 billion to safety-net hospitals. They also propose that Congress:
      • Update 2025 Medicare payments for physicians and other health professional services by 50% of the Medicare Economic Index increase, and enact a non-budget-neutral add-on payment under the physician fee schedule to services provided to low-income Medicare beneficiaries.
      • Reduce the 2025 payment rate for home health agencies by 7%.
      • Reduce the 2025 payment rate for skilled nursing facilities by 3%.
      • Reduce the 2025 payment rate for inpatient rehabilitation facilities by 5%.
  • On December 6, the Biden Administration’s latest semi-annual regulatory agenda was posted. Here is a link to OPM’s agenda. Here are the FEHB rulemakings in process:
    • OPM Proposed Rule Stage Federal Employee Health Benefits Program: Effective Date of Coverage RIN 3206-AO47
    • OPM Proposed Rule Stage Postal Service Health Benefits Program: Additional Requirements and Clarifications RIN 3206-AO59
    • OPM Proposed Rule Stage Federal Employee Health Benefits Program: Decreasing Enrollment Type to Self Only RIN 3206-AO62
    • OPM Final Rule Stage Requirements Related to Air Ambulance, and Agent, and Broker Services, and Provider Enforcement RIN 3206-AO28
    • OPM Final Rule Stage Postal Service Health Benefits Program RIN 3206-AO43
  • Readers can research these rulemakings on regulations.gov by referencing the RIN.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The Department of Health and Human Services announced
    • “In first-of-its-kind research to examine racial and ethnic disparities in the medical costs of smoking in the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that adults from some racial and ethnic populations benefit substantially more than others from tobacco control policies. The research, published today in the journal Tobacco Control, supports President Joe Biden’s April 2023 Executive Order calling for policymakers to examine distributional effects in cost-benefit analyses required in the rulemaking process.  This study helps inform such analyses and will benefit other research in this area.
    • “The study shows that even though adults in specific racial and ethnic populations have a lower ever-smoked rate than White adults and make more attempts to quit, their medical spending associated with smoking was twice as high, with a 41% higher rate of having multiple chronic conditions associated with smoking. * * *
    • “Disparities in medical spending, as well as adverse health outcomes, are continuing to increase over time,” said AHRQ co-author Dr. William Encinosa. “AHRQ’s results indicate that racial and ethnic populations benefit substantially from tobacco control policies, such as tobacco product regulations.”
    • “The article, “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Healthcare Costs and Outcomes of Smoking in the United States: 2008-2019,” is published in Tobacco Control and may be found at: https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/lookup/doi/10.1136/tc-2023-058136
  • Medscape notes,
    • “Patients receiving semaglutide for weight loss show a significantly higher rate of continuing the medication at 1 year compared with less effective anti-obesity drugs. However, even among those patients, continuation declines to fewer than half of patients.
    • “We now have effective US Food and Drug Administration-approved anti-obesity medications; [however], this study shows that in a real-world setting, the vast majority of patients discontinued their prescription fills within the first year,” said first author Hamlet Gasoyan, PhD, lead author of the study and a researcher with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Value-Based Care Research, said in a press statement.
    • “The study was published online today in the journal Obesity.”
  • HR Morning fills us in on cancer benefit trends in 2024 and how employers can support employees fighting cancer.
  • Per MedPage Today,
    • “An outbreak of Clade I mpox virus is currently spreading in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and clinicians should be aware of the potential for transmission from people traveling from the Central African country, the CDC said Thursday in a Health Alert Network advisoryopens in a new tab or window.
    • “Of the two distinct mpox subtypes, Clade I is endemic in Central Africa, and appears to be more transmissible and causes more severe infections than the Clade II subtype. So far, no Clade I mpox infections have been detected in the U.S. during surveillance testing. The current threat for Clade I mpox in travelers remains low, the CDC said, in part because there are no direct commercial flights to the U.S. from the DRC.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Becker’s Payer Issues explains how BCBS plans are using price transparency data.
    • “It’s been nearly two years since payers have been required to publish the costs of their in-network provider rates for covered items and services, and now Blue Cross Blue Shield plans are using that data to create actionable insights for stakeholders across the healthcare system.
    • “Much of that work is being done by Blue Health Intelligence, the data and analytics arm of the BCBS Association that is collectively owned by 17 BCBS affiliates. Becker’s sat down with BHI CEO Bob Darin to learn how Blues plans around the country are utilizing price transparency data, and the major challenges that still lie ahead.”
  • Check out the interview.
  • HR Dive reports,
    • “The U.S. government published its fall regulatory agenda Wednesday, sharing its rulemaking plans for the remainder of 2023 and early 2024.
    • “Of interest to HR professionals are U.S. Department of Labor updates on wage and hour law, workplace safety and retirement plans. Perhaps most notably, the DOL plans to finalize overtime regulations in April 2024. Final regulations for independent contractor classification — under the Fair Labor Standards Act — hang in the balance, as they were slated to be published in November, per the DOL.
    • “Separately, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said it will finalize Pregnant Workers Fairness Act rules in December.”
  • The Society for Human Resource Management advises
    • “With the end of the year quickly approaching, HR and benefits leaders have yet one more task to add on to their busy end-of-year checklist: reminding employees about approaching deadlines to use up remaining cash in their health care flexible spending accounts (FSAs). ***
    • “So how should employers share end-of-year news about FSAs? And what should they say?
    • “One of the best ways to remind employees is to send multiple emails during the remainder of the year, Dinich said, adding that if company leaders simply raise the issue in a company meeting, anyone who is on leave or out sick won’t get that reminder.
    • “Make sure to reiterate any terms and conditions within that email and advise on checking which expenses are eligible, so that employees can refer back to this when making claims before the end of the year,” he said. “Also ensure that it’s clear when the expiry date is, as some plans are tied to specific dates rather than defaulting to the end of the year.”

