The Washington Post has called my attention to a May 11, 2010, Congressional Budget Office report on S. 1102, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I Conn.) bill to extend FEHB Program coverage (and certain other statutory federal employment benefits) to the same sex partners of federal employees.
CBO estimates that enacting S. 1102 would increase direct spending by $101 million over the 2010-2015 period and $310 million through 2020.1 We estimate that enacting the bill would not have any direct impact on federal revenues. Over the same period, CBO estimates that discretionary spending would also increase, by $394 million, assuming appropriation of the necessary funds. Providing additional health insurance benefits through the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program would account for the largest increase in both mandatory and discretionary spending—$294 million and $355 million, respectively.