From the Federal employee benefits front, Fedweek offers year-end benefits and tax guidance to federal and postal employees and annuitants.
From the medical research and development front,
STAT News reports, “A consensus may be emerging about how to prescribe the new Alzheimer’s drug lecanemab, according to remarks made by both a critic of other Alzheimer’s medicines and the CEO of the company that developed it.”
The National Institutes of Health announced
The protein apolipoprotein E (APOE) plays a key role throughout the body. It helps to transport cholesterol and other fatty molecules, or lipids. The gene that produces APOE comes in a few different varieties. The most common is called APOE3.
The most notorious is APOE4, which has long been linked to an increased risk of dementia in Alzheimer’s disease. People who inherit one copy of the APOE4 gene have up to a fourfold greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Inheriting two copies of APOE4 elevates the risk up to twelvefold. But despite years of study, scientists have little understanding of how APOE4 affects the human brain and boosts dementia risk. * * *
[NIH] Researchers found evidence that the Alzheimer’s-related gene APOE4 disrupts cholesterol management in the brain and weakens insulation around nerve fibers.
A drug that affects cholesterol led to improved learning and memory in mice with the gene, pointing to a potential new approach for treating dementia in Alzheimer’s disease.
The Wall Street Journal reports
New research has bolstered a once-gutsy idea: Bugs in the digestive system may play a role in depression.
Two studies published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications found a link between several types of bacteria in the gut and depressive symptoms. Trillions of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi and yeast live in the digestive tract. Research exploring whether they might affect an array of diseases has increased in recent years.
The new studies, conducted among thousands of people in two cities in the Netherlands, are among the largest to date demonstrating potential associations between gut microbiota and mental health.
“Ten years ago if you’d said there was something linking depression and the microbiome, you’d be carried out with a straitjacket,” said Jos Bosch, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Amsterdam who co-wrote both studies. “Now absolutely, it’s very clear there’s a link.”
. . . Researchers who conducted the studies in the Netherlands called their findings a preliminary step toward identifying biological indicators and therapies for depression. The precise relationship between depression and microbes in the gut couldn’t be determined, they said. Depression can cause a person to eat less healthily, Dr. Bosch pointed out, which can lead to changes in the composition of microorganisms in the gut.
“Causality is a bit up in the air,” he said.
From the mental healthcare front, Fierce Healthcare tells us
While mental health and substance abuse issues have only grown thanks to the pandemic, a bright spot may be forming: The number of providers available to treat these concerns is increasing, a new study shows.
The United Health Foundation, the philanthropic arm of insurance giant UnitedHealth Group, released its annual “America’s Health Rankings” report and in the analysis found that between 2020 and 2021, the number of people who reported that their mental health was poor in 14 of the last 30 days increased by 11%.
In 2020, 13.2% reported frequent mental distress, and that rose to 14.7% in 2021, according to the report.
At the same time, drug-related deaths spiked. The report found that deaths increased by 20% nationwide between 2019 and 2020, reaching 27.9 deaths per 100,000. This is the largest year-over-year increase in more than a decade, according to the report.
The report also found that disparities within drug deaths increased in tandem. Such deaths increased by 45% among multiracial populations and by 43% among Black populations. Drug-related deaths were highest among American Indian/Alaskan Native populations, occurring at a rate nine times higher than the lowest group, Asian patients.
However, the analysis found that the supply of mental health providers reached its highest levels since the report was first published in 2017. The number of mental health providers per 100,000 increased by 7% between 2021 and 2022 and has increased by 40% since the 2017 report.
There are now 305 mental health providers per 100,000, according to the report.
Health Payer Intelligence adds
Having one or more outpatient behavioral health treatment (OPBHT) visits was associated with lower healthcare costs among patients with newly diagnosed behavioral health conditions, a JAMA Network Open study found.
Adults with a behavioral health condition incur 2.8 to 6.2 times greater medical costs than those without one, and nearly a quarter of adults had a behavioral health condition as of 2018. However, behavioral health condition diagnoses are often delayed, and most individuals receive little or no treatment each year.
From the Rx coverage front, STAT News tells us
During 2021, drugmakers substantially raised prices on seven widely used medicines without any new clinical evidence to justify the increases, leading patients and health insurers in the U.S. to spend an additional $805 million last year, according to a new report.
The drug for which spending increased the most due to a price increase was Xifaxan, which is used to treat both irritable bowel syndrome and a complication of cirrhosis. Salix Pharmaceuticals, a unit of Bausch Health, raised the wholesale price by 7.9%. The net price — after rebates and discounts — rose by 12%, most likely because the company offered fewer concessions than previously.
Consequently, spending for this drug climbed by $174.7 million, according to the report issued by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, a nonprofit that assesses the cost effectiveness of medicines. The report noted that the manufacturer disputed the net price and budget impact, which was provided by the SSR Health market research firm, but did not provide corrected estimates.
Of course, PBM formularies are designed to correct these issues.
The Wall Street Journal adds
Emergent BioSolutions Inc., maker of Narcan, a nasal-spray form of naloxone, said Tuesday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fast-tracked an application it submitted for an over-the-counter version of its widely used opioid-reversal nasal spray.
The company said it had been working on the application for several months. Emergent said the FDA’s priority review gives the drug an expected approval date of March 29, 2023, putting it first in line for approval ahead of competitors that have announced their planned foray into the market.
The FDA has encouraged pharmaceutical companies to apply for approval for over-the-counter versions of overdose-reversal medications such as Narcan to help confront a swelling overdose crisis from bootleg versions of the powerful opioid fentanyl.
Last week, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf said naloxone—which binds to opioid receptors to reverse the effects of opioids—should be as ubiquitous as defibrillators.
From the fraud, waste, and abuse front, mHealth Intelligence reports
As telehealth use exploded across healthcare programs provided by federal agencies, a report by a watchdog committee shows several program integrity risks linked to telehealth billing, including duplicate billing and ordering unnecessary durable medical equipment or laboratory tests.
They found that approximately 37 million individuals used telehealth services from March 2020 through February 2021 in the selected programs administered by the six federal agencies. This represents a massive increase from the 3 million individuals in these programs who used telehealth services the year prior.
In most programs, telehealth was used primarily to access office visits with a primary care provider or specialist and for behavioral health services, like individual and group therapy and substance use disorder treatment.
Overall, the agencies spent more than $6.2 billion on telehealth services, with Medicare accounting for the highest expenditure at $5.1 billion, followed by TRICARE and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which together spent $1 billion.
But the OIGs found several similar program integrity risks associated with billing for telehealth services across multiple programs. These included “upcoding” telehealth visits by billing for visits longer than they lasted, duplicate billing for the same service, ordering unnecessary durable medical equipment, supplies, or laboratory tests, and billing for services inappropriate or ineligible for telehealth.
From the plan design front, Fierce Healthcare relates
The Biden administration released a proposal which, if finalized, would mandate Medicare Advantage (MA), Medicaid managed care, Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans and state Medicaid agencies implement electronic prior authorization systems by 2026.
The proposed rule, released Tuesday by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), will require payers and states to streamline prior authorization processes and improve the electronic exchange of health data by 2026. It also contains incentives for hospitals and physicians to adopt electronic prior authorization.
“The prior authorization and interoperability proposals we are announcing today would streamline the prior authorization process and promote healthcare data sharing to improve the care experience across providers, patients and caregivers,” CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure said in a statement.
It is the revised version of a Trump administration rule originally finalized in late 2020 but withdrawn after concerns about costs and a short deadline. That rule only applied to Medicaid managed care, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and ACA plans, while the new version would apply also to MA plans.