Happy Hanukkah

Hanukkah greeting template. Hand-drawn sketch illustration. Unsplash.

From Washington, DC,

  • The White House posted a fact sheet on the steps that the Administration is taking to lower health and prescription drug costs.
  • Following up on yesterday’s post, BioPharma Dive adds
    • The White House on Thursday took steps to pressure pharmaceutical companies to lower the price of drugs developed with federal funding, backing a plan that would enable the government to sidestep patent protections for those medicines.
    • New draft guidelines published by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology permit government agencies to consider “reasonableness of the price” when evaluating whether to invoke so-called march-in rights, which permit the government to suspend patents when federally funded inventions aren’t made available to the public.
    • The newly published framework gives agencies the power to act “if it appears that the price is extreme, unjustified, and exploitative of a health or safety need.” One example is a “sudden, steep price increase in response to a disaster,” although the initial cost of a drug when it’s launch can also be considered, the guidance said.
    • The agency is seeking further comment on its guidance — the product of an interagency review that began early this year — before publishing a final version.
  • The Senate Finance Committee leadership announced that “the Committee has reported legislation that was marked up in the committee in November. The “Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act” addresses a number of important health care priorities in the committee’s jurisdiction.”
    • “The final reported legislative text can be found here. A section by section summary can be found here.”
  • American Hospital News tells us,
    • “The House Energy and Commerce Committee Dec. 6 advanced 19 health care bills, including legislation (H.R. 6364) that would prevent Medicare from publicizing a telehealth provider’s home address when the provider delivers telehealth services from their home. AHA has additionally urged Congress to remove a requirement that these telehealth providers report their home address on Medicare enrollment and claims forms effective Jan. 1, 2025. 
    • “The committee also advanced H.R. 6545, as amended, which included provisions that were part of two other bills that had previously moved through the health subcommittee: H.R. 6366, to extend for one year the Geographic Practice Cost Index floor for physician work under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule; and H.R. 6369, to extend the 3.5% incentive payment for eligible Advanced Alternative Payment Model participants for the calendar year 2026 period. AHA supports the extension, but would prefer Congress to restore the incentive payment to 5% and remove the legislation’s payment reductions for longstanding participants.”
  • MedPage Today offers insights into a December 5 Senate Finance Committee hearing on drug shortages.
  • The Government Accountability Office issued a report on “improper payments and fraud: how they are related but different.” OPM has focused FEHB carrier attention on this topic in 2023.

