Today was another busy day.
The biggest surprise is that OPM begun refreshing its website and has revealed its logo.
From the public health front —
- The Hill reports that the President plans to end the national and public health emergencies for the Covid pandemic on May 11, 2023. Congress took steps to arrange for a soft landing in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023, which likely is a factor in reaching this executive decision.
- Health IT Analytics tells us, “Researchers from New York University (NYU) Grossman School of Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) unveiled the Congressional District Health Dashboard (CDHD), an online data tool that provides health data for all 435 US congressional districts and the District of Columbia.” Interesting.
- The New York Times informs us, “A new report [on maternal health in the U.S.] highlighted the dangers faced by Native American women, who face the greatest risks during and after pregnancy. Native American women were 3.5 times as likely to die during this critical period, compared with white women, the study found.” This rang a bell with the FEHBlog because the FEHB Program included Native American employers who have contracted with OPM for FEHB coverage for their employees. “During and after pregnancy, Black women also faced heightened odds of death that were almost double those of white women, along with a risk of dying specifically from pregnancy complications that was 2.8 times that of white women.” No child should be deprived of a mother due to inadequate healthcare.
- Yale New Haven Hospital offers insights on heart disease for lay people/patients.
- Medpage Today discusses recently extended and updated Body Mass Indices (BMIs0 for children and adolescents.
- LifeSciences Intelligence reports that “In a recent news release, the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) highlighted gaps in communication regarding medical device recalls, noting that these gaps could be a significant threat to patient safety. This commentary was a part of the organization’s Top 10 Health Technology Hazards report.”
From the Affordable Care Act front, the ACA regulators today promulgated a proposed rule that would create
a new independent pathway through which individuals enrolled in plans or coverage sponsored or arranged by objecting entities that have not opted for the existing accommodation (including those enrolled in individual health insurance coverage issued by such an objecting entity) could access contraceptive services at no cost. Specifically, these proposed rules would create a mechanism, independent from the employer, group health plan, plan sponsor, institution of higher education, or issuer, through which individuals could obtain contraceptive services at no cost from a willing provider of contraceptive services. This individual contraceptive arrangement would be available to the participant, beneficiary, or enrollee without the objecting entity having to take any action facilitating the coverage to which it objects. Simply put, the action is undertaken by the individual, on behalf of the individual. * * *
These proposed rules, if finalized, would rescind the moral exemption to covering contraceptive services without cost sharing, while keeping intact the religious exemption and without narrowing its scope or the types of entities or individuals that may claim the religious exemption. These proposed rules would also maintain the optional accommodation for sponsors of group health plans and institutions of higher education arranging student health insurance coverage that qualify for the religious exemption.
Here’s a link to the regulator’s fact sheet. This strikes the FEHBlog has a wise solution to this knotty problem.
From the healthcare business front —
The American Hospital Association relates
Last year was the worst financial year for U.S. hospitals and health systems since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, as growth in expenses outpaced growth in revenues and volumes, according to the latest report on hospital finances from Kaufman Hall.
“The increases were driven in part by a competitive labor market, as well as hospitals needing to rely on more expensive contract labor to meet staffing demands,” the report notes. “Increased lengths of stay due to a decline in discharges also negatively affected hospital margins.”
Hospitals experienced negative operating margins for most of the year, with approximately half of the nation’s hospitals ending the year in the red. According to the report, hospitals’ expense pressures “are unlikely to recede in 2023.”
STAT News discusses business focused on improving human longevity.
Health Payer Intelligence reports
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released a final rule that aims to introduce more oversight into the Medicare Advantage risk adjustment data validation and payment process. * * * Under the finalized rule, CMS will not extrapolate audit findings for payment years 2011 through 2017, the CMS fact sheet stated. CMS will collect non-extrapolated overpayments for plan years 2011 through 2017. Extrapolation will begin with the plan year 2018 risk adjustment data validation audit using any extrapolation technique that is statistically valid. The audits will center on high-risk plans.
The Wall Street Journal adds “A Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services official, Deputy Administrator and Center for Program Integrity Director Dara Corrigan, said the estimated recoveries for 2018 would be around $479 million, and the agency projected a total of about $4.7 billion over a decade. The large recoveries wouldn’t actually occur until 2025 and after, however.”
Will this regulation drive companies out of Medicare Advantage? Time will tell. In the meantime here is a link to HHS’s fact sheet.