Federal News Radio offers more details on the House Democrats inquiry into the merger of OPM’s remnants into GSA. The FEHBlog’s money is on Ms. Weichert ultimately convincing Congress about the value of the merger.
To the FEHBlog’s surprise, the Wall Street Journal reports that “A federal judge on Friday said he wants to hear in court from witnesses who object to the Justice Department’s decision last year to approve CVS Health Corp.’s nearly $70 billion acquisition of Aetna Inc.—a highly unusual move that threatens to shake up the already-consummated deal.” The hearing is expected to last a week sometime next month.
Becker’s Hospital Review discusses Walmart’s successful experts to direct employees to high quality doctors for surgery and cancer care, regardless of cost, because the level of care drives down costs over the long run.. The Boston Globe’s Stat also offers a report from the provider side suggesting that high quality care can lower health care costs.