In federal benefit news,

  • FedWeek discusses how FEHB premiums compare for retirees versus employees.
  • Govexec reports,
    • “For the third time this year, the federal government’s backlog of pending retirement claims filed by departing federal workers hit a six-year low, as the Office of Personnel Management continues its focus on improving a process that has long pestered agencies and retirees alike.
    • “OPM reported Tuesday that its retirement backlog fell to 15,826 pending cases at the end of November. That’s the second time the inventory fell below 16,000 this year, and the third time this year that the backlog reached a six-year record low, dating back to when it briefly felt to around 14,000 in 2017. OPM’s goal is a “steady state” of 13,000 pending claims at any given time.
    • “In 2023, the retirement backlog has fallen in seven out of 11 months. Last month, the average processing time fell across multiple metrics. Measured on a monthly basis, the average processing time of a retirement claim fell from 73 days in October to 66 last month. And the average processing time so far this fiscal year—or since Oct. 1—fell from 73 at the end of last month to 69 days.”

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The Washington Post offers helpful advice on wounds that aren’t healing properly.
  • JAMA Network posts observations on GLP-1 drugs from last October’s Obesity Week meetings. Of note,
    • “Jacinda Nicklas, MD, MPH, gave a talk at the conference showing that females often respond better to newer antiobesity medications than males.
    • “Something that we’re gradually becoming more aware of over time is that GLP-1s, in general, seem to work better in females,” Nicklas, an associate professor of internal medicine at CU School of Medicine who specializes in obesity and women’s health, said in an interview with JAMA.
    • “Nicklas did not present new research, but instead combed through past studies of GLP-1 agonists. She said sex differences haven’t often been separated out in studies and that the majority of participants in the clinical trials are females.
    • “Digging into the data from the STEP trials of semaglutide, she said females had greater weight reduction than males. The same was true in a phase 2 clinical trial of retatrutide for treatment of obesity without type 2 diabetes. Participants who received the highest dose lost an average of 24% of their body weight but females lost much more: about 29% compared with about 20% for males.”
  • MedPage Today tells us that an “Alzheimer’s Blood Test Predicts Who Might Benefit Most From Anti-Amyloid Drugs — Novel two-cutoff approach may reduce need for confirmatory PET scans.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Beckers Hospital Review points out that “U.S. News and World Report released a list December 5 recognizing hundreds of hospitals for maternity care.” Becker’s article includes that list.
  • Beckers Health IT notes,
    • “CVS is planning to release a new mobile healthcare app designed to function as a central hub for its healthcare services.
    • “The app, teased in a video at the company’s Dec. 5 investor meeting, can help consumers manage their prescriptions while providing access to informative health tips. 
    • “Some of the app’s other features include an augmented reality store navigation and a function that allows consumers to schedule appointments at CVS MinuteClinics and CVS-owned Oak Street Health. 
    • “An AI-powered chatbot will also be integrated into the app so consumers can get their questions answered.  
    • “CVS did not detail when the app would be released.”
  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • Merck & Co. is ending a late-stage study of the combination of Keytruda and Lynparza in certain lung cancer patients due to an expected failure of the trial.
    • “The Rahway, N.J., drugmaker, which was evaluating Keytruda in combination with maintenance Lynparza in a Phase 3 study in patients with metastatic squamous non-small cell lung cancer, said it is stopping the trial for futility based on the recommendation of an independent data monitoring committee.”

Midweek update

Photo by Hugo Clément on Unsplash

From Washington, DC

  • STAT New reports,
    • “The White House is throwing its support behind a controversial authority that allows the government to claw back patents for certain high-priced medicines, according to three sources familiar with the plans. It’s an early step that could have major ramifications for the American pharmaceutical industry, depending on whether and how federal officials actually use the authority.
    • “The administration will on Thursday issue a framework for the National Institutes of Health to more broadly use so-called “march-in rights” — a policy that allows it to seize patents from drugmakers whose products rely on federally funded research, according to the three people familiar with the plans. The framework will lay out when the agency might assert this authority, and endorse using a drug’s price in that determination, the sources said. * * *
    • “[T]he framework will likely include a number of conditions limiting its use, two sources said. The public — including pharmaceutical companies — will also get the chance to weigh in on the idea before it is finalized.”
    • Neverthless, the FEHBlog hears the litigation turbobillers revving up.
  • American Hospital Association News tells us,
    • “A bipartisan group of senators this week introduced the Protect Rural Seniors’ Access to Care Act, AHA-supported legislation that would prohibit the Health and Human Services Secretary from finalizing a proposed rule on minimum staffing for long-term care facilities.
    • “AHA has urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services not to finalize the rule and instead develop more patient- and workforce-centered approaches focused on ensuring a continual process of safe staffing in nursing facilities.
    • “Over 90 organizations have endorsed the bill, introduced by Sens. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., Roger Marshall, R-Kan., Jon Tester, D-Mont., James Lankford, R-Okla., Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Roger Wicker, R-Miss., Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Angus King, I-Maine.
    • “Rep. Michelle Fischbach, R-Minn., introduced a House version of the bill in September.”
    •  Fingers crossed for the bill to enacted. The HHS rule is short sighted.

