From Washington, DC,
- Federal News Network reports
- “The Office of Personnel Management had a busy year, managing to push out plenty of proposed regulations during 2023 that aim to reform federal hiring and improve workforce challenges.
- “Even more plans and changes appear to lie ahead, though many may come in smaller bites, and require leadership from chief human capital officers (CHCOs) and other workforce experts in government.
- “We are fundamentally rethinking hiring in government,” OPM Director Kiran Ahuja said during a Dec. 12 CHCO Council meeting. “Our big focus has been on utilizing pooled hiring, where multiple agencies with the same need can take advantage of one hiring action … It is so incredible of a tool that we have at our disposal right now.”
- Govexec identifies the five agencies that did the most hiring in the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2023, with support from the White House.
- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released for public comments a draft research plan to form a recommendation on medication to reduce breast cancer risk. The public comment deadline is January 31, 2024.
- HHS’s Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality posted “Social and Structural Determinants of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: An Evidence Map.” That’s certainly worth a gander.
- Bloomberg reports,
- “The US Food and Drug Administration has seized thousands of units of counterfeit Ozempic, Novo Nordisk A/S’s diabetes drug that’s been adapted into a blockbuster weight-loss treatment, and warned against using them.
- “The regulator advised wholesalers, retail pharmacies, health care practitioners and patients to check the product they have received and not distribute or sell products labeled with lot number NAR0074 and serial number 430834149057.
- “The FDA and Novo are testing the seized products and don’t yet have information about the drugs’ identity, quality, or safety.”
- Kiplinger provides a useful overview of Medicare Part B and D’s income-adjusted premiums for 2024, known as IRMAA. The 2024 IRMAA is calculated based on the taxpayer’s 2022 adjusted gross income. The article explains how to obtain an IRS redetermination of 2024 IRMAA due to a life-changing event, for example.
From the public health and medical research front,
- The Wall Street Journal reports,
- “Covid-19 infections and hospitalizations are rising this holiday season, mostly in people who have had the virus before.
- “A newer Omicron subvariant known as JN.1 is the culprit behind almost half of new cases in the U.S. The World Health Organization classified JN.1 as a variant of interest on Dec. 19 and said it was spreading rapidly worldwide.
- “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the variant’s speedy spread suggests it is either more transmissible than other circulating variants or better at evading our immune systems. But existing vaccines, treatments and tests still work against it, the CDC said.”
- Beckers Hospital Review identifies the ten States where COVID hospital admissions are the highest and where COVID hospital admissions are rising the fastest.
- Fierce Healthcare considers whether GLP-1 patients can stop taking the drug and keep the weight off.
- “While the current clinical paradigm for GLP-1 treatment requires lifelong medication at the highest dose, Calibrate is exploring whether members can be transitioned off of medication while sustaining their results,” shared a Calibrate spokesperson in a statement with Fierce Healthcare. “Accordingly, Calibrate is the first and only program with a proactive plan to get members off of medication.”
- “That program, Calibrate says, was designed with evidence-based lifestyle interventions and is a more realistic approach for patients who don’t want to stay on GLP-1s forever. The company pointed to a 2018 study in The Obesity Society that shows 10% weight loss is the average attainable weight patients can realistically attain.
- “Unlike the STEP 1 trial, where participants regained two-thirds of their prior weight loss after ceasing semaglutide utilization but continuing lifestyle intervention, Calibrate conducted its own analysis of 512 of its members to see if it’s possible to keep the weight off through the Calibrate program by tapering the drug’s usage. Its results showed that 93% sustained greater than 10% weight loss six to 12 months after beginning to taper off GLP-1 drugs.
- “Calibrate advises speaking with a doctor to determine if GLP-1 tapering is appropriate for them but said it could be advisable at a normal BMI or if a patient plateaus for more than three months at a maximum dose of a GLP-1 medication.”
- NBC News reports,
- “Eating fewer carbohydrates can slow weight gain over time. But it’s not enough to just cut back on carbs.
- “An analysis of data from nearly 125,000 healthy adults revealed that replacing refined carbs — white bread, white rice or sugary cereals —with whole grain foods and cutting back on animal-based fats and proteins appeared to lessen the amount of weight people gained over a four-year period, according to the report published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open.
- “When it comes to a low-carbohydrate diet, quality is paramount,” said the study’s senior author, Dr. Qi Sun, an associate professor in the departments of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “The things people need to pay attention to are high-quality carbohydrates.”
- Health Day lets us know,
- “Colon cancer screening is a known lifesaver, but the benefit may be even bigger than experts previously assumed
- “New statistical analysis finds recommended screening cuts the 10-year incidence of the disease from 1% to 0.5%, double that of prior estimates
- “Mentioning this to patients should boost colon cancer screening rates, researchers hope.”
- Medscape tells us that cardiologists are not happy with the Lown Institute’s recent report about the overutilization of coronary stents.
- “Lown “used an extremely liberal definition of overuse,” said Wayne Batchelor, MD, FACC, chair of the Interventional Council at the ACC, noting that overuse covered any stent placed during a nonemergency.
- “We don’t just do procedures to try to save lives in very acute situations,” he said. “We also do procedures to try to improve symptoms and quality of life,” said Batchelor, director of Interventional Cardiology at the Inova Schar Heart and Vascular Institute in Fairfax, Virginia.
- “Batchelor said that drawing conclusions from claims data alone in this report is improper because “it’s devoid of all the clinical information that a doctor and patient would want to discuss to make a decision as to whether or not a stent would provide a meaningful benefit to the patient.”
- and
- discusses changes to the adult vaccination schedule for 2024.
From the U.S. healthcare business front,
- Health IT Analytics brings us up to date on the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR).
- “Using standardized application programming interface (API) standards, FHIR allows developers to create apps that transcend this document-based environment. Applications can be plugged into a basic EHR operating system and feed information directly into the provider workflow, avoiding pitfalls of document-based exchange, which often requires providers to access data separately.
- “But FHIR APIs require health IT developers to publish FHIR endpoints in a standardized format, according to a 2022 blog post written by Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) officials. By developing the Lantern tool — which consumes public endpoint data, tests the accessibility of these endpoints, and then reports capability information to a public-facing dashboard — ONC worked with health IT stakeholders to form consensus around a standard format to publish FHIR endpoint lists.
- “A slew of providers, developers, and vendors have created tools that leverage the data standard. The use cases for the standard are nearly limitless and include some of the major challenges preventing healthcare organizations from increasing patient engagement, developing robust population health management programs, and diving into advanced, intelligent clinical decision support.”