In FEHB Open Season news, Govexec, Federal News Network, and FedWeek offer tips for last-minute shoppers as we approach the end of the Federal Benefits Open Season next Monday. What’s more, FedWeek offers advice on protecting your survivor’s access to FEHB coverage.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “Covid-19 test positivity rates increased over the summer and then stabilized earlier this fall. They have recently ticked back up, rising 1.2% for the latest week, according to the CDC’s most recent data. Emergency department visits and hospitalizations are up about 10% over the same period. 
    • “Scientists and public-health officials say that data understates the current virus spread and point to elevated levels of the virus detected in wastewater. Wastewater levels are an early warning for infections, with levels up nationally since mid-October. * * *
    • [Variant] JN.1 * * * is growing rapidly on a global level, says Jesse Bloom, a virologist and professor at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. It has quickly spread in countries such as France and England. JN.1 has been detected in the U.S., though only as a blip.
    • Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina, a scientific adviser to the CDC and author of the “Your Local Epidemiologist” newsletter [available on Substack], says that while JN.1 isn’t growing as fast as the original Omicron in the winter of 2021-22, its current rate of growth could fuel a wave in Covid-19 cases. 
    • “If that rate continues, we should see dominance in the U.S. around Christmastime, which means that it would really jump-start a wave around New Year’s,” she says.
    • The good news, says Bloom, is that research indicates the new booster—developed to protect against the XBB variants that were dominant this summer—appears to work for the more mutated newer variants, too.
  • Here’s a link to the National Cancer Institute’s research newsletter.
  • Beckers Hospital Review informs us,
    • “More than a third of mothers — around 40 million women — are affected by lingering health issues after giving birth, according to a new study published Dec. 6 in The Lancet Global Health.
    • “However, many of the issues they report experiencing after giving birth extend long after they stop receiving postpartum care, which is where the major issues lie, according to the researchers.
    • “The authors found that after giving birth, 32% of women report low back pain, 19% experience anal incontinence, 11% experience perineal pain, 8-31% are affected by urinary incontinence, and around 11% are affected by secondary infertility issues. Mental health issues like anxiety and depression are also pervasive.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Bloomberg reports,
    • Eli Lilly & Co.’s new weight-loss drug Zepbound is now available at US pharmacies, offering an alternative to rival medications like Novo Nordisk A/S’s Wegovy as supply issues persist. 
    • “Zepbound was approved by the US Food and Drug Administrationin early November as a treatment for people with obesity. Patients with a prescription from their doctor will now be able to get the drug, which was added to the list of available drugs for Express Scripts and Cigna Healthcare this month, Lilly said in a statement Tuesday.”
  • BioPharma Dive points out,
    • “AbbVie is restocking its drug pipeline in a big way, announcing Wednesday an $8.7 billion deal to buy neuroscience-focused Cerevel Therapeutics, just days after agreeing to a similar sized acquisition of the cancer biotechnology company ImmunoGen.
    • “Per the deal, AbbVie will pay $45 per share of Cerevel, which is developing medicines for schizophrenia, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. The buyout price is 22% higher than Cerevel stock’s closing price Wednesday and 73% above what shares closed at Friday, before rumors of a pending deal emerged. 
    • “Both companies’ boards of directors have agreed to the acquisition, which they expect will close sometime around the middle of next year.”
  • Per Fierce Healthcare,
    • “Elevance Health’s pharmacy benefit manager is launching a new digital pharmacy that aims to make it easier for members to track their prescriptions.
    • “CarelonRx Pharmacy will launch on Jan. 1, and members will be able to connect with pharmacists via text, chat or phone around the clock. The platform will also allow them to check the price of medications for comparison and track their prescriptions throughout the order process, similar to how a customer may follow a pizza order.
    • “The pharmacy will also use push notifications to keep members up-to-date on their prescriptions and will allow them to use text messaging to connect directly with representatives.”
  • and
    • “Many of the past year’s buzziest topics and omnipresent struggles will likely rear their heads as major talking points across 2024, per the year-ahead predictions of Deloitte’s healthcare industry heads.
    • “A disruptive pandemic, rapid digital transformation and mounting cost pressures have taken their toll on the industry’s decisionmakers, Deloitte’s healthcare sector leader Tina Wheeler and senior manager of its health solutions center Wendy Gerhardt wrote in a Wednesday outlook writeup.
    • “The pair highlighted a recent annual survey of 60 executives that found that only 3% of health system executives and 7% of health plan executives had a “positive” outlook for the coming year—down from the respective 15% and 40% of the prior year’s survey.
    • “However, there are some bright spots to consider as the industry undergoes convergence,” which the authors described as “the disruption of traditional health care stakeholders, entrance of new players like retailers and tech companies and the reassembly of a new ecosystem that creates opportunities.”
  • Health Payer Intelligence lets us know,
    • “Cardiovascular, diabetes, and obesity treatments are a critical part of women’s health, and employers can take steps to ensure that women have access to information and care related to their hearts, a flipbook from Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) emphasized.
    • “With women comprising more than half of today’s workforce, employers are making women’s health and well-being a top priority, and rightfully so,” Candice Sherman, chief of executive officer of NEBGH, said in the press release.
    • “Cardiovascular disease in women is underdiagnosed and undertreated. Employers can play an important role in raising awareness and educating employees about heart disease and risk factors like diabetes and obesity as well as providing wellness and benefit programs that support women’s health. We developed this guide to give employers a tool to develop ways to improve the overall heart health of their workforce.”

Tuesday Tidbits

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

From Washington, DC

  • The Medicare open enrollment period ends on Thursday, December 7. The Federal Benefits Open Season ends next Monday, December 11. While the Affordable Care Act open enrollment period continues into next month, December 15 is the last day to enroll if you want your coverage to begin on January 1, 2024.
  • FEHB open season changes take effect on January 1, 2024, for annuitants and on January 14, 2024, for federal employees. January 14 is the beginning of the first pay period in 2024.
  • Govexec tells us,
    • “In a memo to agency heads on Friday, OPM Associate Director for Workforce Policy and Innovation Veronica Hinton announced that the government’s HR agency had added shared certification functionality to the agency-facing portion of USAJOBS through a tool called Talent Pools.
    • “The Office of Personnel Management is proud to announce a new USAJOBS feature, Talent Pools, to ‘advertise’ available shared certificates of candidates across government,” Hinton wrote. “These certificates, issued under delegated examining procedures through the Competitive Service Act or an OPM-run cross government hiring action, contain candidates who have applied to an open announcement, have been assessed and are available for agencies’ consideration.”
    • “Hinton argued that the new feature should be a boon to agency hiring managers and job applicants alike by removing unnecessary and often duplicative red tape.”
  • Federal News Network informs us,
    • “Federal employees working in cyber now have a way to develop skills, while also seeing what it’s like to work at another agency.
    • “In the hopes of boosting retention of cyber employees, the Office of Personnel Management launched a new platform Monday for agencies to advertise openings in the cyber workforce rotation program.
    • “The rotation program lets agencies offer temporary assignments to federal employees who are currently working in IT, cyber or cyber-related positions in government. Eligible employees can apply for and work at a different agency for between six months and one year before returning to their home agency.
    • “The cyber rotations will advance career opportunities and support employee engagement, satisfaction and retention,” OPM said.”
  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released two draft recommendation statements for public comment.
    • “Grade B — The USPSTF recommends exercise interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults age 65 years or older who are at increased risk for falls.
    • Grade C — The USPSTF recommends that clinicians individualize the decision to offer multifactorial interventions to prevent falls to community-dwelling adults age 65 years or older who are at increased risk for falls. Existing evidence indicates that the overall net benefit of routinely offering multifactorial interventions to prevent falls is small. When determining whether this service is appropriate for an individual, patients and clinicians should consider the balance of benefits and harms based on the circumstances of prior falls, presence of comorbid medical conditions, and the patient’s values and preferences.”
    • The public comment period on the draft recommendation statements and the related draft evidence reviews ends on January 8, 2024. These recommendations would continue the current grades for these recommendations, last issued in 2018.

From the public health and medical research front,

  • Per Beckers Hospital Review,
    • “Leapfrog is winding down 2023 by recognizing 132 hospitals with its Top Hospital Award, a distinction for hospitals that demonstrate the highest performance in the U.S. on quality and patient safety. 
    • “Awarded hospitals are divided into four groups: general hospitals (34), children’s hospitals (8), rural hospitals (15) and teaching hospitals (75). Methodologies for the awards in each category can be found here. Seventeen more hospitals were awarded this year compared to last.”
    • The article lists all 132 recognized hospitals by state.
  • and
    • United Health Foundation released its 2023 America’s Health Rankings Dec. 5, which analyzes the overall health of the 50 states and this year identifies a record-high and rising prevalence of chronic conditions. 
    • For the 2023 rankings, UHF analyzed 87 measures across five categories of health: social and economic factors, physical environment, behaviors, clinical care and health outcomes. This year, eight chronic conditions — arthritis, depression, diabetes, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic kidney disease — reached their highest levels since America’s Health Rankings began tracking these measures in 1990. 
  • STAT News reports,
    • “Given the widespread acceptance that the current flu vaccines could use improvement, are mRNA shots the answer? As the scientific world waits for published data on which to formulate conclusions, STAT spoke to influenza and vaccine experts who see some significant benefits of applying mRNA technology to the production of flu vaccine — but also some serious challenges mRNA manufacturers will face breaking into this already crowded market.” 
    • In short, it’s messy.

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • The Wall Street Journal reports,
    • “CVS Health, the nation’s largest drugstore chain, will move away from the complex formulas used to set the prices of the prescription drugs it sells, shifting to a simpler model that could upend how American pharmacies are paid. 
    • “Under the plan, CVS’s roughly 9,500 retail pharmacies will get reimbursed by pharmacy-benefit managers and other payers based on the amount that CVS paid for the drugs, in addition to a limited markup and a flat fee to cover the services involved in handling and dispensing the prescriptions. Today, pharmacies are generally paid using complex measures that aren’t directly based on what they spent to purchase specific drugs.
    • “A similar payment model, sometimes known as “cost plus,” has been promoted by entrepreneur Mark Cuban’s eponymous pharmacy company, among others, which have said it brings greater clarity and accountability to drug pricing.  * * *
    • “The company will call the payment model CostVantage. When it starts rolling out next year, the new prices will first become available to consumers paying cash for their prescriptions using an array of drug discount cards. 
    • “In 2025, the setup will be incorporated into CVS pharmacies’ contracts with pharmacy-benefit managers covering drugs paid for under employer plans.
    • “CVS will also introduce a new option for clients of its PBM, CVS Caremark, that will work in tandem with the new retail pharmacy-payment scheme. The new PBM product, called TrueCost, will be based on the net cost of drugs with defined fee structures, the company said. Employers and other clients will have the choice to use it or not.”
  • Fierce Healthcare adds,
    • “After spending nearly $20 billion to pick up Signify Health and Oak Street Health this year, CVS rebranded its health services business to “CVS Healthspire” as it plots its long-term growth strategy.
    • “During the Forbes Healthcare Summit in New York City on Monday, CVS chief executive officer Karen Lynch said Healthspire will encompass CVS’ pharmacy services business, its care delivery assets, including home health company Signify Health and Medicare-focused primary care player Oak Street Health, as well as its new Cordavis operation. Cordavis is a new segment CVS launched in August that aims to work with drugmakers to bring additional biosimilars to market.”
  • BioPharma Dive points out,
    • “Johnson & Johnson expects its pharmaceuticals division will bring to market 20 new therapies for cancer, immune and neurological diseases by 2030, an outlook that underpins the industry giant’s forecast for sales growth of between 5% and 7% through the end of the decade.
    • “Seven of those anticipated drugs have the potential to earn more than $5 billion each in peak annual sales, J&J said Tuesday as part of a business review held three months after the company split off its consumer division. The separation left J&J slimmer, but focused on its higher-margin pharmaceuticals and medical device businesses.
  • Per Healthcare Dive,
    • “Next year is set to be another “make or break” year for nonprofit hospitals as they continue to weather staffing shortages and heightened inflation, according to a report from credit ratings agency Fitch Ratings released on Tuesday.
    • “The outlook for the sector is still “deteriorating” — a rating that’s been in place since August 2022. Fitch does not forecast credit downgrades en masse in the coming year. However, downgrades and negative outlooks will likely continue to outpace upgrades and positive outlooks.
    • “The single largest differentiator in performance will be hospitals’ ability to attract and retain staff in a hypercompetitive landscape, said Kevin Holloran, Fitch senior director and sector head, in a statement.” 

Monday Roundup

Photo by Sven Read on Unsplash

From Washington, DC,

  • STAT News informs us,
    • “The Senate health care committee will consider a sweeping bill next week meant to combat the opioid epidemic, according to four lobbyists and a congressional aide familiar with the legislation. 
    • “The proposal would reauthorize a number of programs first created by the SUPPORT Act, an addiction-focused bill that Congress first passed in 2018. Many of those programs’ authorizations expired earlier this year, however, leading addiction treatment advocates to fret that lawmakers — and specifically the committee’s chairman, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — no longer view the issue as a priority.    
    • “If passed, the legislation would mark Capitol Hill’s first major action this year on the addiction crisis. Current data shows that roughly 110,000 Americans are dying of drug overdoses each year. Roughly 85,000 of those overdoses involve opioids.” 
  • The Department of Health and Human Services announced,
    • “Today, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy is launching the 5-for-5 Connection Challenge, calling on Americans to take five actions over five days to build more connection in their lives. Dr. Murthy recently issued this challenge to students across the country on his “We Are Made to Connect” College Tour, which concluded just last week. Now, as we enter the holiday season, the 5-for-5 Connection Challenge aims to inspire people of all ages to build, strengthen, and prioritize their relationships.
    • “For the next two weeks, from December 4th – December 15th, the Surgeon General will encourage people to take five actions over five days that express gratitude, offer support to, or ask for help from people in their lives. These types of actions are outlined in the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Our Epidemic of Loneliness – PDF as some of the ways that people can catalyze social connection. As outlined in the Advisory, social connection can advance physical, mental, and cognitive health, and it is even associated with a decreased risk of mortality.”
  • MedTech Dive tells us,
    • “The Food and Drug Administration is evaluating the potential for plastic syringes made in China to suffer problems such as leaks and breakages.
    • “Officials began the investigation after receiving information about quality issues associated with “several Chinese manufacturers of syringes” that made them concerned that some devices “may not provide consistent and adequate quality or performance.”
    • “The FDA is advising consumers and healthcare providers to check where syringes are made and “consider using syringes not manufactured in China, if possible.” The advice applies to plastic syringes used for injecting fluids into, or withdrawing fluids from, the body.”

In FEHB Open Season news, Govexec offers helpful, last-minute advice from Kevin Moss.

From the public health and medicare research front,

  • U.S. News and World Report points out,
    • “After a period of limited change, COVID-19 activity is increasing again especially in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions,” the CDC said in a report published Friday.
    • “Federal health officials are likely watching the increase given that they expect a “moderate” winter wave of coronavirus and this could be the start of it. Holiday gatherings and travel are also typically followed by an increase in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.
    • “COVID-19 vaccination rates, meanwhile, have been disappointing for many.
    • “CDC Director Mandy Cohen told Congress this week that about 16% of Americans have gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine.
    • “That’s not enough,” Cohen said.”
  • Beckers Hospital Review notes,
    • “So far this year, the CDC estimates there have been at least 1.8 million illnesses, 17,000 hospitalizations, and 1,100 deaths from flu in the U.S. 
    • “Influenza A continues to be the dominant strain in circulation, making up around 82% of cases, while influenza B is only accounting for around 18%. 
    • “Louisiana and South Carolina are still reporting the highest levels of flu activity in the country. 
    • “Nine states are experiencing high activity levels, but less than the two states above, including: California, New Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Colorado, Florida and Tennessee. 
    • “Cases are also high in New York City and Puerto Rico.”
  • The Journal of the American Medical Association presented the following study results:
    • Question  Is smoking still decreasing among US adults and do the trends vary by age, income, and race and ethnicity?
    • Findings  In this cross-sectional study of 353 555 adults responding to the 2011 to 2022 National Health Interview Surveys, adults younger than 40 years had dramatic declines in smoking prevalence during the last decade, especially among those with higher incomes. In contrast, relatively slow declines were observed among adults aged 40 to 64 years, with no decrease in smoking among those 65 years or older.
    • Meaning  These findings suggest that the precipitous decline in smoking among younger adults should be maintained, but that additional efforts are required to further reduce smoking in older adults.”
  • The American Medical Association explains “What doctors wish patients knew to improve their mental health.”
  • Per Endocrinology Advisor, “Decreased mortality risk is associated with concomitant reductions in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and body weight among patients with type 2 diabetes, according to study results published in Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism.”

From the U.S. healthcare business front,

  • Fierce Healthcare profiles ten women of influence in U.S. healthcare. Check it out.
  • BioPharma Dive reports
    • “Roche on Monday agreed to acquire biotechnology company Carmot Therapeutics in a deal that bulks up the Swiss pharmaceutical giant’s pipeline with a group of weight loss drugs in early clinical testing.
    • “Roche will pay $2.7 billion upfront for the Berkeley, California-based Carmot. Roche could owe as much as $400 million more in future payments to Carmot shareholders, among them The Column Group and RA Capital, if certain milestones are met. The companies expect the acquisition to close next year.
    • “The deal hands Roche a trio of drugs in human testing for obesity, an area of pharmaceutical research that has been catalyzed by the success of weight loss medicines like Wegovy and Zepbound. Their progress has fueled a gold rush among large drugmakers, a number of which are either advancing in-house medicines or inking deals to acquire new prospects.”
  • and
    • “The Food and Drug Administration granted conditional approval to Eli Lilly’s oral cancer drug Jaypirca in two types of blood cancer, expanding its use from a rare type of lymphoma to people with leukemia and lymphoma patients who have previously received two other treatments, the company said Friday.
    • “Jaypirca is the fourth of a group of drugs called BTK inhibitors, a class that includes AbbVie and Johnson & Johnson’s Imbruvica and AstraZeneca’s Calquence. It gained approval earlier this year and posted $42 million in sales through Sept. 30.
    • “With this approval, Jaypirca can now be used in chronic lymphocytic leukemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma after patients have been treated with AbbVie and Roche’s Venclexta and another BTK inhibitor. Lilly said a Phase 3 trial meant to confirm Jaypirca’s accelerated approval has already met its primary goal.”
  • HR Dive discusses “Why EAPs go unused despite growing mental health awareness; Many factors contribute to the historic underutilization of employee assistance programs, despite their value as an access point to quality care.”
  • Medscape offers an infographic on how doctors grade their EHR systems while MedCity News explains how improved coding quality by healthcare providers can prevent denials and improve cash flow.
  • Health Payer Intelligence adds,
    • “Payers are investing in healthcare IT resources to support cost optimization and improve member experience, according to a study from EY-Parthenon and KLAS Research.
    • “As payers face operational and financial pressures, they are turning to healthcare IT solutions for help. Researchers sought to understand what strategies payers prioritize, how much they spend on healthcare IT resources, and what future investments look like.
    • “The study findings reflect responses from over 100 executives across payer entities serving commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid populations. Around 70 percent of respondents were traditional payers; the remaining were provider-sponsored, third-party administrators, and management services organizations.”
  • According to Healthcare Dive,
    • “A merger between major health insurers Cigna and Humana would go through the wringer of an intense antitrust review, but could come out finalized, experts say.
    • “Though, to receive the regulatory green light, a combined company would probably have to emerge looking different from the Cigna and Humana of today. * * *
    • “Gaining regulatory approval — especially if a challenge further ties up the process in the courts — could set a deal’s finalization back by a year or more. But, due to a lack of direct competition between the two, Cigna and Humana could be allowed to combine, creating a healthcare powerhouse with roughly $300 billion in annual revenue.”
  • and
    • “For-profit hospital chain HCA Healthcare’s Houston affiliate announced last week it completed its acquisition of 11 free-standing emergency departments from SignatureCare Emergency Centers. 
    • “HCA Houston Healthcare, which operates a network of 13 hospitals and nine outpatient surgery centers, now has 26 free-standing emergency departments in the area in addition to hospital-based emergency rooms, according to a Friday press release.
    • “The SignatureCare centers will be re-branded to HCA Houston ER 24/7. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
  • and
    • “Rural hospital chain Lifepoint Health and Ascension Saint Thomas announced a joint venture last week to co-own Highpoint Health, a four-hospital system in Tennessee currently operated by Brentwood, Tennessee-based Lifepoint.
    • “The hospitals and care sites will be co-branded with Ascension Saint Thomas, but will be majority-owned and operated by Lifepoint, according to the release. The companies declined to comment on the cost of the buy-in.
    • “The health systems have partnered before. Ascension Saint Thomas partnered with Kindred Rehabilitation Services, a Lifepoint business unit, in 2022 to jointly own Ascension Saint Thomas Rehabilitation Hospital in Nashville.”